Update for April 17: Help Fellow Employees in Need

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only changed the way we do business as a County, it’s had a great impact on County employees and their families. Some have been affected more than others. That is why today I am asking, for those of you who are able, if you can help our colleagues that need it most.

Since 1956, the San Diego County Employees' Charitable Organization has been the charitable arm of the County of San Diego. Over the years, it’s taken your generous contributions and given out $6.9 million, most of it going to local nonprofits. Perhaps less noticed is that a portion of the dollars raised go to an Employee Crisis Fund.

CECO has now created a COVID-19 Relief Initiative to boost that fund and help eligible County employees and their households experiencing a one-time financial crisis. The organization had a similar campaign after the 2007 wildfires to help our colleagues affected by that disaster.

I invite anyone who can to contribute to this relief effort and boost the Employee Crisis Fund. You can use this PayPal CECO site or email Sdceco@sdcounty.ca.gov for alternate ways to donate. Funds collected and not granted during the Health Order will be returned to CECO's general fund. I’ll take the opportunity to also encourage you to become a biweekly contributor to CECO. To learn more, please visit sdceco.org.

Thank you for everything you’re doing and for the support, in whatever form, you offer your fellow County employees as we help each other through this difficult time.