Take Time to Appreciate Nature
/Sheriff’s K-9 Argo PoSES Among the Flowers.
Everyone has things to do in the busy work week, but you should always remember to stop, look at and sniff the spring flowers. A beautiful picture to prove it will also be popular among your friends and followers like this one Sheriff’s crime prevention specialist Heather Mitchell took. It is of 4-yr-old K-9 Argo sitting among the flowers off the Mission Road offramp at the Interstate 15 freeway in Fallbrook. He is a Belgian Malinois and Dutch shepherd whose specialty is criminal apprehension and narcotics.
Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it to communications@sdcounty.ca.gov. Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. One image will be posted to InSite every week and may be shared on social media.
See more of Your View photos.