Q&A: County Employees Talk Intersectionality


Is there anyone in the world exactly like you? No. People perceive, react, and move in the world differently depending on their unique and overlapping identities.

The theory of intersectionality was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in her 1989 work titled “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex.” The theory focuses on how these layers of identity produce a different experience for each person suffering discrimination; how they are viewed, understood, and treated. The end goal of it is “to make room for more advocacy and remedial practices to create a more egalitarian system.”

But how does this effect you, those around you and those you serve? Learn more in this Q&A with County employees on their experiences with intersectionality. (Open the link in Chrome or Microsoft Edge.) You can also find the Q&A on page 5 of the D&I Digest.