Update for April 20

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

We began April by calling it a critical month. As we quickly approach the end, I’m proud of your tremendous dedication and efforts in helping us toward our goal of “flattening the curve.” We are seeing progress – enough in fact that we can start preparing to dial back some of our public health restrictions. First steps we’re looking at include beaches, passive recreation in parks and on trails, as well as a phased-in plans for water sports, golf, boating, tennis and basketball. 

I’ll repeat preparing. During today’s press conference, our health and policy leaders explained the planning that will need to go into cautious reopening of some recreational areas of the county. But they stressed – we’re not there just yet. For now, we are asking everyone to continue staying home, except for essential needs, with the goal of re-opening recreational activities by the end of the month. What a joyous day that will be!

Once we do re-open, we will experience a “new normal.” We will still need to exercise caution and follow the new guidelines as they are announced and not get ahead of them.

Until then, please continue to lead our community in protecting the public’s health by practicing all the measures that have gotten us this far. Thank you, and stay strong.