Gallery: See Who Won the Employee Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament

Congratulations to winners of the Employee Wellness 2024 Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament played over the weekend at the Spring Valley Teen Center/Gym.

The winning team was “Team Benchwarmers”:

  • Christian Del Angel - Sheriff

  • Gregory Landeros - Sheriff

  • Adrian Gonzales - Sheriff

  • Nicholas Halversen - Sheriff

  • Zachary Richmon - Sheriff

  • Christopher Becerra - Sheriff

  • Mayra Linares - Sheriff

  • Laura Hernandez - Sheriff

The second position team was “Team Smash”:

  • Emily Jacobson – Public Works

  • Maureen Joice Laudato – Public Works

  • Edgar Martinez – Public Works

  • George Fang – Public Works

  • Kaleb Yemane – Public Works

  • Alex Nunez – Air Pollution Control District

  • Christopher Zermeno - Environmental Health and Quality

See the gallery below.