D&I Executive Council Wants Your Feedback

graphic of computer with questions and check boxes on screen

Message from the Diversity & Inclusion Executive Council

As we prepare for the next fiscal year and the opportunities to come, we want to pause to gather your feedback on County diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

To date, our article series has been a reflection of the accomplishments over the last couple years. The next article will be looking forward to the goals we’re setting for the next fiscal year. The D&I Executive Council wants to know:

  • What resonated with you?

  • What would you like to see more of?

  • Tell us your stories of what impacted you most.

We are grateful to journey with you and look forward to what we can accomplish together!

Take the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey by May 13.

Results of the survey will be shared on InSite in our next article on D&I.

Also read: Steps Taken in Diversity and Inclusion