Calling All Female Paddlers!

APACE logo

The Asian Pacific Alliance of County Employees will be participating in the 12th Annual San Diego International Dragon Boat Race at Mission Bay Park on Saturday, Sept. 30. And they are looking for more paddlers! No experience is necessary.

APACE will compete in the mixed corporate division. The team will consist of 16 paddlers, plus two alternates (with minimum of eight females).

Please email by Tuesday, Sept. 26 if interested in registering with APACE’s team or if you have any questions. 

Check out APACE’s photos from 2019’s race!

 Other Important Info

  • Fee: $35 for paddlers (members) & $40 for non-member

  • Sept. 29: practice day (TBD, but we’ll try to sign up for time slot after work hours)

  • Sept. 30: compete in two 250-meters race (please be there for both)