Get to Know EWA President Daniel Vasquez

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The County has 10 great Employee Resource Groups (ERG). They are each led by respective presidents who all demonstrate commitment and stewardship of its members to the various sectors of our community.

Get to know Emerging Workforce Association ERG President Daniel Vasquez, senior emergency services coordinator with the Office of Emergency Services:

Q: How long have you worked for County and what departments have you worked for?

A: 4 years this summer, all with OES.

Q: What do you do in your role/what are your job responsibilities?

A: You know that meme with 4 quadrants: “What society thinks I do; What my parents think I do; What I think I do; and, What I actually do”? That is probably the best way to describe Emergency Management. Most of society doesn’t know we exist; my parents think I single-handedly stop wildfires; I think I’m making a difference; and what I actually do is become aware of problems, come up with solutions for said problems, and then coordinate the correct people to solve those problems.

Q: What are three words that best describe you?

A: Energetic, Happy, Passionate

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: Ride motorcycles, read, and work out

Q: Tell us about your ERG.

A: Emerging Workforce Association (EWA) has a connotation as the millennial ERG, but it’s not. EWA is about bringing everyone together. We strive to bridge the generational gaps through education, enhancement of work culture, and networking while promoting County initiatives.

Q: Why are ERGs important?

A: How to keep this short…I think ERGs are fundamental in the iron-triangle of an ever-evolving enterprise like the County. They are the bridge between groups, departments, people, and ideas. They motivate and empower employees to be the change we want and need. ERGs are a commitment to progress and so much more.

Q: What is your favorite part of being a member of your ERG?

A: Collaborating and connecting with like-minded people that have the truest of intentions in serving the public and helping others.

Q: What are some resources that you find useful and recommend to others?

A: I think the Employee Wellness Program is incredible. I truly believe and advocate for a healthy and happy lifestyle, and our HR site has some really fun and useful stuff. They have challenges, classes, and even incentives to give employees $$$ for committing to their health!

Q: Who can participate in your ERG and how can employees join?


A: Anyone and everyone! We’d love to bring you into the EWA fam! You can find us on InSite under the Employee Resource Groups tab, by clicking here, or by scanning this QR Code!