Know the Code: Speak Up, Listen Up!
/Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics. The mission of the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) is to assist fulfilling the County’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance.
By the Office of Ethics and Compliance
The County is committed to excellence and high ethical standards and depends on employees to act with integrity every day – doing the right thing when it comes to their own behavior, being aware of what’s going on around them and being willing to speak up when they have questions or concerns.
Speaking up is a shared responsibility and each of us has a unique vantage point from which we see the County, its operations and our co-workers. You may be the only one who has identified a problem or who has the opportunity to stop misconduct and prevent negative outcomes.
Please don’t assume that someone else will report it or that the conduct must be okay if it hasn’t been addressed. Speaking up is a shared responsibility.
We all benefit when someone speaks up. Here is a chart letting you know who you can speak with about questions or concerns.
How does the hotline work?
When an employee contacts the hotline:
A customized web form or professional interview specialist will collect the information and document the situation in detail. Employees may choose to provide their names or remain anonymous.
When finished, the employee will be given a reference number and asked to report back to answer any follow-up questions.
The information is then relayed to Auditor & Controller and the Multi-Disciplinary Review Committee. All reports are handled promptly and discreetly.
If the report involves an immediate threat to people or property, the County immediately notified so prompt action can be taken.
Does an employee need to fear any type of retaliation for sharing their concerns?
Retaliation of any kind violates our organization’s principles and will not be tolerated.
Remember, when everyone makes a commitment to an ethical culture, we preserve a positive workplace and a strong organization.
Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics & Compliance Program events, training and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos.
If you have questions about Ethics & Compliance training or how to access the training and other Ethics & Compliance resources, please contact the OEC team at, 619-531-5174. HHSA staff may also contact the dedicated HHSA Compliance and Privacy team at, 619-338-2807.