Working from Home While Black


Many employees have spent the past year adjusting to life working from home. Even with our many shared experiences, we may have not considered the impact on our fellow colleagues and how adjoining our homes to our workspaces could pose unique challenges related to racial identity expressions. How can we offer more inclusive spaces for all? Read some recommendations.

10 Historic Milestones of San Diego’s Black Community

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San Diego has a rich history. A new digital exhibit showcases stories of black history that recognize the trailblazers of our community. Our shared stories are woven together in this feature, and familiar landmarks and fascinating milestones are pulled from a common thread that places a spotlight on the San Diego we admire and celebrate. Read more.

From Invisible to Visible

Representation matters. Watch how NPR anchor Maria Hinojosa went from feeling unseen and unheard to learning to speak up and amplify voices. In this TED Talk, she describes how her experiences as a Mexican-American sparked her desire to become a journalist committed to valuing and covering all American experiences in the media.

Examining Race Through Conversation


Conversations widen perspectives and the lens of normalcy, equity and justice helping us to create the connections for inclusive steps forward. Read this Q&A with five county employees on intersectionality and race. 

Does ethnicity play a role in your daily life? Take the poll on the InSite homepage (bottom left side of page). 

Race, Ethnicity, Nationality and Jellybeans

See how jellybeans can help us understand the difference between “race,” ethnicity” and “nationality.” Watch this bite-size video that’s less than 3 minutes.

Race: A mode of categorization that is based on physical appearance and to some degree ascribed - meaning that people are assigned the racial category based on what other people see. These categories are fluid and our ideas of regional groupings change all the time.

Ethnicity: The ethnic group or groups that a person belongs to. It is a part of a person's heritage and ancestry. Two people of the same racial group can still have very different ethnicity. Some groups are unable to trace their specific ethnic heritage because of things like slavery, assimilation, and genocide.

Nationality: A person's national origin, the country where they hold citizenship. People of the same race or ethnicity can come from all different nations. It is flexible; if a person immigrates, their nationality can change, and people can have dual citizenship or sometimes no citizenship.

Learn more in the D&I Digest.