Retirements - December 2024

Birosel, Cora (Auditor & Controller)

Buchanan, Kelly (Sheriff)

Burleson, Ronald (District Attorney)

Contreras, Thomas (Parks & Recreation)

Cooker, Sheryl (Public Defender)

Cope, Curtiss (HHSA)

Curtis, Michael (General Services)

Didkovska, Olena (Public Defender)

Didkovsky, Nick (Sheriff)

Farmer, Millie (Sheriff)

Forbes, Michael (Sheriff)

Gilmore, David (Sheriff)

Gust, Susan (District Attorney)

Humphrey, Marina (HHSA)

Johnston, Philip (Sheriff)

Landeros, Martha (HHSA)

Maldonado, Ishmael (Sheriff)

Mallari, Marvin (Sheriff)

Martinez, Sheila (HHSA)

Pacheco, Maria (Probation)

Parisi, Nicholas (Public Works)

Park, Lucy (Library)

Rudisell, Luis (District Attorney)

Sarmiento, Rhonda (HHSA)

Segawa-Benavides, Annette (HHSA)

Siniscalchi, Laura (HHSA)

Sumabat, Rodrigo (General Services)

Uyeji, Corey (HHSA)

Weiss, Geoff (Sheriff)

Zavala, Cecilia (HHSA)

Retirement - November 2024

Brine, Natalie (HHSA)

Buchanan, Christopher (Sheriff)

Cordero, Linda (Public Defender)

Cruzado, Eufronio (Probation)

Degracia, Rosemarie (Public Safety Group)

Deorsola, Luiz (HHSA)

Garces, Judith (HHSA)

Harre, Tara (Probation)

Hurst, Roger (Sheriff)

Jafari, Ray (Public Works)

Jimenez, Hector (District Attorney)

Johnson, Veronica (HHSA)

Lewis, Matthew (HHSA)

Lowry, Regina (HHSA)

Medina, Jennifer (Sheriff)

Mizuno, Steven (HHSA)

Moore, Susan (Library)

Murillo, Ezequiel (Sheriff)

Oriol, Luis (HHSA)

Pastrana, Nohemi (HHSA)

Rahmanan, Melinda (HHSA)

Reyes, Eva (HHSA)

Rodriguez, June (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Ronald, Christopher John (Probation)

Stallo, Timothy (Probation)

Sullivan, Bryan (Sheriff)

Wansolich, Jeanette Teresa (Sheriff)

Williams, Andel (District Attorney)

Retirements - October 2024

Allison, Deborah (HHSA)

Arroyo, Carol (Sheriff)

Bartlett, Shane (Sheriff)

Brown, Tyrone (HHSA)

Campos, Margaret (HHSA)

Campos, Patricia (HHSA)

Cannon, John (Sheriff)

Clark, Tamra (District Attorney)

De Guzman, Romeo (Sheriff)

Gardner, Lynne (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Henry, James (Facilities Management)

Jones, Jason (Sheriff)

Lemus, Mario (Auditor & Controller)

Lopez, Yolette (HHSA)

Manookian, Christopher (Sheriff)

McClure, Philip (HHSA)

Morris, Antonio (HHSA)

Olson, Jeffrey (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Pellegrino, John (Purchasing & Contracting)

Phillips, Pamela (Sheriff)

Ramirez, Adriana (HHSA)

Ritchie, Charlotte (HHSA)

Shannon, Patrick (Sheriff)

Shepard, Pilar (Sheriff)

Sosa, Melvin (District Attorney)

Spiesman, Mary (Superior Court)

Swaney, James (Air Pollution Control District)

Tapia, Gabriel (Probation)

Tarrach, Michael (Sheriff)

Vengler, William (Sheriff)

Waters, Susan (Public Works)

Werth, Jacquelyn (HHSA)

Williams, Joan (Public Defender)

Retirements - September 2024

Borges, Theresa (Sheriff)

Cabanas, Bertha (HHSA)

Cadoc, Ida (HHSA)

Cruz, Arturo (Sheriff)

Glover, Donald (Sheriff)

Goubil, Gary (Sheriff)

Halbritter, Lorie  Linzaga (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Henderson, Susie (Probation)

Huey, Kenneth (Facilities Management)

Hurtado, Laura (Sheriff)

Leasau, Grace (Superior Court)

Leonce, Edna (Child Support)

Love, Marla (Sheriff)

Martin, Andrea (Superior Court)

Maund, Amy (District Attorney)

Mendoza, Martha (Child Support)

Ong, Angelito (Sheriff)

Quitugua, Timmie (Library)

Roth, Denise (Probation)

Schmidt, Stephen (Facilities Management)

Stratten, Carla (HHSA)

Tayson, Elena (Sheriff)

Williams, Michael (HHSA)

Retirements - August 2024

Adraneda, May (Sheriff)

Axelsson, Hakan (Sheriff)

Borelli, Joan (Sheriff)

Bride, Christine (HHSA)

Cabrera, Mia-Lee (Child Support)

Cardoza, Lyn (Registrar of Voters)

Cheng, James (Environmental Health & Quality)

Gastil, Janet (Library)

Hagan, Tomeka (HHSA)

Hernandez, Katherine (Sheriff)

Hynd, Katherine (Sheriff)

Leggio, Michael (Sheriff)

Locsin, Rodolfo (Sheriff)

Mariano, Yolanda (HHSA)

McLaughlin, Janet (HHSA)

Mojica, Amalia (HHSA)

Oakley, Stacy Elaine

Smith, Leslie (Child Support)

Snow, Sean (Sheriff)

Strahm, David (Sheriff)

Sundling, Stacey (HHSA)

Velasquez, Anthony Nava (Facilities Management)

Verbon, Melinda (HHSA)

Wilson, Gary (HHSA)

Retirements - July 2024

Aghassi, Sarah (Chief Administrative Office)

Arce, Yvonne (Sheriff)

Aviles, Kerri (HHSA)

Belz, Daniela (HHSA)

Cosio, Sandra (HHSA)

Davidian, Danielle (County Counsel)

Enns, Richard (Probation)

Gonzalez, Alberto (HHSA)

Hamby, Janeth (Human Resources)

James, Carmelita (HHSA)

Khalsa, Atma (HHSA)

Kitabayashi, Ray (Sheriff)

Lollis, Keith (District Attorney)

Magwood, Steven (Sheriff)

Manuel, Erlinda (Sheriff)

McDonald, Eric (HHSA)

Moses, Adrian (Sheriff)

Penwell, Christine (District Attorney)

Rios, Maria (Sheriff)

Rodriguez, Linda (Probation)

Santibanez, Margarita (HHSA)

Smith, Christopher (Probation)

Stabley, Robert (Medical Examiner)

Valdez, Consuelo (HHSA)

Weaver, Henry (Auditor & Controller)

White, Carla (Probation)

Wilson, Dan (Sheriff)

Wooten, Wilma (HHSA)

Yuzon, Emmanuel (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Retirements - June 2024

Bibel, Kyle (Sheriff)

Brack, Abbie (HHSA)

Castleman, Jacqueline Kristina (HHSA)

Chateigne, Mirelle (Sheriff)

Dela Cruz Ramos, Pedro (HHSA)

Frederiksen, Kenneth (Facilities Management)

Freed, Susan (Facilities Management)

Gildersleeve, Michael (Sheriff)

Piekarski, Twinky (HHSA)

Robbins, Yesenia (HHSA)

Robles, Lisa (Planning & Development Services)

Silva, Julie (Library)

Stephens, Michael (Facilities Management)

Wortham, Edswell (HHSA)

Wray, Shawn (Sheriff)

Retirements - May 2024

Atencio, Eleanor (HHSA)

Badilla, Teresa (HHSA)

Bhatia, Sophia (HHSA)

Dela Cruz, Caroline (HHSA)

Eusebio, Dennis (HHSA)

Kondrat-Dauphin, Lisa (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Kopchak, Stefan (Sheriff)

Lunsford, Janet (HHSA)

Moore, Karen (Sheriff)

Pigott, Brian (HHSA)

Rhinelander, Aaron (Sheriff)

Schoening, Edie (HHSA)

Stoffel, Jeffrey (Public Works)

Williams, Susan (Library)

Young, Dean (Facilities Management)

Retirements - April 2024

Adams-Hydar, Theresa (Sheriff)

Amezcua, Cristina (Child Support)

Andrews Sutliff, Christiene (Probation)

Arabo, Safa (Library)

Arceo, Concordia (HHSA)

Ayala, Ivan (Sheriff)

Bahena, Alida (Facilities Management)

Baker, Jon (HHSA)

Balough, Violet Mae (District Attorney)

Barry, Johanna (HHSA)

Bartolome, Cristina (Public Defender)

Bautista, Emmanuel (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Bayaua, Jerome (Sheriff)

Becasen, Elvis (HHSA)

Becker, Janice (Probation)

Bermudez, Danilo (HHSA)

Brady, Mathew (Public Works)

Braner, Katherine (Public Defender)

Brown, Shelley (HHSA)

Buenrostro, Erika (HHSA)

Bullock, Valesha (HHSA)

Buras, Bertha (Public Works)

Burks, Yavonka (Public Works-Airport Enterprise Fund)

Burton, Todd (Environmental Health & Quality)

Byous, Andra (Sheriff)

Cacho-Librado, Grace (Environmental Health & Quality)

Call, Kristina (HHSA)

Camoras, Tedy (Sheriff)

Carpenter, Annette (HHSA)

Cdebaca, David (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Cerda, Michael (Sheriff)

Ciolli, Jacqueline (Sheriff)

Cleavinger, Lisa (HHSA)

Collier, Christopher (Sheriff)

Cook, Bradley (HHSA)

Coria, Juangabriel (Sheriff)

Cota, Yolanda (Sheriff)

Da Silveira, Michael (Sheriff)

Danque, Anselma (HHSA)

Dare, Martin (HHSA)

Daugherty, Ana (HHSA)

Davenport, Melinda (HHSA)

Davis, Gordon (District Attorney)

Davis, James (Facilities Management)

Dobbins, Michael (Child Support)

Dominguez, Rogelio (Sheriff)

Doromal, Lilma (District Attorney)

Drebushenko, Mary (HHSA)

Drivdahl-Tavizon, Veronica (Environmental Health & Quality)

Druxman, Jason (Probation)

Duey, Alfred (Sheriff)

Elassaad, Abdallah (District Attorney)

Enjambre-Moreno, Liza (Probation)

Escobar, Ernesto (HHSA)

Fernandez, Robert (Probation)

Fletcher, Arlene (Sheriff)

Fosbinder, Chantel (Probation)

Frazier, Monica (Sheriff)

Gabriel, Mercedes (Sheriff)

Gallegos, Ricardo (Sheriff)

Gallegos, Victor (Sheriff)

Gallo, Kimberly (HHSA)

Gates, Richard (Public Defender)

Gavin, Brandon (Sheriff)

Gerald, David (Sheriff)

Gibson, Lauren (HHSA)

Glisson, Matthew (Sheriff)

Godinez, Jesse (District Attorney)

Gomez, Barbara (HHSA)

Gonzalez, Joe (Sheriff)

Guiao, Perla (Sheriff)

Hannon, Connie (District Attorney)

Hartley, Dorothy (Child Support)

Haskell, Frank (Sheriff)

Haury, Felicia (HHSA)

Hernandez, Hilda (HHSA)

Herrera, Bernabe (Sheriff)

Hirasawa, Yuka (HHSA)

Hoene, Elyce (HHSA)

Ingorvaia, Joseph (District Attorney)

Ivory, Michael (Probation)

Jackson, Joe (HHSA)

Jauregui, Govanna (Probation)

Joyce, Tanya (County Counsel)

Kamoss, Karl (Sheriff)

Kelly, Cheryl (HHSA)

Klaus, Glen (Library)

Law, Heather Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Le, Tin (HHSA)

Lee, William (Sheriff)

Leon, Phillip (HHSA)

Levy, Mitchell (Planning & Development Services)

Lollis, Jeffrey (Parks & Recreation)

Lopez-Devereaux, Debra (HHSA)

Loyo-Rodriguez, Raul (HHSA)

Lynn, Shane (District Attorney)

Magana, Esperanza (HHSA)

Mallett, Luis (District Attorney)

Maog, Daisy (HHSA)

Mariscal, Miguel (Sheriff)

Martina, Joline (HHSA)

Martinez, Coury (Sheriff)

Martinez, Jose (Sheriff)

Martinez, Julius (HHSA)

Matthews, Allison (District Attorney)

McGrew, Robert (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

McIntosh, Deborah (HHSA)

Medina, Andrea (Sheriff)

Miller, Tammy (Sheriff)

Mitchell, Lashawn Public Defender

Moffat, Ewan (Environmental Health & Quality)

Mosley, Theodore (Sheriff)

Mowins, Andrew (Sheriff)

Neill, Cordilia (HHSA)

Nelson, Laura (Probation)

Nguyen, Hang (Sheriff)

Njoku, Isabella (HHSA)

Notarangelo, Jeannette (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Odell, Paul (Public Works)

Olmeda, Carlos (HHSA)

Orr, Cathleen (HHSA)

Pacheco, Cheryl (Office of Emergency Services)

Parce, Kristal (Sheriff)

Perez, Marisela Dept of Child Support

Philipp, Thomas (Finance & General Government Group)

Price, Keith (Sheriff)

Pronto, Rhodora (HHSA)

Quinones, Roberto (Sheriff)

Ralph, Christina (Sheriff)

Ramirez, Nelson (HHSA)

Rapista, Robert (Environmental Health & Quality)

Rasmussen, John (HHSA)

Rex, Shaun (Probation)

Reyes, Maria Cristina (HHSA)

Richardson, Lourdes (HHSA)

Rouse, Jason (Sheriff)

Ruehle, Brian (Auditor & Controller)

Ryan, Casey (Probation)

Sainz, Broderick (Probation)

Shelden, Evelynn (HHSA)

Sinsay, Edwin (Planning & Development Services)

Smith, Kenneth (HHSA)

Solivan, Helen (HHSA)

Solorzano, Roberto (Sheriff)

Sosinsky, Lidia (Public Works-Airport Enterprise Fund)

Speyrer, Laura (Probation)

Stamper, Carmen (HHSA)

Stein, Jason (Sheriff)

Stepanski, Barbara (Office of Emergency Services)

Stevens, Scott (Sheriff)

Stewart, Cynthia (Child Support)

Stiles, Shane (Sheriff)

Suwczinsky, Liza Public Defender

Tarrach, Maike (District Attorney)

Tear, Ouv (HHSA)

Torrence, Gregory (Public Defender)

Torres, Marisa (Probation)

Trachta, Richard (Probation)

Ulloa, David (Sheriff)

Valdez-Najar, Ofelia (Animal Services)

Valencia, Jeanette (Sheriff)

Van Eseltine, Grace (HHSA)

Vasquez, Fernando (Public Works)

Verduzco, Deborah (Purchasing & Contracting)

Viernes, Michael (Sheriff)

Way, Mary Ann (District Attorney)

Weber, Kenneth (Sheriff)

Wickus, Nancy (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Willman, Christopher (Sheriff)

Wilson, Brian (Sheriff)

Womack, Lizzie (Sheriff)

Workman, Michael (County Communications)

Wright, Stephen (District Attorney)

Wynne, Dawn (HHSA)

Ybarra, David Lee (Probation)

Yee, Lisa (HHSA)

Zarattini, Andrea (Public Works)

Retirements - March 2024

Aguilar, Maria (Probation)

Anderson, Kelly (Probation)

Apostol, Honorina (HHSA)

Barr, Victor (District Attorney)

Barrett, Carol (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Beheshti, Mandana (Public Works)

C deBaca, Juan (HHSA)

Chua, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

Clements, James (Sheriff)

Cruz, Maria (HHSA)

De Guzman, Esperanza (Sheriff)

De La Torre, Diana (HHSA)

Gamboa, Cynthia (Probation)

Garcia, Julio (Sheriff)

Guthrie, Imelda (Library)

Hana, Souad (Probation)

Hauser, Annette (HHSA)

Iwatsu, Antoinette (Sheriff)

Jose, Maria (HHSA)

Manriquez, Fernando (HHSA)

McBride, Veronica (HHSA)

McIntyre-Becker, Jillann (Probation)

McRoberts, Mary (HHSA)

Navarro, Joseph (Sheriff)

Nino, Cesar (Sheriff)

Noerbaek, Patricia (HHSA)

Ocampo, Phyllis (County Counsel)

Paylor, Victoria (Sheriff)

Peeva, Iliana (Public Works)

Rahmankhah, Soudabeh (HHSA)

Romio, Xochitl (HHSA)

Rushton, Paul (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Santana, Laura (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Serna, Miguel (Probation)

Thompson, Shawn (Fleet Maintenance Support)

Torres-Tang, Patricia (Child Support)

Valles, Juan (Sheriff)

Villanueva, Conrad (HHSA)

White, Justin (Sheriff)

Wiesner, Dane (Sheriff)

Workman, Steven (Sheriff)

Zepeda, Yesenia (HHSA)

Retirements - February 2024

Ain, Tamara (District Attorney)

Alfaro, Mariza (District Attorney)

Armstrong, Joan (Human Resources)

Booker, Robyn (Sheriff)

Buckland, Daniel (Sheriff)

Chua, Rosalinda (HHSA)

Delgado, Aida (HHSA)

Doria, Marcelita (Child Support)

Escamilla-Huidor, Gloria (HHSA)

Feistel, Kenneth (Sheriff)

Fritz, Brian (Probation)

Martinez, Martin (Sheriff)

McCorkell, Ann (Sheriff)

Morton, David (Registrar of Voters)

Ojeda, Gregory (HHSA)

Patrick, Kim (Public Works)

Principe, Mark (Public Works)

Resolme, Nicolas (Sheriff)

Ritchie, Maria Elena (HHSA)

Rodgers, Anita (HHSA)

Salzl, Darcy (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Sanchez, Maria (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Seguin Du Haime, Jean (Facilities Management)

Sing, James (Public Works)

Vega, Alfredo (Probation)

Velazquez, Linda (Sheriff)

Zayas, Melody (Sheriff)

Zielins, Paul (Public Works)

Retirements - January 2024

Apsay, Andy (Sheriff)

Basa, Arlyne (HHSA)

Bauschka, Constance (District Attorney)

Berarducci, Robert (Air Pollution Control District)

Carter, Chryse (HHSA)

Christian, Marlene (HHSA)

Cinnamo, Charles Joseph (Sheriff)

Conlan, Christopher (Environmental Health & Quality)

Coronel, Mariedel (HHSA)

Dutra, Teresa (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Evans, Suzanne (Facilities Management)

Garcia, Carla (Sheriff)

Garcia, Victor (Sheriff)

Gossett, Glenn (District Attorney)

Harvey, Kevin (HHSA)

Hemus, Jeffrey (HHSA)

Imperial, Eva (HHSA)

Katsaros, Paul (HHSA)

Lee, Kathleen (Public Defender)

Lopez, Hilda (HHSA)

Lupian, Helen (Sheriff)

Macken, Dana (Child Support)

Magana, Connie (Public Defender)

Mcfarlane, Karen (District Attorney)

Mertins, Karl (HHSA)

Omana, John Michael (Probation)

Ortega, Odette (County Counsel)

Portacio, Rosauro (Sheriff)

Prickett, Dwayne (Sheriff)

Rodriguez, Ofelia (Sheriff)

Saluta, Sally (HHSA)

Santos, Renato (HHSA)

Sigafus, Victor (DPW-Airport Enterprise Fund)

Stanfill, Karen Lorraine (District Attorney)

Steele, David (HHSA)

Villalobos, Gerardo (HHSA)

Wang, SuCheng (Planning & Development Services)

Retirements - December 2023

Annicchiarico, John (Air Pollution Control District)

Baltazar, Carmencita (Auditor & Controller)

Barrett, Mary-Ellen (District Attorney)

Breneman, James (Sheriff)

Brown, Jean (Probation)

Cleavinger, Leslie (Auditor & Controller)

Do, Diane (Sheriff)

Galac, Lorela (Sheriff)

Gonzalez, Veronica (HHSA)

Hirsch, Lawrence (Public Works)

Johnson, Eunice (HHSA)

Latham, Mary Ann (Human Resources)

Leamon, Jeremy (Sheriff)

Leyva, Frank (Sheriff)

Lopez, Jorge (Air Pollution Control District)

Lozano, Diana (HHSA)

Luckett, Tamaron (Local Agency Formation)

Marasigan, Bertha (County Counsel)

Moretti, Edward (HHSA)

Nannenhorn, Paul (Auditor & Controller)

O'Boyle, Anthony (Sheriff)

Ochoa, Brenda (HHSA)

Ogdon, Jason (Child Support)

Orias, Rowena (Auditor & Controller)

Rains, Edna (Sheriff)

Rathgeb, Thomas (Facilities Management)

Reynoso, Adriana (HHSA)

Rico, Michael (Fleet Maintenance)

Spivey, Donna Marie (Probation)

Vandenberg, Michael (HHSA)

Wurst, Enrique (Planning & Development Services)

Retirements - November 2023

Bautista, Norma (Finance & General Government Group)

Burke, Mark (Air Pollution Control District)

Cahill, William (District Attorney)

Coronel, Emmanuel (HHSA)

Cruz, Maria (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Deleon, Nancy (HHSA)

Dennis, Christopher (Fleet Services)

Doria, Virgie (HHSA)

Ferroni-Sakasegawa, Monica (HHSA)

Fimbrez, Alonzo (HHSA)

Fregoe, Michele (Air Pollution Control District)

Garcia, Angelica (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Garcia, Martha (HHSA)

Harrison, Janice (District Attorney)

Hill, Keisha (HHSA)

Hubert, Mary (Sheriff)

Jones, Scott (District Attorney)

Kohls, Valerie (County Technology Office)

Legaspi, Fernando (Sheriff)

Mai, Ursula (HHSA)

Mansour, Paulos (Public Works)

Mercier, Monique (HHSA)

Mitchell, William Eugene (District Attorney)

Moore, Megan (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Nicholas, Jennifer (Public Works)

Nunez, Joseph (HHSA)

Sanborn, Dana (Probation)

Sarmiento, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Trammel, Carol (Child Support)

Retirements - October 2023

Alvarez-Harder, Diane (District Attorney)

Bautista, Maria (District Attorney)

Belisle, Delsey (District Attorney)

Casarez, Elia (HHSA)

Colby, Cathleen (HHSA)

Correa, Mario (SDCERA)

Domingo, Mabel (Sheriff)

Esparza, Maribel (HHSA)

Fecteau, Jonathan (Sheriff)

Fulton, Juana (HHSA)

Garcia, Allison (Probation)

Grishina, Marina (Child Support)

Hunting, Fred (Sheriff)

Hutchins, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

Lepley, Willard (Facilities Management)

Lucas, Lavonne (HHSA)

Macias, Adriana (HHSA)

Mendivil, Maria (Child Support)

Menegozzo, Fausto (HHSA)

Portillo, Anthony (Sheriff)

Preche, Donato (Sheriff)

Raymundo, Sebastiao (HHSA)

Rivera, Jaime (HHSA)

Rodriguez, Federico (Probation)

Solis, Elsa (Child Support)

Taylor, Sally (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Wu, Hsuan (Library)

Yeh, Chien Hui (Library)

Retirements - September 2023

Abbott, Russell (Sheriff))

Agnew, Jerome (Sheriff)

Andrade, Mayumi (HHSA)

Andrade, Reynaldo (Sheriff)

Angeles, Roy Gomez (Sheriff)

Bayer, Elizabeth (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Bugayong, Edward Ico (Sheriff)

Carter, Sharon (Probation)

Chacon, Herlinda (HHSA)

Dosch, David (HHSA)

Garcia, Mark (Sheriff)

Geronimo, Jaime (HHSA)

Hill, Charles (HHSA)

Kaleuati, Fuluula (Sheriff)

Martin, Todd Russell

Nester, Scott (Air Pollution Control District)

Orsolino, Aprilyn (HHSA)

Palid, Valerie (County Counsel)

Pusung, Edmon (Sheriff)

Riingen, Aurora-Francis (Purchasing & Contracting)

Solano, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Stier, Todd (Facilities Management)

Retirements - August 2023

Alao, Santiago (HHSA)

Ashworth, Janet (Probation)

Bley, Constance (HHSA)

Camba, Evelyn Resultay (Sheriff)

Crall, Shari (HHSA)

Cvitkovich, Teresa (HHSA)

Diehl, Mark (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Dumas, Gregory (Sheriff)

Dunleavy, Fiona (District Attorney)

Escuro, Pablo Cesar (Probation)

Franco, Laura (HHSA)

Gage, Yvonne (HHSA)

Gavin, Kirsten

Gonzalez, Raul (Sheriff)

Guillen, George (Sheriff)

Hazel, Tracey (HHSA)

Hogervorst-Ortiz, Desiree (Environmental Health & Quality)

Hopkins, David (HHSA)

Ibarra, Teodoro (HHSA)

Jones, Eric (Public Works)

Jones, Lori Justine (HHSA)

Lang, David (HHSA)

Leandro, Anna (HHSA)

Lee, Cindy (HHSA)

Marty, Anthonette (HHSA)

Medina, Carlos (District Attorney)

O'Hanlon, Susan Jones (Animal Services)

Panis, Michelle (HHSA)

Pena, Abel (HHSA)

Peraza, Marcos (Public Works)

Re, Alice (County Counsel)

Reinert, Diane (Probation)

Reyes, Marcelina (HHSA)

Rice, Monique (Child Support)

Saldana, Julia (HHSA)

Schroder, Lily (HHSA)

Solis, Carolyn (HHSA)

Spears, Keith (Sheriff)

Stewart, Kenneth (District Attorney)

Watson, William (Public Works)

Zellner, Carmen (Sheriff)

Retirements - July 2023

Benitez, Diana (HHSA)

Bentley, Simona Marie (HHSA)

Burstein, Rachel Annette (Registrar of Voters)

Foster, Denise (HHSA)

Gould, Karen (Public Defender)

Helenihi, Clinton (HHSA)

Helenihi, Deanna (HHSA)

Henry, Timothy (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Jackson, Camille (HHSA)

Jimenez, Anna (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Macchione, Nicola Nick (HHSA)

Mendoza, Leonardo (Sheriff)

Mize, William (Public Defender)

Muskopf, Melinda (Sheriff)

Oshmago, Anthony Michael (Animal Services)

Pacheco, Alicia (HHSA)

Patrick, Theodore (Facilities Management)

Payton, Marisa (HHSA)

Phillips, Ellen (HHSA)

Post, Robert (Public Works)

Reed, Mary (HHSA)

Rhone, Lisa (HHSA)

Tibbs, Vickie (District Attorney)

Trowsdell, Emmajean (Child Support)

Weber, Jo Ann (Public Works)

Wiedemann, Marilyn (HHSA)

Retirements - June 2023

Amason, Rosario (Auditor & Controller)

Bavencoff, David ((Sheriff))

Bishop, Regina (Superior Court)

Chassen, Benjamin (Sheriff)

Clark, Jacquelyn (HHSA)

Costello-Egler, Mary (HHSA)

Crews, Corey (Municipal Ct - San Diego)

DeMarco, Timothy (Sheriff)

Grady, Mary (HHSA)

Griffin, Nathan (Sheriff)

Hamilton, Cassie (Animal Services)

Ibarra, Jose (General Services)

Jenkins, Brian (Sheriff)

Lagasca, Ma Joyce (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Laurence, Peter (HHSA)

Lawson, Bradley (Sheriff)

Mather, Kirk (Board of Supervisors)

Miller, Monica (Human Resources)

Olvera, Celia (HHSA)

Quintong, Wilfred (HHSA)

Relieve, Adonis (HHSA)

Spencer, Heidi (HHSA)

Tanzo, Thelma (HHSA)

Zavala, Carrie (Sheriff)

Retirements - May 2023

Belmonte, Philip (Child Support)

Branson, Thomas (Sheriff)

Campo, Ellen (Superior Court)

Castrejon, Martha (HHSA)

Dixon, Carrie (Sheriff)

Easter, Coreen (Superior Court)

Emmanuel, Rhondi (Human Resources)

Gaffrey, Steven (Office of Emergency Services)

George, Caryn (District Attorney)

Hankin, Karla (Superior Court)

Harper, Anthony (Probation)

Harris, Stacey (Registrar of Voters)

Harrison, Michelle (District Attorney)

Jensen, Christopher (County Counsel)

Keily, Joseph (Fleet Maintenance Support)

Le Blanc, Ethel (HHSA)

Lucente, Yvonne (Library)

Moua, Ying (Child Support)

Moynihan, Jennifer (HHSA)

Pudgil, Darren (Board of Supervisors District 4)

Rinder, Cliff (Sheriff)

Shaw, Cindy (HHSA)

Sommerfeldt, Sherry (HHSA)

Staton, Aida Lee (Sheriff)

Torphy, Sean (Probation)

Trinh, Jennifer (Superior Court)

Velazquez, Blanca (HHSA)