Video: Ethics Fair Fun 

The Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards hosted a fun fair for employees on Thursday in March in honor of Ethics Awareness Month. The Ethics Fair was held at the County Operations Center. The theme this year was “Do the Right Thing.”

If you missed the speaker series, watch the webinars on “rewind”: 

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.   

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807.  

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page

Rewind: Conflicts of Interest – For Real!

If you missed the Ethics Awareness Month Speakers Series on “Conflicts of Interest – For Real” on Thursday, watch it now! 

Chief Ethics & Compliance Office Mia Watson-Good and Senior Deputy County Counsel Randall Sjoblom get real about conflicts of interest. 

The webinar was part of the Ethics Awareness Month activities series. Mark your calendar for this upcoming event. 

Ethics Fair 
Date: March 28 
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Location: County Operations Center Plaza, outside 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA  
Activities: Numerous County departments, games, activities and guest speakers Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe.

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.   

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807.  

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page

Don’t Miss the Ethics Fair

Do the right thing. Attend the Ethics Fair from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 28.  

The event will be held at the County Operations Center Plaza, outside 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego.  

There will be numerous County departments, games, activities and guest speaker Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe. Don’t miss out! 

If you missed the speaker series, watch the webinars on “rewind”: 

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.   

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807.  

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page

Rewind: Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Prevention Policy

If you missed the Ethics Awareness Month Speakers Series on “Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Prevention Policy” on Thursday, watch it now! 

Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards Director Branden Butler and Senior Deputy Counsel Frances Rogers shared the ins and outs of this important policy. 

The webinar is a part of the Ethics Awareness Month activities series. Mark your calendar for upcoming events. 

Conflicts of Interest 
Date: March 21 
Time: Noon to 12:30 p.m. 
Location: Join on Teams 
Mia Watson, Chief Ethics & Compliance Office
Randall Sjoblom, Senior Deputy County Counsel 

Ethics Fair 
Date: March 28 
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Location: County Operations Center Plaza, outside 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA Activities: Numerous County departments, games, activities and guest speakers including Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe.

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.   

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807.  

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page

Rewind: How to Report a Privacy Incident

If you missed the Ethics Awareness Month Speakers Series on “How to Report a Privacy Incident” on Thursday, watch it now! 

Chief Privacy Officer Todd Hood and HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance Director Christy Carlson shared the ins and outs of reporting. 

The webinar was a part of the Ethics Awareness Month activities series. Mark your calendar for upcoming events. 

Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Prevention Policy 
Date: March 14 
Time: Noon to 12:30 p.m. 
Location: Join on Teams 
Branden Butler, Director of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards 
Frances Rogers, Senior Deputy County Counsel 

Conflicts of Interest 
Date: March 21 
Time: Noon to 12:30 p.m. 
Location: Join on Teams 
Mia Watson, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer
Randall Sjoblom, Senior Deputy County Counsel 

Ethics Fair 
Date: March 28 
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Location: County Operations Center Plaza, outside 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA Activities: Numerous County departments, games, activities and guest speakers 

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.   

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807.  

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page

Everything to Know About Our Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Prevention Policy

On March 14, Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards Director Branden Butler and Senior Deputy County Counsel Frances Rogers will discuss the ins and outs of our discrimination, harassment and retaliation policy. The virtual event will be held from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Teams.

The webinar is a part of the Ethics Awareness Month activities series. Mark your calendar for upcoming events.

Conflicts of Interest
March 21
Noon to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Join on Teams
Mia Watson, Chief Ethics & Compliance Office
Randall Sjoblom, Senior Deputy County Counsel

Ethics Fair
March 28
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: County Operations Center Plaza, outside 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA
Numerous County departments, games, activities and guest speakers

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.  

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807. 

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page.

How to Report a Privacy Incident

Todd Hood and Christy Carlson

On March 7, Chief Privacy Officer Todd Hood and HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance Director Christy Carlson will discuss the ins and outs of how to report a privacy incident. The virtual event will be held from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Teams.

The webinar is a part of the Ethics Awareness Month activities series. Mark your calendar for upcoming events.

Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Prevention Polic

Date: March 14
Noon to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Join on Teams
Branden Butler, Director of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards
Frances Rogers, Senior Deputy County Counsel

Conflicts of Interest

Date: March 21
Noon to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Join on Teams
Mia Watson, Chief Ethics & Compliance Office
Randall Sjoblom, Senior Deputy County Counsel

Ethics Fair

Date: March 28
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: County Operations Center Plaza, 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA
Numerous County departments, games, activities and guest speakers

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards team at or 619-531-5174.  

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807. 

For more information, email or call 619-531-5174. In addition, you can visit OECLS’s InSite page.

See flyer below. *Use the links above to join the Vritual Speaker Series.

Know the Code: Big Plans Ahead for Ethics Awareness Month

Get ready for a new catchphrase as the County prepares for Ethics Awareness Month in March – Do the Right Thing.

The Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards is rolling out the new catchphrase to coincide with a slate of activities during the month of March.

You’ll see it on posters, fliers and on other materials.

Many of us already try to “do the right thing” but sometimes situations at work may fall in a gray area. You can ask questions or just meet the team during a March 4 pop-up event at the County Administration Center.

OECLS will also offer virtual workshops every Thursday on ethical issues like privacy, discrimination, harassment, retaliation and conflicts of interest.

Starting March 19, OECLS will honor labor and civil rights leader Cesar Chavez with a week of action. Employees and the public are invited to attend events supporting businesses and protecting workers in San Diego County. You can expect a small business workshop, a legal clinic and resource fair and a super walk.

OECLS wraps up its events with an Ethics Fair at the County Operations Center on March 28.

March may be Ethics Awareness Month, but OECLS is available to help employees any time of the year.  

Check out the OECLS webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics and Compliance Program events, training and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos. 

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the OECLS team at or 619-531-5174.  

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at or 619-338-2807. 

See the flyer below. For more information and links to join these events, click here.

Know the Code: Common Conflicts of Interest

Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics.  The mission of the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) is to assist in fulfilling the County’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance. 

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

Conflicts of interest can have a profound effect on how an employee performs at work, including how they make decisions, and can—both directly and indirectly—impact the County and its success.

The County Code of Ethics, Section 6 addresses conflicts of interest and outlines the types of prohibited or incompatible activities employees should avoid. Most conflicts of interest are due to competing business interests, pressures from personal relationships, desire for influence and status, or inadvertent access and disclosures related to grants/awards/contracts.

Reporting these and other potential conflicts having to do with relatives working in the same department or relationships with clients, contractors, and vendors must be disclosed so they do not compromise the County employee’s objectivity, accountability or judgment.

If It’s Disclosed, It Can be Managed!

Be Proactive – ask before acting. 

  • Maybe you’re thinking starting a business or doing some consulting because you’re an expert, or

  • Maybe you have been invited to join a professional association or board of directors that may ask you to participate in fundraising for the organization, or

  • Maybe you’re a newly assigned COR and you recognize a friend’s name in the list of vendors whose contracts you’ll be managing.

Ask before acting to make sure these activities and changes in circumstances do not create a conflict between your personal interests and professional responsibilities. Remember if it’s disclosed, then it can be managed properly to avoid the conflict.

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics amd Compliance program events, training, and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos such as this month’s video for conflict of interest.

If you have questions about ethics and compliance training or how to access the training and other Ethics & Compliance resources, please contact the OEC team at, 619-531-5174.  HHSA staff may also contact the dedicated HHSA Agency Compliance team at, 619-338-2807.

Know the Code: Records Retention and Best Practices

Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics.  The mission of the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) is to assist in fulfilling the County’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance. 

By the Office of Ethics and Compliance

As employees of the County of San Diego, we deal with a lot of information in all forms – all types of records. Knowing which of your records to keep, and for how long, is essential to ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

April is Records and Information Management Month, a celebration of the value of organizing and maintaining records and data, and that is why this month’s Know the Code is Records Retention Best Practices!

Please take 15 minutes to do a little records management spring cleaning, and to help you get started, here are some records management spring cleaning tips!

  • Review your department’s Records Retention Policy and Schedule annually and update as needed.

  • Identify and classify the records your department holds.

  • Delete record/data once it is no longer required or after the record retention period has been met.

  • Clean-up physical (desks, desktops, file cabinets, shelves) and electronic (emails, desktop, shared drives) records.

  • Consistency – make sure everyone knows the records retention requirement and consistently follows the requirements.

If you have questions about policies and procedures, you can contact management, or in cases of records retention you can contact DPC Records Services:

And, of course you can report concerns to Office of Ethics and Compliance - or Agency Compliance Office (for HHSA staff) or contact the Ethics Hotline (webform) or (phone)  866-549-0004.

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics & Compliance Program events, training and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos.

If you have questions about Ethics & Compliance training or how to access the training and other Ethics & Compliance resources, please contact the OEC team at, 619-531-5174. HHSA staff may also contact the dedicated HHSA Compliance and Privacy team at, 619-338-2807.