Employee Turnout Nearly Triples at Health Screenings
/Hundreds of additional County employees now have a better sense of their health, after taking part in last month’s free Kaiser Permanente Wellness screenings.
Record numbers of employees turned out for the series of screenings, held at nine County office locations March 11-29. In all, 1,448 employees participated, up from 565 last year. The screenings took place in Kaiser Mobile Health Vehicles. Employees got to learn their blood pressure, glucose levels, body mass index and height and waist measurements.
Human Resources Director Don Turko said the high turnout showed employees are paying attention to “their numbers” and taking greater responsibility for their wellness.
“I am confident we will build upon this year’s progress when we repeat the program in 2014,” he said.
The screenings first started in 2010. That year, a total of 523 employees participated.
This year, the turnout was so robust that Kaiser had to bring in additional medical staff to handle the demand, said William Erese, the County’s wellness coordinator.
Among the changes that likely helped increase turnout this year: the Department of Human Resources linked the screenings to its Employee Health & Wellness Incentive program, offering employees $100 each to complete the health screenings and fill out a Health Risk Assessment. Employees could also visit the Kaiser Health Vehicles during work hours. And the screenings were available to all employees, regardless of their health insurance provider.
Employees can earn the $100 payout until June 30, when the incentive program ends. Employees will just need to fill out the required paperwork and visit their doctor.
For more information or to get started, visit the Employee Health & Wellness Incentive Program web page or call HR’s Employee Benefits Division at 888-550-2203.