Check Your Mood Is Going Virtual


Check Your Mood 2020 is going virtual on Oct. 8 in conjunction with National Depression Screening Day. 

The purpose of this annual event is to engage and encourage San Diegans to monitor and assess their emotional well-being. Getting screened for depression is an important part of healthcare checkups, much like getting your blood pressure checked or being screened for heart disease or diabetes. 

This is especially true this year given the added stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With additional concerns about the economic impact of the pandemic, many may feel overwhelmed with anxiety, fear, or worry. 

Virtually join other community members across San Diego county to get free mental health resources, take the online Check Your Mood self- assessment and participate in the social media campaign to raise awareness about mental health. Use #StigmaFreeSD in your posts. 

Good mental health starts with you. 

In addition to the week of virtual screenings at Check Your Mood online, the County’s Access and Crisis Line 888-724-7240 continues to be available seven days a week, 24 hours a day in multiple languages and can provide information to access services. 

The County of San Diego’s Employee Assistance Program also offers 24/7 assistance if you or someone in your household needs to talk about depression. You can call EAP at 888-777-6665.