Changing Government Through the Lens of Equity and Justice
/By Andrew Strong, director, Office of Equity and Racial Justice and D&I Executive Council member
When the County declared racism a public health crisis, we began to discuss approaching the work we are embarking on with a practical equity framework. At the same time, the Chief Administrative Office was working with the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkley and community members to develop the mission statement for the Office of Equity and Racial Justice. Through this work, the County was introduced to the concept and framework of targeted universalism. The Office of Equity and Racial Justice (OERJ) is in the beginning stages of introducing the concepts of targeted universalism as an approach to equity in County operations and policy.
Targeted universalism means setting universal goals pursued by targeted processes to achieve those goals. Within a targeted universalism framework, an organization or system sets universal goals for all groups concerned. It is a platform for bridging programs that move all groups toward the universal goal of equity and belonging.
I invite you to engage in the learnings of targeted universalism above and join me as we reimagine and change County government through the lens of equity and justice in all we do.