Othering & Belonging Conference Lessons

A message from the Office of Equity and Racial Justice:

In April, staff from three County departments attended the Othering & Belonging Conference in Oakland, California.

When the Office of Equity and Racial Justice was founded, the County partnered with the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley (OBI) to build the office’s foundation.

Fostering belonging, “the feeling of safety in being one’s authentic self,” is central to the County’s equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts.

Presentations and panel discussions covered topics such as disability justice, public infrastructure, and food access. These sessions encouraged conversations about the practical application of belonging in various global contexts.

Mica Miragliotta was one of the OERJ staff who attended. They were impressed by the broad diversity of viewpoints and experience highlighted and how the event was integrated with the Oakland community.

Different from many traditional conferences, creative offerings such as dance, spoken word, and collaborative projects from local artists were integrated throughout the agenda.

According to Bethany Facendini, of the Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice, these cultural experiences, “allowed me to open my heart and mind to perspectives that I had not previously considered.”

She noted that the conference provided concrete examples and inspiration for how to shift narratives, practices, and relationships towards belonging. This emphasis on connection versus othering is integral to the County’s focus on community engagement.

From the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Division at the Department of Human Resources, Holly Norton expressed that one message that resonated with her the most was from john a. powell (who spells his name lowercase).

He stated that many times our belonging is dependent on the othering of others. What we are moving towards is a belonging that is no longer dependent on anyone’s othering but where we all can belong. “That is a future I want to be part of and a future I think we are called to be part of as public servants,” Norton shared. 

You can access recordings of selected performances, panels, and presentations on the OBI Conference website. OBI also offers free online classes for those who want to learn more about belonging at OBI University.