Order Your Home Test Kit to Qualify for the $100 Wellness Incentive

The Employee Wellness Program, in partnership with Kaiser Permanente, are providing biometric home screening test kits for the 2023 Wellness Incentive Program. Biometric home test kits will enable employees to complete a biometric screening in the comfort of their own home with access to online results in days.

Only full-time, permanent County employees are eligible to participate and receive the wellness incentive regardless of healthcare provider.

Employees who wish to complete a biometric screening with their personal care provider are still eligible for the Wellness Incentive Program.

Order your test kit by May 19, 2023.

All Wellness Incentive Program documents must be submitted via the Wellness SharePoint site by June 30, 2023, to qualify for the wellness incentive of $100.

Learn more on how to qualify for the 2023 Wellness Incentive Program.