Know the Code: Data Privacy and Protecting Personal Data
/Know the Code is a monthly series highlighting different sections of the County of San Diego Code of Ethics. The mission of the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) is to assist in fulfilling the County’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance.
By the Office of Ethics and Compliance
Jan. 22-28 is Data Privacy Week!
One of the best ways to improve data privacy awareness at the County is to start at home. Cybersecurity and privacy begin with the individual. Better security and privacy behaviors at home will translate to better security and privacy practices at work, whether we are in the office, field or working remotely.
Learn how to update your privacy and security settings on personal accounts. Ever wish you had a handy guide that showed you how to update your privacy/security settings popular devices and online services? Well look no further.
Our clients, customers and constituents expect us to respect and protect their personal data. Respecting the privacy of your clients, staff and all other stakeholders is critical for inspiring trust and maintaining the County’s reputation. According to the Pew Research Center, 79% of US adults report being concerned about the way their data is being used.
And remember, don’t cross-pollinate your work data and personal data. This means properly handle County data (receive, use, store, transmit, share, and destroy). And don’t use the same passwords for work and home.
If you have concerns about safeguarding confidential or personal information, contact the County Technology Office for electronic concerns at (619) 531-5570 or; or contact the Office of Ethics and Compliance for non-technology concerns at (619) 531-5714 or
HHSA staff can refer to Safeguarding Protected Information Procedure L-26 and contact the Agency Compliance Office at (619) 338-2808 or with questions.
Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics & Compliance Program events, training, and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos.
If you have questions about Ethics & Compliance training or how to access the training and other Ethics & Compliance resources, please contact the OEC team!