Calling All Female Paddlers!

APACE logo

The Asian Pacific Alliance of County Employees will be participating in the 12th Annual San Diego International Dragon Boat Race at Mission Bay Park on Saturday, Sept. 30. And they are looking for more paddlers! No experience is necessary.

APACE will compete in the mixed corporate division. The team will consist of 16 paddlers, plus two alternates (with minimum of eight females).

Please email by Tuesday, Sept. 26 if interested in registering with APACE’s team or if you have any questions. 

Check out APACE’s photos from 2019’s race!

 Other Important Info

  • Fee: $35 for paddlers (members) & $40 for non-member

  • Sept. 29: practice day (TBD, but we’ll try to sign up for time slot after work hours)

  • Sept. 30: compete in two 250-meters race (please be there for both)

10 Indoor Plants to Brighten Up Your Workspace

Fall is right around the corner and some of you may need a little pick me up to brighten up your workspace.

Here are some plant tips below from the County’s Master Gardener experts to help perk up your workspace during National Indoor Plant Week, which runs from Sept. 18 – 24.

Remember, plants do best in natural light and fresh air, but here are some inexpensive plants that have been shown to clean the air and thrive indoors.

Now, it’s your turn to help us grow our gallery of indoor plants. Share a photo from your workspace! A gallery of your photos will be posted below.

 Master Gardener Office Plant Tips:

  • All-things H2O: NEVER let a plant sit in water. Always have a drainage hole in the container to avoid overwatering. Plants should be watered one time per week. Moisture meters can be purchased for about $6-$10 and can help you decide if your plant is thirsty or not. And remember, water only! No dumping soda or coffee into your plants.

  • Don’t over-fertilize: You need to follow your plant’s label carefully to ensure the plant doesn’t get burned by the fertilizer. There are many online articles that can offer up recommendations for fertilizer.

  • Scrub them down: Wash down the leaves periodically to rid the plants of dust and dead leaves.

  • Let there be light: The fluorescent lights in an office should provide enough light for these plants but, if possible, set the plant near a window.

  • Regulating temps: Air conditioning and heat can be drying to plants, especially the flowers, so make sure your plant is not placed directly in front of a vent.

  • Check for pests: Check your plant carefully every week and note any changes — webs, sticky substances, ants and insects. If the problem cannot be easily groomed off the plant, it may be best to replace the plant.

The Master Gardener program is overseen by the UC Cooperative Extension, which staffs the County’s Farm and Home Advisor Department. If you have questions about your office plant, please feel free to contact the Master Gardener hotline at 858-822-6910.

🌱 of Kim Patrick, Private Development Inspection, DPW

Green plant in pot

🌱 of Nessyl Torres, Senior Treasurer-Tax Collector Specialist

Green plant in pink pot

🌱 of Riza Morante, Office Assistant, HHSA

Plants against wall

🌱 of Kellen Hopp, Graduate Student Worker, HHSA

3 green plants in pots

🌱 of Boutros Chihwaro, CAC Project Manager

🌱 of Karlyle Laraya, Supervising Office Assistant, Registrar of Voters Office

Indoor plant

🌱 of Ava Gaughen, Administrative Analyst I, HHSA

Indoor Plants

🌱 of José A. Álvarez, Language Services Manager, CCO

Indoor Plant

🌱 of Jennifer Hart, Senior Probation Officer

Indoor Plant

🌱 of Maria Zepeda, Office Support Specialist, HHSA

Indoor plant

🌱 of Milo Loftin, County Communications Office

🌱 of Brittney Smith, Social Work Supervisor, AIS

🌱 of Shauni Lyles, County Communications Office

Green plant in yellow pot

🌱 of Wendy Cota, Records Clerk, Probation Department

Green plant in white pot

🌱 of Analilia Ortega, Administrative Secretary II, HHSA

Green plant in vase

🌱 of Horner Tan, Sr. Accountant, DPW

🌱 of Benzon Barbin, LSA II, HHSA

Indoor plants

🌱 of Detra Williams, Manager, Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office

Indoor Plant

🌱 of Diane Padilla, OSS, Dept. of Purchasing and Contracting

Indoor plant

🌱 of Annette Carpenter, MSW, Protective Services Worker

Indoor Plant

🌱 of Maria Zepeda, Office Support Specialist, HHSA

🌱 of Michelle Baesas, Sr. Real Property Agent, DGS

🌱 of Brittney Smith, Social Work Supervisor, AIS

🌱 Of Anita Darling, Community Health Division, DEHQ

Open Enrollment: What’s New?

Learn what’s new for 2024 Open Enrollment! Review changes in plan rates, flex credits, health savings accounts and more, so you can be ready to make Open Enrollment elections Oct. 2 through Oct. 26.

For questions regarding Open Enrollment, your Benefits Ambassadors are here to assist. For more information, contact the Department of Human Resources Employee Benefits Division at 888-550-2203 or

You All Did Amazing!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Amazing Race at the County Operations Center on Sept. 7 and Sept. 14. And a big shout out to the voluneers. You did amazing!

Catch up with all of the fun. Watch a highlights video from Levels 1 and 3 below, watch the livestream from level 2, and see a photo gallery from all three levels.

Race results will be posted in the upcoming weeks.

Windows 11 Upgrade

County computers are being upgraded to Windows 11 to ensure continued Microsoft support while providing an enhanced experience with new features and functions.  

What’s different? You’ll notice the start menu and search bar has moved from the bottom left to the bottom middle of your screen. You’ll also have access to more productivity, personalization, and accessibility features.  Learn about Windows 11 at or sign into the HelpMeNow app in the left menu bar of Microsoft Teams. Check out Quick Guide: Windows 11 or sign up for Windows 11 Crash Course on Sept. 28. For one-on-one training, contact Ask an Expert

If your computer hasn’t been upgraded yet, don’t worry. There are about 10,000 computers to be upgraded and it will take a few months to complete. If you have questions about your Windows 11 deployment date, please reach out to your departmental IT lead.  

Suicide Prevention Month: There's Help Out There

Life can be difficult, and depression is a very real thing. Just remember, you always have someone you can talk to confidentially. An open, non-judgmental ear to listen.

From the County’s Employee Assistance Program to the County Access and Crisis Hotline and Behavioral Health Services webpage, there are places you can turn to.

This week is National Suicide Prevention Week and September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. So this is a perfect time remind all of us that we are not alone and that we all should take care of ourselves and others.

So, remember to check your mood. If you see signs that you, a loved one or friend are struggling, there are many places to go to get a helping hand and talk it out. Here are just a few:

San Diego County Access & Crisis Line

Confidential and free of charge, the San Diego Access and Crisis Line (1-888-724-7240) is operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s there to connect people looking for behavioral health information or help to programs, providers and resources. You can also reach the access line by just calling 988.

County Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

All employees can take advantage of the confidential counselling and referral services our EAP provides. They’re quick and easy to access and professionally trained staff are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help manage stress, help find work-life balance, parenting and eldercare issues, and wellness benefits.

Employees can call the EAP’s toll-free number at (888) 777-6665 or visit EAPcosd to make a counseling session appointment. (Please note: Sheriff’s Department sworn staff have access to their EAP provider by contacting The Counseling Team International at (800) 222-9691.

San Diego County Behavioral Health Services

The County’s Behavioral Health Services website is filled with information about suicide prevention and where people can find help, from the Access & Crisis Line to an online chat feature and links to County mental health providers, including the “It’s Up Us” campaign. It’s Up to Us is about helping San Diegans talk openly about mental health, recognize signs of challenges, find local resources, and seek support. Its aim is to inspire wellness, reduce stigma and prevent suicide.

Know the Signs

Remember to know the warning signs that can lead to suicide. If you see these behaviors, especially if the are new, more frequent or seem related to a painful life event, call the Access & Crisis Line at (888) 724-7240 right away.

Here are some of the signs to watch for:

  •        Feeling like a burden.

  •        Talking about suicide.

  •        Looking for methods.

  •        Expressing hopelessness.

  •      Feeling trapped.

  •        Increased substance use.

  •        Seeming on the edge.

  •       Changes in sleep.

  •        Increased isolation.

  •        Changes in mood.

Just remember. You are not alone. There are people who will listen and places to get help.

Free Flu Shots Available at County Worksites

The Department of Human Resources has coordinated with our healthcare provider to offer free influenza vaccinations to County employees at various worksites beginning Sept. 26 through Oct. 10.   

Flu shots will be offered to walk-ins, however, appointments are highly encouraged. View the schedule and make an appointment now.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against flu viruses.  

In addition to getting vaccinated, people should also do the following to avoid getting sick: 

  • Wash hands thoroughly and often 

  • Use hand sanitizers 

  • Stay away from sick people 

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth 

  • Clean commonly touched surfaces 

  • If you are sick, stay home and avoid contact with others 

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. If you don’t have a tissue sneeze or cough into your elbow.

Please note:  Appointments at secured locations are limited to staff with access to the work site. (This includes the Psychiatric Hospital and Sheriff Department locations.) 

Don't Miss This Delicious Taco Fundraiser at COC

Race over to this fundraiser. The County Employees’ Charitable Organization is offering Rubio’s lunch that can be pre-ordered and picked up Sept. 14 during the Amazing Race at the County Operations Center.

This is your opportunity to have lunch delivered to you and support CECO. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the nonprofit. 

Here’s how to get a yummy meal:

  1. Make an order. Entrée options are a chopped salad with chicken, tacos, chicken chilaquiles bowl or a chicken burrito. Side options are chips, churros or cookies.

    a. Order lunch here or through the QR code below. The deadline to submit your pre-order is Sept. 13 at 5 p.m.

  2. Send your payment via PayPal or Venmo. Orders will not be accepted unless payment is received.

    a. Send your payment to CECO via PayPal. Select “Other” to enter your payment.

    b. Or send payment via Venmo @SD-CECO. Please leave a note in the notes portion if the person paying for the lunch is different than the name on the lunch order.

  3. Pick it up. Order will be available for pickup from noon to 1 p.m. on Sept. 14 – at the County Operations Center, inside the Chamber Cafeteria, 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA 92123. 

For questions, email

Since forming in 1956, CECO has given more than $7 million back to San Diego County. Contributions from employees and retirees to CECO are awarded to local nonprofits each year, as well as to assist employees in need.

Help CECO provide greater support to local nonprofits and County employees and retirees in need. Make a one-time or reoccurring donation. There’s three easy ways to give: donate through PayPal, set up a reoccurring donation or through automatic payroll deductions.

Equity, Justice, Belonging and Leadership Discussions Continued

Mentorship opens doors and creates new possibilities. Join the Employee Resource Group Council’s Fireside Chat mentorship series on Tuesday, Sept. 19 from noon to 1 p.m. for part 2 of the African American Association of County Employees (AAACE) employee resource group discussion on leadership, equity, justice and belonging. These quarterly sessions are moderated conversations with County leadership on the secrets to their career success.

The AAACE event will feature Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten, MD, MPH; FG3 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer & Chief Financial Officer Ebony Shelton; and Chief Privacy Officer and ADA Title II Coordinator Todd Hood.

In this chat, AAACE and leadership will discuss the following:   

  • Understanding the role that leadership, equity, justice and belonging have in career progression.

  • The consequences of going about your career without it.

  • How to gain or improve your leadership, equity, justice and belonging skills.

The series is meant to be a passive mentorship opportunity. Attendees can look forward to a Q&A period following the moderated discussion.

Join in the discussion:

Join on Teams

Or call in (audio only) 619-343-2539, with Meeting ID 882 914 766

This session will be recorded.

If you missed the part 1 of the Fireside Chat on leadership, equity, justice and belonging, watch it here.

See the flyer below.