Know the Code – Financial Oversight: The Code and Best Practices

We need your buy-in.  

Working at the County, you may feel like buying is someone else’s job. And yes, there is a department for that. But chances are your department has paid for something you needed with a p-card.

Did the item come at a fair price from a reputable vendor?

Fair and reputable are both key words. No matter how your department is using County funding, it must be used responsibly.  

You must pay careful attention to details when working on any financial agreements with outside parties, and that even includes grants.

Employees must make sure the County is not overcharged, there is no real or perceived conflict of interest or vendor misconduct that could hurt the County’s reputation.

These actions require due diligence.  

It includes:

  • A thorough vendor vetting process

  • Reviewing operational and legal risks

  • Regular Monitoring

We need vendors, suppliers and contractors to help the County provide quality programs and services.  But we also need to evaluate risks and threats to the County before we put our money down.

If you have questions, touch base with your department’s point of contact at Purchasing and Contracting, the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards at or Agency Business Assurance & Compliance office (for HHSA staff) or call the Ethics Hotline at 866-549-0004.

How to Report a Privacy Incident

Todd Hood and Christy Carlson

On March 7, Chief Privacy Officer Todd Hood and HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance Director Christy Carlson will discuss the ins and outs of how to report a privacy incident. The virtual event will be held from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Teams.

The webinar is a part of the Ethics Awareness Month activities series. Mark your calendar for upcoming events.

Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Prevention Polic

Date: March 14
Noon to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Join on Teams
Branden Butler, Director of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards
Frances Rogers, Senior Deputy County Counsel

Conflicts of Interest

Date: March 21
Noon to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Join on Teams
Mia Watson, Chief Ethics & Compliance Office
Randall Sjoblom, Senior Deputy County Counsel

Ethics Fair

Date: March 28
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: County Operations Center Plaza, 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA
Numerous County departments, games, activities and guest speakers

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.  

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807. 

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page.

See flyer below. *Use the links above to join the Vritual Speaker Series.

Know the Code: Protecting Data Privacy

Know the code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics. The mission of the Office of Ethics and Compliance is to assist in fulfilling the County’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance.   

If you’re like most of us, you try to protect your identity, so it’s not lost, stolen, or used without your permission.

Perhaps you keep personal details about your health to yourself and you’d just as soon not share your mother’s maiden name and your Social Security number to anyone without a need to know it.

November’s “Know the Code” topic involves reporting potential privacy incidents.

In keeping with Policy 400-11 on County Information and other group (i.e., HHSA) and departmental policies, employees must always keep the personal information of others confidential.

The three types of information involved are: personal information, personally identifiable information and protected health information. 

Types of data that fall under these categories include: 

  • Social Security number

  • Driver’s license or other government issued ID

  • Account or credit or debit card number, in combination with security or access code, or password

  • Medical information to include diagnosis and condition, especially sensitive conditions

  • Health insurance information to include ID card number, etc.

  • Unique biometric data used to authenticate, such as a fingerprint. Includes photographs for facial recognition

  • Genetic data

  • License plate information

  • Email or username combined with password or security information to access an online account

  • Birth records

  • Mother’s maiden name

To protect others, you are obligated to report any time you are aware that someone who isn’t unauthorized either receives, accesses, uses or discloses personal information not intended for them. 

As examples, personal information could be received in misdirected emails, letters or faxes; overheard in conversations; or seen on a counter, computer, desk or dry erase board. 

Non-HHSA employees and contractors must immediately report all potential privacy incidents to the Office of Ethics and Compliance Ethics Hotline at 866-549-0004 or report it online.   

HHSA employees and contractors must report all real and suspected privacy and security incidents to the Business Assurance and Compliance Office at its website.   

“Some legal timelines start on the date an incident was detected and not on the date they were reported, so waiting to report could cause additional issues,” said the County’s Chief Privacy Officer Todd Hood.

To ensure transparency and maintain public trust, employees should report all potential privacy incidents. The chief privacy officer or HHSA privacy officer will investigate whether the incident is a breach and determine next steps.  

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics and Compliance Program events, training and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos.

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training or how to access the training and other resources, contact the OEC team at or 619-531-5174. 

HHSA staff may also contact the dedicated HHSA Agency Compliance team at or 619-338-2807.

Meet the OEC Team

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

Feeling like something has been missing in your life? Well, we’re back!

Hot off the Press is September’s Know the Code! 

This month’s topic is Meet the OEC Team! The Office of Ethics and Compliance completed a business process reorganization (BPR) in April, and we are rolling out the changes to includes a new Ethics Hotline system and some new faces. 

Get to know OEC all over again and begin with meeting the OEC Team!

The Cost of Fraud

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

The impact of fraud is felt more at the local level. So, if you see something or have questions or concerns – speak up – put ethical decision making in action.

If you have questions about policies and procedures, you can contact your Manager or Supervisor or other departmental points of contact.  In addition to your department, you can contact Department of Purchasing & Contracting, Auditor and Controller, County Counsel, HHSA – Business Assurance & Compliance office, or the Office of Ethics and Compliance.

The County of San Diego also has the Ethics Hotline that is available 24/7.

Ethics Hotline

  • Online (webform)

  • Phone: 866-549-0004

Do You Know the Code?

Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics. The mission of the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) is to assist in fulfilling the County’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance.

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

What distinguishes us as one of the best counties in the nation is our mission and values which includes our commitment to ethics.

As a county employee, you are a valued member of our talented team. Each of you has the power, and the responsibility, to make this organization one of unquestionable ethics. The way you act, and the way your fellow teammates act, establish our cultural ethics – what is and is not acceptable behavior.

So many people in varying roles and responsibilities means different challenges when it comes to ethics. With ethics, three things typically come to mind.

  • First, like a doctor’s oath, do no harm.

  • Second, treat others appropriately.

  • Third, do the right thing.

Ethics are at the core of any successful government or business. This holds true for us both as individuals and for your work unit, division, department, agency and the County as a whole.

The County’s guiding principles are our values: integrity, equity, access, belonging, excellence, and sustainability. Remember, everything you do should help build the public’s confidence in government, not shake it.

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics and Compliance program events, training, and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos such as this month’s video for Conflict of Interest.

If you have questions about Ethics & Compliance training or how to access the training and other

Ethics & Compliance resources, please contact the OEC team at, 619-531-5174. HHSA staff may also contact the dedicated HHSA Agency Compliance team at, 619-338-2807.

Know the Code: Camp Ethics

Know the Code logo

Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics.  The mission of the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) is to assist in fulfilling the County’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance.

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

Mark your calendar for upcoming Ethics Awareness Month activities! OEC has an exciting month of activities planned in March to celebrate and strengthen our culture of ethics and integrity.

March 2: Meet the Office of Ethics and Compliance team at an Ethics Awareness Month kickoff 7:30 to 9 a.m. in the lobby of the County Administration Center and again from 11:30 to 1 p.m. in Community 1600, the community space on the southside of the fourth floor.

March 7: Hear Human Resources Director Susan Brazeau discuss ethics from noon to 12:30 p.m. This virtual event will be held on Zoom. It is the first event in the Speaker Series.

March 16: Don’t miss the Ethics Fair at the County Operations Center plaza from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The theme this year is “Camp Ethics.” There will be activities, giveaways, information about County departments and other resources. Participating departments include General Services, HHSA Compliance Office, Probation, SDCERA and Sheriff.

March 21: Health and Human Services Agency Compliance Officer Christy Carlson will talk ethics from noon to 12:30 p.m. This virtual event will be held on Zoom. It is the second event in the Speakers Series.

March 28: County Counsel Claudia Silva will share her thoughts on ethics from noon to 12:30 p.m. This virtual event will be held on Zoom. It is the third and final event in the Speaker Series.

Other ways to champion ethics in the workplace include:

  • Recommit to the Code of Ethics. Our code of ethics is the foundation of our County culture.

  • Share your favorite Know the Code micro-learning (posted on InSite and LMS).

  • Request that OEC conduct an on-site ethics training or speak at an upcoming department meeting.

  • Check out the "Ethics In-a-Box” training resources for managers/supervisors.

If you ever have a question about what is ethical, don’t wait to get answers. Employees can always turn to their supervisor or manager first if they have a concern.

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about Ethics Awareness Month, as well as, upcoming Ethics & Compliance training, resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos.

Know the Code: Accessibility to All

Know the Code seal

Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics.

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Learn about the policies, procedures and people in place to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The ADA of 1990 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities:

  • ADA Title I protects people in the employment process.

  • ADA Title II protects people when participating in state and local government services, programs, and activities.

The County of San Diego has policies, procedures and people in place to comply with the ADA, but the County’s commitment to accessibility for people with disabilities goes further than just the law.


The County has Board of Supervisors, chief administrative officer, management group and departmental policies and procedures that relate to compliance with the ADA and ensure accessibility to services, programs and activities for people with disabilities:

  • Board of Supervisors Policy

    • F-49 - Americans with Disabilities Act: Accessible Programs and Facilities

    • A-125 - Americans with Disabilities Act: Employment Provisions

  • CAO Admin Manual

    • 0010-09.pdf - ADA Title II Complaint Procedure

    • 0010-09A.pdf - ADA Title II Notice

    • 0010-09B.pdf - ADA Title II Complaint Form

From Parks and Recreation Department in the Land Use and Environment Group to Aging and Independence Services in the Health and Human Services Agency to the Office of Emergency Services in the Public Safety Group to General Services in the Finance and General Government Group, departments across the County of San Diego have numerous services, programs and activities to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities.


Countywide and Departmental ADA Title II Coordinators

The Countywide ADA Title II coordinator works with departmental ADA Title II doordinators to ensure compliance with the ADA, including responding to inquiries and requests for accommodations and investigating complaints from the public about access to services, programs and activities. Clients and customers with accessibility questions regarding facilities, services, programs and activities can contact their departmental ADA Title II coordinator or the countywide ADA Title II coordinator at or 619-531-4908.

Human Resources

Our Department of Human Resources makes many efforts to provide information on how to request and receive various forms of accommodation throughout the recruitment process. On every job bulletin that has a written exam, there is a phone number that you may call to request accommodation. All recruitments also state that reasonable accommodation may be made to enable a qualified individual with disabilities to perform the essential functions of a job. Additionally, Human Resources offers a variety of services and accommodations to our staff, internally. Employees with questions regarding accessibility in the workplace can speak to their management or to department Human Resources staff.

Committee for Persons with Disabilities

The County of San Diego Committee for Persons with Disabilities is an 11-member committee to serve as the County's advisory committee for uncovering opportunities and enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities. The CPD meets with departments to learn about services, programs and activities and provide input on accessibility enhancements for people with disabilities. In the past year, the CPD received presentations from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Aging and Independence Services, Housing & Community Development Services, Department of Human Resources: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Division, County Communications Office, Registrar of Voters, the Office of Military & Veterans Affairs and the Sheriff’s Department.

DiverseAbility ERG logo

DiverseAbility ERG

The DiverseAbility is a County of San Diego employee resource group with the mission of advancing awareness and inclusion for people with disabilities, providing and promoting professional development and leadership opportunities, and advocating for inclusiveness in and support of County initiatives. The DiverseAbility ERG is shining the spotlight on National Disability Employment Awareness Month and will be engaging in a variety of activities to educate staff on disability employment issues and its commitment to an inclusive work culture. ERG events will be announced on InSite.

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics & Compliance program events, training, and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos.

OEC logo

If you have questions about Ethics & Compliance training or how to access the training and other resources, please contact the OEC team at or 619-531-5174.  HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Compliance and Privacy team at or 619-338-2807.

Know the Code: Records Retention and Best Practices

Know the Code logo

Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics.

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

As employees of the County of San Diego, we deal with a lot of information in all forms – all types of records. Knowing which of your records to keep, and for how long, is essential to ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

Following these records management and retention best practices will ensure you have the knowledge and awareness necessary to successfully protect the data entrusted to us.

  •  Review your department’s records retention policy and schedule annually and update as needed.

  • Identify and classify the records your department holds.

  • Delete record/data once it is no longer required or after the record retention period has been met.

  • Hold quarterly clean-ups of physical and electronic records.

  • Consistency is key. Make sure everyone knows the records retention requirement and consistently follows the requirements.

If you have questions about policies and procedures, you can contact your department management. In cases of records retention or disclosure, you can additionally contact DPC, County Counsel or Office of Ethics and Compliance.

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics & Compliance Program events, training, and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos.

If you have questions about Ethics & Compliance training or how to access the training and other Ethics & Compliance resources, please contact the OEC team at, 619-531-5174. HHSA staff may also contact the dedicated HHSA Compliance and Privacy team at, 619-338-2807.

OEC logo

If you have questions about Ethics & Compliance training or how to access the training and other Ethics & Compliance resources, please contact the OEC team at, 619-531-5174.  HHSA staff may also contact the dedicated HHSA Compliance and Privacy team at, 619-338-2807.