Retirements - April 2023

Acosta, Maria (HHSA)

Adkison, Brian (Probation)

Aguilar, Andrew (Sheriff)

Almario, Marina (Child Support)

Alvarado, Cindy (HHSA)

Arabe, Elena (HHSA)

Arcinue, Annie (Ag, Weights & Measures)

Arkwright, Adam (Sheriff)

Aten, Kathleen (District Attorney)

Bada, Yolanda (HHSA)

Balcazar, Yolanda (HHSA)

Barretto, Sylvia (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Bawalan, Maria Fe (HHSA)

Bell, David (Superior Court)

Bender, Georgeann (Superior Court)

Berglund, Cheryl (Auditor & Controller)

Blackburn, Allison (HHSA)

Blake, Jason (Probation)

Bowyer, Melissa (Probation)

Brackett, Olivier (Public Works-Airport Enterprise Fund)

Brand, Patrick (Sheriff)

Broderson, Tahra (County Counsel)

Brown, David (Sheriff)

Brown, Sandra (Sheriff)

Brown-Hogue, Velda (HHSA)

Brown-Lisk, Amy (Sheriff)

Buehler, Teri (County Counsel)

Bulow, Jonathan (Sheriff)

Bunselmeier, Delmer (Wastewater Management)

Burnett, Myra (HHSA)

Burns, Angela (HHSA)

Burton, Areleous (Ag, Weights & Measures)

Calderon, Teresa (HHSA)

Campbell, James (Public Works)

Campbell, Theresa (Sheriff)

Capilla, Sandra (HHSA)

Carmichael, LeAnn (Public Works)

Carrillo, Gloria (Superior Court)

Cash-Brooks, Lydia (Child Support)

Castillo, Josie (Superior Court)

Catlett, Debbie (Superior Court)

Cepe, Pompia (Sheriff)

Chan, Andrew (HHSA)

Chau, Vincent (HHSA)

Cisneros, Caesar (Sheriff)

Cisneros-Torres, Azucena (HHSA)

Claiborne, Alyssia (Probation)

Clayborn, Carmen (Sheriff)

Cleary, Donna (Board of Supervisors)

Coates, Jo-ann  (Superior Court)

Collinson, LeeAnn (Superior Court)

Cook, Matthew (Sheriff)

Cortez, Blanca (HHSA)

Cox, Gloris (Public Works)

Coyne, Joseph (HHSA)

Crawford, Ricky (Public Defender)

Crestik, Karina

Currier, Lydia (HHSA)

David, Emi (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

De Crevecoeur, MaryLynn (Superior Court)

De Guzman, William (Sheriff)

Deguzman, Mario (HHSA)

Demaria, Anthony (Sheriff)

Dewall, Paula (Ag, Weights & Measures)

Dill, Barbara (Sheriff)

Dizon, Gemma (HHSA)

Dollard, Darren (Sheriff)

Dollard, Jaren

Dominguez, Osvaldo (Probation)

Dupree, Suzanne (District Attorney)

Edison, Shannon (Probation)

Enriquez, Elena (Public Works)

Epley, Melvin (Public Defender)

Evangelista, Edeltraud (HHSA)

Fabinski, Daniel (Sheriff)

Fedak, Eva (Probation)

Ferrell, Mary Auditor & Controller

Flores, Jennie (HHSA)

Flores, Noelle (Superior Court)

Flowerree, David Lee (Public Works)

Foster, Timothy (Sheriff)

Franks, le'Waun (HHSA)

Frias, Tanya (Probation)

Gablick, Cheryl (Superior Court)

Galvan, Armando (HHSA)

Garcia, Julio (Sheriff)

George, Ta-Tanisha (Probation)

Gomez, Frank (Planning & Development Services)

Gonzales, Adolfo (Probation)

Gonzales, Ruben (Probation)

Gonzalez, Maria Eugenia (HHSA)

Gonzalez, Ricardo (Sheriff)

Gonzalez, Teresa (Probation)

Grasse, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Green, Chavon (Probation)

Guingab, Amelia (HHSA)

Guzman, Honorina (SDCERA)

Harris, Stacy (Probation)

Heckmann, Berdine (Air Pollution Control District)

Hendrix, Mason (Sheriff)

Heringer, Anita (Sheriff)

Hickey, Donald (HHSA)

Hoerstman, Thomas (Facilities Management)

Howard, Beth (Sheriff)

Howard, Constance (Public Defender)

Howard, Zenobia (Human Resources)

Hua, Nina Ai (HHSA)

Hudgins, Jethro (District Attorney)

Hudson, Todd (HHSA)

Hunt, Sharyl (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Husted, Adelina (Superior Court)

Ironfield, Mike (Probation)

Jimenez, Zinda (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Johnson, Dorothy (HHSA)

Johnson, Sheryl (HHSA)

Jones Wynn, Felicia (HHSA)

Jordan, Martha

Kahler, David (Planning & Development Services)

Kane, Sandra (Sheriff)

Kerr, Joani (Library)

Kleit, Ramona (HHSA)

Kopaskie, Mary (Planning & Development Services)

Lacy, Bernita (Probation)

Lams, Joseph (Sheriff)

Lau, Karna (Probation)

Lawson, Michael (Sheriff)

Lee, Janie (Public Defender)

Lluch-Melendez, Aileen (HHSA)

Loe, David (Sheriff)

Long, Bradley (Environmental Health & Quality)

Lopez, Robert (Sheriff)

Lynch, Dennis (Public Defender)

Lyons, Noelle (Superior Court)

Mackenzie, Mary (HHSA)

Mansoor, Erik (Animal Services)

Marchesano, Carol (Superior Court)

Marquez, Cynthia (HHSA)

Marquez, Noel (Child Support)

Martinez, Chris (Sheriff)

McBride, Danielle (Probation)

McKeever, Connie (Library)

McPherson, Sheri (Public Works)

Medina, Cynthia (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Mejia, Arturo (Probation)

Michel, Laurel (Library)

Miles, Jennifer (Public Works)

Miller, Deborah (HHSA)

Miller, Jeffrey (District Attorney)

Minter, Stormy (Library)

Mitchell, Shirley (Sheriff)

Molina, Dolores (HHSA)

Montoya, Kenneth (Sheriff)

Moore, Anthony (Library)

Morales, Cristina (HHSA)

Morales, Esteban (Sheriff)

Moran, Maria (County Counsel)

Morones, Karen (HHSA)

Murray, Madelyn (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Nash, Jennifer (Sheriff)

Neal, Elizabeth (Superior Court)

Nelson, Brian (Probation)

Nguyen, Camqui (Air Pollution Control District)

Nicks, Laura (Superior Court)

Norton, Todd (Sheriff)

O'Neill, Sean (Parks & Recreation)

Odlum, Julie (HHSA)

Ollier, Victoria (HHSA)

Ona, Maria Lorraine (HHSA)

Ortega, Angela (Air Pollution Control District)

Ortiz-Sanchez, Annette (Sheriff)

Palisoc, Heidi Marie (District Attorney)

Palmer, Kirk (Probation)

Pasion, Edwin (Sheriff)

Passalacqua, Francisca (Sheriff)

Pastorelli, Elisabetta (County Counsel)

Perata, Darren (Sheriff)

Perez, Franklyn (Probation)

Perot, Dennis (Superior Court)

Perry, Victor (Sheriff)

Peterson, Michael (Probation)

Pierce, Brian (Superior Court)

Pierce, Catalina (District Attorney)

Pond, Cynthia (Superior Court)

Porter, John (Ag, Weights & Measures)

Post, Howard (District Attorney)

Powell, Ute (HHSA)

Prue, Christine Ann (Probation)

Quinn, Sharon (Chief Administrative Office)

Ragaza, Jocelyn (HHSA)

Ramos, Jose L (Sheriff)

Ramos, Omar (Probation)

Rathbun, Jennie (Probation)

Revilla, Lisa (Superior Court)

Rimmer, Darin (Probation)

Rios, Heather (Probation)

Rivera, Moises  (Probation)

Robbins-Meyer, Helen (Chief Administrative Office)

Rochman, Pamela (Superior Court)

Rosales, Ricardo Cesar (Child Support)

Ross, Robert (Planning & Development Services)

Rylaarsdam, Gregory (Sheriff)

Salas, Richard (Public Works)

Sanchez, Erik (HHSA)

Sanchez, Steven (HHSA)

Santos, Dino (Superior Court)

Saracco-Reed, Stephanie (Superior Court)

Schoen, Steve (Sheriff)

Self, Jorge (Office of Emergency Services)

Serra, Christy (Probation)

Serrano, Ernesto (Probation)

Serrano, Ricardo (Environmental Health & Quality)

Shipley, Bradley (Ag, Weights & Measures)

Shultz, Karen (HHSA)

Siebern, Lucia (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Siegfried, Rob Scott (Sheriff)

Skelton, Stephen (Sheriff)

Skinner, Jennifer (Probation)

Slawson, Gregory (Environmental Health & Quality)

Smith, Robert (Sheriff)

Solis, Marc (Probation)

Solorio, Antonia

Solorio, Armando (Probation)

Sommers, Ann (Public Defender)

Sosaya, Ramon (Sheriff)

Stewart, Dennis (Sheriff)

Stiltner, James (Facilities Management)

Strniste, Bruce (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Sullivan, Liane (HHSA)

Summerer, Susan (Purchasing & Contracting)

Surratt, Lisa (Superior Court)

Taft, Herbert (Sheriff)

Taras, Cindy (Superior Court)

Taylor-Nance, Vickie (Superior Court)

Thompson, Christine (Probation)

Townsend, Desmond (District Attorney)

Traina, Elisabeth (Sheriff)

Trapsi, Edna Lon (HHSA)

Tumlinson, Crystal (Probation)

Valbuena, Maxima (Sheriff)

Vann, Ronald (Probation)

Vasquez, Jocelyn (HHSA)

Velasquez, Jose

Velasquez, Roberto (HHSA)

Venable, Sandra (HHSA)

Vidallon, Celia (Facilities Management)

Villalba, Alfredo (HHSA)

Villanueva, Orlando (Probation)

Villariasa, Katherine (Probation)

Vitug, Luz (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Washington, Sheila (Superior Court)

Weinberger, Timothy (Sheriff)

Wells, Laura (HHSA)

Wheeler, Kathleen (HHSA)

White, Valentina (District Attorney)

Williams, David (Wastewater Management)

Worthington, Sheila (HHSA)

Worthy, Tensely (Probation)

Wright, Jan (Sheriff)

Young, Celia (HHSA)

Young-O'Rear, Suzanne (District Attorney)

Zimmerer, Louis (Probation)

Retirements - March 2023

Achacoso, Edmund (HHSA)

Adams, Jeannine            

Aguilar, Michael (Public Works)

Alvarez, Filomena (Child Support)

Anderson, Tamara (Probation)

Apostolopoulos, Sophia (Probation)

Balvaneda, Armida (Human Resources)

Barraza, Karen (Superior Court)

Benjestorf, Suzanne (HHSA)

Bodine, Steven (Sheriff)

Cabansag, Allen (Auditor & Controller)

Carbonell, Arthur (Air Pollution Control District)

Chang, Justin (Probation)

Cochran, Allan (SDCERA)

Dents-Fain, Linda (Child Support)

Eilers, Todd (Public Defender)

Estoesta, Jesus (Sheriff)

Filbert, Mary (HHSA)

Frederick, Patricia (Environmental Health & Quality)

Gaton, Rod (Sheriff)

Geringer, Stephanie (Sheriff)

Harris, Anissa (Probation)

Hatch, Michael (Probation)

Hedrick-King, Julie

Huys, John (Marshal)

Imhoff, Michael (Superior Court)

Isip, Joseph (Planning & Development Services)

Katrantzis, Tricia

Kelly, Jesse (Parks & Recreation)

Kolb, Ruth (HHSA)

Lane, Laurie (Sheriff)

Loewer, Renee (Land Use & Environment Group)

Madruga, Richard (District Attorney)

McDaniel, Ana (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Monteagudo, Luis (Board of Supervisors)

Mowers, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

Okenwa, Anthony (Registrar of Voters)

Porter, Therese (Superior Court)

Price, Kathryn (HHSA)

Proctor, Michael (SDCERA)

Quasarano, Richard (Public Works)

Ramirez, Mary Ann (Superior Court)

Reed, Todd (Sheriff)

Reno, Rowena (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Rex, Stephen (Probation)

Reyes, Armando (District Attorney)

Robins, David (Sheriff)

Romo, Leticia (Superior Court)

Samuels, Robert (Sheriff)

Santella, Paul (Sheriff)

Scott, Tina (District Attorney)

Snow, Devin (HHSA)

Stiles, Mayraflor (Sheriff)

Stone, Lawrence (District Attorney)

Tag, Matthew (District Attorney)

Tao, Peter (Facilities Management)

Teves, Rodolfo (HHSA)

Thompson, Tracey (HHSA)

Torgerson-Neumann, Sheri (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Torphy, Andrea (Probation)

Tucker, Bryan (Sheriff)

Van Den Herik, Mark (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Velasquez, Leticia (Superior Court)

Ventimiglia, Karen (HHSA)

Walnum, Roxy (Public Defender)

White, Ron (Air Pollution Control District)

Williams, Lisa (Sheriff)

Wright, John (Probation)

Zilinsky, Gregory (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Retirements - Februrary 2023

Alvarado, Peter (Sheriff)

Arneson, Derek (Sheriff)

Avila, Mayra (HHSA)

Baumann, George (Sheriff)

Broussard, Christian (Sheriff)

Browder, Leslie (SDCERA)

Brown-Conner, Sonya (Probation)

Camberos, Raquel (Sheriff)

Cheung Quon, Jerraldeane (HHSA)

Colorado, Alberto (HHSA)

Coney, Marcus (Sheriff)

Do, Minhduc (Probation)

DuPlessis, Diane (Probation)

Ednacot, Jessie (HHSA)

Eide, Jacob (Probation)

Gallardo, Christopher (Sheriff)

Gargano, Kathryn (HHSA)

Gates, Laura (Public Defender)

Genel, Alfredo (Sheriff)

Gonzales, Gloria (Sheriff)

Haddad, Suha (Air Pollution Control District)

Hernandez, Rosauro (Sheriff)

Hicks, Linda (Environmental Health and Quality)

Hildebrand, Dan (Facilities Management)

Hills, Valerie (HHSA)

Huerta, Juana (Superior Court)

Hughes, Joan (Superior Court)

Jones, Cassandra (HHSA)

Jones, Sheila (Child Support)

Katz, Karen (HHSA)

Lipton, Marsha (HHSA)

Loo, Antonio (HHSA)

Malensek, Dawn (HHSA)

Marcelo, Leisa (Superior Court)

Martorana, Stephanie (Sheriff)

Matthews, Wendy (HHSA)

Montoya, Emil (HHSA)

Nguyen, Emily   (HHSA)

Nickel, Daniel (Sheriff)

Ochoa, Luis

Padilla, Irma (HHSA)

Perry, Brenda (District Attorney)

Peters, Donalla (HHSA)

Petty, Tamiko (HHSA)

Pozzebon, Elizabeth (Environmental Health & Quality)

Raguine, Michael (Sheriff)

Rethwish, Lisa (HHSA)

Rivera, Maribel (Municipal Court- North County)

Robeniol, Imelda (Sheriff)

Rodriguez, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Rosenberry, Denise (Superior Court)

Samson, Caren (Public Works)

Schwab, Minerva (HHSA)

Schwieterman, Kenneth (Sheriff)

Semprini, Laura (Probation)

Shin, Magdalene (County Counsel)

Sorrentino, Lisa (HHSA)

Stephens, Wesley (Probation)

Taylor, Andrea (Superior Court)

Terriquez, Francisco (Sheriff)

Tielman, Laura (Superior Court)

Tso, Ching (HHSA)

Tudor, Mark (Sheriff)

Turner, Khojasteh (HHSA)

Vasquez, John (Superior Court)

Villalpando, Maria (Sheriff)

Wall, Ronnie (Sheriff)

Retirements - Janurary 2023

Ash, Lisa (HHSA)

Bailey, Maria (Sheriff)

Baldwin, Anne (Public Works)

Bishop, Penny (District Attorney)

Brown, Dori (Chief Administrative Office)

Brown, Robert (Sheriff)

Calderon, Jocelyn (Sheriff)

Castillo, Roderick (Sheriff)

Caunin, Indira (HHSA)

Comeaux, Tavaries (Probation)

Davies, Patricia (District Attorney)

Davis, Gail (Sheriff)

De La Cruz, Lovelette (HHSA)

Dean, Marshall (Facilities Management)

Dejesus, Nenita (Auditor & Controller)

Duran, Carmina (District Attorney)

Gardenhire, Carl (Sheriff)

Hingtgen, Robert (Planning & Development Services)

Hulings, Alberto (HHSA)

Johnson, Gregory (Marshal)

Johnson, Samuel (Human Resources)

Jones, Jana (HHSA)

Kershaw, Terry (Registrar of Voters)

Mangen, Ena (Sheriff)

Mango, Sue (HHSA)

Martin, Joel (Probation)

Matthews, Charles (HHSA)

Mendivil, Vicente (HHSA)

Nejadasgari, Farnaz (HHSA)

Olson, Lisa C

Priebe, Michelle (Registrar of Voters)

Ray, Anthony (Sheriff)

Rulloda, Carmen (Human Resources)

Salter, Helen (Sheriff)

Salunga, Ava (Sheriff)

Salvatierra, Michael (Sheriff)

Scott, Debra (Public Defender)

Seher, Jeannine (Human Resources)

Shen, Jennifer (Sheriff)

Sliwinski, Barbara (Planning & Development Services)

Teran, Julia (Sheriff)

Toledo, Susana (HHSA)

Trujillo, Carol (Law Enforcement Review Board)

Underhill, Scott (Air Pollution Control District)

Upano, Raquel (Sheriff)

Utter, Steven (District Attorney)

Wittmer, Tara (District Attorney)

Woo, Johnny (Sheriff)

Woolbright, Dana (Public Defender)

Zmijewski, Bryan (District Attorney)

Retirements - December 2022

Ammerman, Freida Ann (HHSA)

Barnachea, V-Marie (Probation)

Boyles, Kathleen (Superior Court)

Carlberg, Elizabeth (Child Support)

Crayne, Donnis (HHSA)

Cremans, Jessica Leigh (Sheriff)

Cruz, Bernard (HHSA)

DeLong, David (Sheriff)

Diaz, Ignacio (Sheriff)

Eglin, Thomas (District Attorney)

Ferrell, Cherie (HHSA)

Hanken-Bolinger, Ericka (Auditor & Controller)

Hasman, Tim (HHSA)

Hawks, Ana (HHSA)

Heidemann, Carl (Probation)

Johnson, Vallera (Superior Court)

Klais-Trent, Sherry Lynn (Superior Court)

Kosmata, Steven (Superior Court)

Lascano, Lino (HHSA)

Ledbetter, Julie (Superior Court)

Lyons, Teressa (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Mallari, Jeremias (Sheriff)

Manipol, Richel (HHSA)

Martin, Genoveva (Child Support)

McAleer, Mary (Superior Court)

McIntyre, Michael (Sheriff)

Noonkester, Dale (Parks & Recreation)

Oborski, Barbra (Sheriff)

Olson, Jason (Sheriff)

Perez-Mehlhoff, Marlene (Probation)

Polomsky, Debra (HHSA)

Ring, Brenna (Library)

Rodriguez, Joseph (Superior Court)

Roper, Sean McClelland (Superior Court)

Sablan, Natalie (Superior Court)

Sanders, Aida (HHSA)

Santillanes, Jacqueline (HHSA)

Santos, Johann (Superior Court)

Selkowitz, Patricia (Library)

Solaita, Tori (HHSA)

Stein, Jason (HHSA)

Stubblefield, John (Sheriff)

Tolentino, Liberty (Sheriff)

Torres, Javier (HHSA)

Vargas, Manuel (Sheriff)

Vasquez, Martha (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Weeks, Karen (Probation)

Willeson-Holland, Christine (HHSA)

Zolezzi, Charlotte (Facilities Management)

Retirements - November 2022

Adams, Kristen (Sheriff)

Alabata, Carmelita (HHSA)

Amash, Brooke (Probation)

Bagley, David (Sheriff)

Barclay, Kellie (Parks & Recreation)

Barrett, Beverly Ann (District Attorney)

Burdman, Rise (Probation)

Cagnina, Debra (Sheriff)

Cornwall, Morgan (HHSA)

D'Agostino, Jianna (Sheriff)

Gettelman, Robin (District Attorney)

Haremza, Linda (HHSA)

Hope, Howard (Sheriff)

Hutchings, Jeffery (HHSA)

Jones, Vince (Sheriff)

Josselyn, Paul (Agriculture, Weights and Measures)

Kinchen, Cassandra (Public Defender)

Korona, Jo Ann (Sheriff)

Langgle, Kathryn (Superior Court)

McMahon, Carol (Superior Court)

McNamara, Timothy (Registrar of Voters)

Medici, Rebecca (Superior Court)

Mosley, Tyrone (Probation)

Murray, Beth (Planning and Land Use)

Nicklo, Robert (Sheriff)

Ormrod, Rindy (Superior Court)

Paule, Shelly (HHSA)

Penaflor, Andrew (Probation)

Price, Kelly (Sheriff)

Reed, Lydia (HHSA)

Roach, Maria Cristina (Child Support)

Roberts, Laurie (Superior Court)

Rouston, Cynthia (HHSA)

Stern, Jon-Eden (HHSA)

Terrell, Michelle

Thomas, Desiree (HHSA)

Thornton, Wallace (Probation)

Velazco, Sergio (Probation)

Walkey, David (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Wheeler, Nicole (HHSA)

Williams, Leann (Registrar of Voters)

Retirements - October 2022

Abellera, Samuel (HHSA)

Aguilar-Ortega, Luz (HHSA)

Anderson, Alis (Probation)

Ashton, Ranessa (SDCERA)

Bastida, Miguel (HHSA)

Beck, Jana (Library)

Bernaldez, Melinda (Sheriff)

Billings, Jamie (Superior Court)

Boyer, Christine (HHSA)

Bright, Timothy (Sheriff)

Bych, Gregory (SDCERA)

Cerda, Steven (Sheriff)

Chamberlain, Chad (Sheriff)

Cruzado, Elbert (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Dalbratt, Michael (Sheriff)

Dold, Lesley (HHSA)

Dunn, Christy Sue (Probation)

Durbin, Anita (Sheriff)

Eberhardt, Nancy (Superior Court)

Eldridge, Brett (HHSA)

Ford, Glenn (Sheriff)

Forrest-Costa, Mary Jane (HHSA)

Friend, Matthew (Probation)

Govier, Gordon (District Attorney)

Gutierrez, Teresita (HHSA)

Haydock, Jack (HHSA)

Henry, Madeleine (Superior Court)

Hettich, Randall (HHSA)

Hurd, Shawn (Sheriff)

Jackson, Norman (HHSA)

Jimenez, Alice (HHSA)

Johnson, Rona (Probation)

Jones, Tara (Public Defender)

Karram, Lulu (Sheriff)

Keeran-Pearson, Vicki (HHSA)

Kelly, William (Sheriff)

Kohanyi, Diane (Public Works)

Kuykendall, Anabel (HHSA)

Lee, Jerry (General Services)

Levine, Eric (Sheriff)

Lomibao, Gloria (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Longno, Ailene Marie (Sheriff)

Malott, Kevin (Environmental Health)

Martin, Zedrick (Probation)

Mauzy, Joyce (Probation)

McFarland, Nancy (HHSA)

Middlestead, Mark (Environmental Health & Quality)

Moreno, Bernardino (Sheriff)

Navalta, Angelina (Sheriff)

Ouadah, Zoubir (Public Works)

Pascual, Doreen (HHSA)

Pena, Silfredo (District Attorney)

Proctor, Sonja (Sheriff)

Ramos, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Randall, Susan (HHSA)

Raymond, Frank (Probation)

Robertson, Trent (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Rodriguez, Ruben (Probation)

Rodriguez, Saul (Sheriff)

Ruelas, Dolores (HHSA)

Schu, Mei In (Sheriff)

Simmons, Jerry (Medical Examiner)

Smith, Kurtis (Sheriff)

Smith, Laurie (Public Works)

Stanton, Adam (Probation)

Stephens, Janette (Library)

Strahan, James (Sheriff)

Sunkees, Robin (Superior Court)

Utterback, John (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Valencia, Norma (HHSA)

Vega, Shayla (Sheriff)

White, Vicki (HHSA)

Williams, David (District Attorney

Yamane, Joseph (HHSA)

Young, Gregory (Sheriff)

Retirements - September 2022

Adamos, Jovin (Sheriff)

Anderson, Briggite (HHSA)

Avina, Jose (Agriculture, Weights and Measures)

Banlaoi, Socorro (HHSA)

Barrett, Robin (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Benjamin, Danielle (Sheriff)

Blevins, Laura (Probation)

Booth, Christi (HHSA)

Broyles, Rhonda (HHSA)

Bueno, Rosa (Child Support)

Cabico, Mercy (Sheriff)

Cano, Maria (Probation)

Colon, John (Facilities Management)

Corcoran, Maria (HHSA)

Dart, Jeffrey (Parks and Recreation)

Dinca, Diana (Sheriff)

Driscoll, William (HHSA)

Dubinina, Zinaida (HHSA)

Evangelista, Joji (Sheriff)

Fowler-Armstrong, Charlyn (HHSA)

Glaze, Florence (Sheriff)

Gomez, Susie (Superior Court)

Graham, Stanley (HHSA)

Guy, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

Henry, Paul (HHSA)

Hicks, Thomas (Probation)

Keeney, Brian (Sheriff)

Kraft, Don (Planning & Development Services)

Larion, Ann (Probation)

Leyva, Ruben (Probation)

Limbag, Efren (Public Defender)

Manalili, Sally (Facilities Management)

McLaughlin, Pennie (Superior Court)

Minshell, Gregory (Probation)

Montgomery, Nakiya (Sheriff)

Mullan, Carol (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Mullen, Anthony (Public Works)

Narducci, Angela (Superior Court)

Neuenswander, Michelle (Superior Court)

Nguyen, Mike (HHSA)

O'Connor, Cathleen (Superior Court)

Petersen, Lisa (Public Works)

Pettiford, Kimberly (HHSA)

Pham, Anne (HHSA)

Ramirez, Sandra (Sheriff)

Romero, Maria (Auditor & Controller)

Saint-Juste, Jacky (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Sanchez, Javier (HHSA)

Schlitt, Paul (Environmental Health)

Schmidt, Steve (County Communications Office)

Segura, Robert (HHSA)

Shaplin, William (Auditor & Controller)

Solorio, Raymond (Probation)

Spalsbury, Steven (Sheriff)

Tate, Marcella (Sheriff)

Tejeda, Inez (HHSA)

Terrell, Kirk (Sheriff)

Tominello, Maria (HHSA)

Valadez, Vicente (Sheriff)

Vasquez, Carlos (Sheriff)

Villalobos, Eduardo (HHSA)

Wegner, Cheryl (Parks and Recreation)

Wen, Ting-kuo (Air Pollution Control District)

Williams, Wanda (HHSA)

Wilson, Kathrine (District Attorney)

Zugasti, Mario (Sheriff)

Retirements - August 2022

Akers, Laura (District Attorney)

Alequin, Vilma (Sheriff)

Askins, Brian (Sheriff)

Avila, Delia (HHSA)

Bahde Forrester, Cheryl (HHSA)

Barangan, Dominador (Sheriff)

Becerra, Lanae (Probation)

Bender, Michael (HHSA)

Benvegnu, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Berry, Deborah (HHSA)

Brass, Michael (Facilities Management)

Caldwell, Sandra (HHSA)

Cano, Yolanda (HHSA)

Caracoza, Victor (Probation)

Estrella, Sedora (Auditor & Controller)

Gambs, Jennifer (Probation)

Garrity, Rita (Probation)

Greiner, Cherie (HHSA)

Hammond, Virginia (Library)

Jackson, Victoria (Sheriff)

Jasso, Adelita (Sheriff)

Johnson, Randall (Sheriff)

Johnson, Timothy (Sheriff)

LaVake, Mark (District Attorney)

Langley, Lori (HHSA)

Macfarlane, Brett (Sheriff)

Mahinay-Ward, Lourdes (HHSA)

Maribao, Dale (Sheriff)

Marshall, Christopher (Sheriff)

McCall, Anthony (HHSA)

McCay, Kelly (District Attorney)

McDonald, Nancy (Superior Court)

McFeely, Gina (Registrar of Voters)

McGee, Marcia (Library)

Mosqueda, Maria (HHSA)

Murrieta, Nicolette (Sheriff)

Pasol, Joeflor (Facilities Management)

Peoples, George (Sheriff)

Perez, Gerardo (Sheriff)

Petropoulos, Irene (HHSA)

Pilpa, Cecilia (HHSA)

Pulley, Lynda (Public Works)

Roberts, Cynthia (HHSA)

Rodriguez, Edwin (HHSA)

Rotter, Uji (Facilities Management)

Ruiz, Benito (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Sheppard, Jeremy (Sheriff)

Sliter, Waters (Sheriff)

Steel, Shelia (HHSA)

Temporal, Dean (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Vergara, Adriana (Superior Court)

Weis-Martinez, Lidia (HHSA)

Retirements - July 2022

Arnold, Joseph (Sheriff)

Arreola, Melanie (HHSA)

Beltran, Nancy (County Counsel)

Brinks, Warren (Dept of Information Services)

Brown, William (Sheriff)

Bruce, Robert (District Attorney)

Casillas, Roberto (Sheriff)

Clauss, Benjamin (Probation)

Culver-Henkel, Dawn (HHSA)

Delgado, Richard (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Doumbia, Christine (Public Defender)

Dumolt, Lisa (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Ellsworth, Philip (Sheriff)

Guillory, Lois (Sheriff)

Haigh, Angie (Sheriff)

Heflin, Brenda (HHSA)

Jinks, Danita (Public Defender)

Jose, Nilo (Sheriff)

Lager, Duane (HHSA)

Loomis, Patricia (Superior Court)

Lopez, Morgan (Sheriff)

McCoskey, Michael (Public Works)

Moore, Diana (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Morales, Susan (HHSA)

Olimpio, Lisa (HHSA)

Padilla, Albert (Sheriff)

Randhahn, Gregory (Probation)

Ranft, James (HHSA)

Samaniego, Zenaida (Air Pollution Control District)

Sanchez, Cristina (HHSA)

Sevilla, Angel (Sheriff)

Shawcroft, Robert (Sheriff)

Spilker-Wilson, Danielle (District Attorney)

Tano, Mariano (Sheriff)

Vargas, Gerardo (Library)

Vaughan-Jones, Diana (HHSA)

Waara, Keith (Environmental Health & Quality)

Walsh, William (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Warnock, Carla (HHSA)

Weiss, Samuel

Williams, Theresa (Animal Services)

Wise, Jannet (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Zamora, Melvin (Facilities Management)

Retirements - June 2022

Abdillahi, Abdi (HHSA)

Adamos, Sherileen (Sheriff)

Bone, Amber

Brooks, Lindin (HHSA)

Brown, Christine (Sheriff)

Budomo, Arvin (Probation)

Carolino, Roela (Sheriff)

Castillo, Gerardo (HHSA)

Chacon, Irma (HHSA)

Clayton, George (Facilities Management)

Coultas, Laury (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Davis, George (Sheriff)

De La Toba, Jorge (HHSA)

Gonzales, Cecilia (Sheriff)

Gustafson, Teresa (Probation)

Hartnett, Katherine (Superior Court)

Harris, Susan (Planning & Development Services)

Hemesath, Kathleen (HHSA)

Hess, Katherine (HHSA)

Holman, Paul (District Attorney)

Huff, Carey (HHSA)

Leal, Angelina (Child Support)

Lee, Hye (Housing and Community Development)

May, Christopher (Sheriff)

Metras, Jasen (Superior Court)

Miller, Elizabeth (Auditor & Controller)

Murdock, Ruty (Public Works)

Orphanos, James (Board of Supervisors)

Rafii, Lotfali (HHSA)

Rodgers, Tracey

Smith, Roy (Sheriff)

Spotts, Susan (HHSA)

Stowell, Laymona (Public Works)

Tice, Kori (Sheriff)

Torigoe, Jimmy (Sheriff)

Torres, Blanca (HHSA)

Vega, Ileana (HHSA)

Waszak, Amy (HHSA)

Williams, Andrew (Probation)

Zapanta, Maria Carlotta (HHSA)

Zermeno, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Retirements - May 2022

Anderson, Samantha (HHSA)

Bacon, Kelley (Human Resources)

Barczewski, Marci (Library)

Berry, Kim (Probation)

Burritt, Barbara (Sheriff)

Casarrubias Helton, Monica (Superior Court)

Chausse, Carmen (HHSA)

Clemons, Stephen (County Technology Office)

Eshaq, Homaira (HHSA)

Faith, Princess (Child Support)

Farwell, Marna

Gant, Daniel (Parks & Recreation)

Gaytan, Edelmira (HHSA)

Gebre-Michael, Bethel (HHSA)

Incontro, Rosa (Child Support)

Jarvis, Bartlett (HHSA)

Johnson, Patricia (Public Works)

Kydd, Wayne

Lamb, David (Public Defender)

Lantis, Richard (Public Works)

Martinez, Leanno (Sheriff)

Mickel, William (HHSA)

O'Neal, Michael (Public Works)

Rash, Cynthia (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Skillion, Edward (Planning & Land Use)

Solomon, Michele (HHSA)

Stone, William (Public Defender)

Sweet, Chrystal (Probation)

Szanto-Lindner, Maria (HHSA)

Villavicencio, Joy (HHSA)

Retirements - April 2022

Abrams, Jaclyn (HHSA)

Aceves, Hilda (Sheriff)

Adame-Chavez, Maria (Human Resources)

Agas, Arthur (Air Pollution Control District)

Aldana, Arnold (Sheriff)

Aldrich, Mark (Sheriff)

Alejandro, William (Environmental Health & Quality)

Aline, Patricia (Sheriff)

Allard, Geoffrey (District Attorney)

Allen, Douglas (Sheriff)

Allensworth, Jess (Sheriff)

Almazar, Vicente (Sheriff)

Alvarez, Herlinda (HHSA)

Amador, Heyam (Sheriff)

Anderson, Janese (Superior Court)

Andrzejewski, Anthony (Sheriff)

Angelo, Carmel (HHSA)

Arend, Joshua (Sheriff)

Ashkar, Steven (Sheriff)

Askari, Giti (HHSA)

Austin, Brett (HHSA)

Avilucea, Noel (HHSA)

Baclagan, Alfredo (Sheriff)

Bailey, Cana (Superior Court)

Baiza, Marcus (Sheriff)

Banda, Rebecca (Human Resources)

Baua Rouch, Liza (HHSA)

Bauer, Marie (HHSA)

Bayer, Maria (HHSA)

Bennett, Christine (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Berman, Terrence (Probation)

Bettilyon, Tamyra (HHSA)

Bilbao, Leticia (Probation)

Bobenrieth, Paulina (HHSA)

Bollschweiler, Laura (Superior Court)

Bona-Schiefer, Faith (Sheriff)

Bonahoom, Annette (Superior Court)

Bonner, Allen (Sheriff)

Borja Estevez, Lourdes (HHSA)

Bradley, Michael (Child Support)

Bradshaw, Freddericka (HHSA)

Brannon, Lee (Probation)

Brazell, Kenneth (Planning & Development Services)

Brecheisen, William (Sheriff)

Breton, Jodi Lynn (District Attorney)

Brogadir, Daniel Seth (Wastewater Management)

Bruner, Stacie (Auditor & Controller)

Brunk, Robert (Sheriff)

Buchanan, Scott (Superior Court)

Burbank, Anthony (Sheriff)

Burke, Gary (Sheriff)

Burke, Michael (Environmental Health & Quality)

Burns, Bobby (Probation)

Burns, Thomas (Sheriff)

Busseau, Nicole (HHSA)

Butcher, Brian (Sheriff)

Byrne, Thomas (Sheriff)

Cahue-Aguilar, Dulce (HHSA)

Camejo, Edward (Probation)

Cancio, Claudia (District Attorney)

Candelore, Adrienne (Sheriff)

Capano, Giuseppina (Sheriff)

Carvalho, Dennis (Sheriff)

Case, Linda (Sheriff)

Castaneda, Rubertina (District Attorney)

Castillo, Cesar (Sheriff)

Castillo, Raymond (Sheriff)

Castro, Dana (Sheriff)

Castro, Delia (Superior Court)

Chalmers, Victoria (Probation)

Chandler, Victoria (Superior Court)

Cheng, Mady (Auditor & Controller)

Chesler, Susan (Sheriff)

Christensen, Russell (Sheriff)

Cisneros, Guido (Planning & Development Services)

Coleman, Jerald (Office of Emergency Services)

Comagon, Ernie (Public Works)

Contreras, Gino (Sheriff)

Conway, Patrice (HHSA)

Costello, Sally (Animal Services)

Coveyou, Cynthia (Probation)

Croft, Steven (Public Works)

Cruz, Noemi (Child Support)

Curtis, Gloria (HHSA)

Da Silva, Therese (Superior Court)

Daniels, Marvin (Sheriff)

Dawson, Yolanda (HHSA)

Debevec, Richard (Sheriff)

Deguzman, Larry (Sheriff)

Del Real, Jesus (Facilities Management)

Delgadillo, Alejandro (Probation)

Digualco, Regina (HHSA)

Dlima, Austen (Air Pollution Control Dist)

Dominguez, Guadalupe (District Attorney)

Dominguez, Reynaldo (Sheriff)

Dreyer, Mark (Sheriff)

Duffek, Michael (Facilities Management)

Dunn, Adrian (Sheriff)

Edlin, Michelle (Sheriff)

Elliott, Susie (Superior Court)

Ellis, Joseph (Sheriff)

Ellison, Stephen (Sheriff)

Erickson, Robert (Sheriff)

Errett, Dana (Air Pollution Control District)

Eslambolchi, Marty (Public Works)

Estavillo, Maria Bernardita (Sheriff)

Evangelista, Allan (Human Resources)

Evangelista, Florencia (Child Support)

Farrington, Jay (District Attorney)

Farwell, Eric (District Attorney)

Faucher, Todd (Child Support)

Fernandez, Juan (Environmental Health & Quality)

Flitcraft, David (Sheriff)

Flores, Probo (Sheriff)

Follis, Bruce (Superior Court)

Foster, Maria Cristina (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Friedrich, Michelle (Sheriff)

Frisbie, Brian (HHSA)

Fulwiler, Andrea (Office of Emergency Services)

Fuss, John (Registrar of Voters)

Galicia, Adriana (District Attorney)

Gardner, Doroth (County Technology Office)

Gayer, Lance (Wastewater Management)

Gibson, Julie (Public Defender)

Gilbert, Jill (District Attorney)

Gilchrist, Margaret (Probation)

Goldstein, Marlene (Office of Emergency Services)

Gomez, Ruben (Sheriff)

Gorbea, Rose Marie (District Attorney)

Gorman, Kristen (SDCERA)

Goulart, Peter (County Counsel)

Grady, Celette (Superior Court)

Gray, Peggy (District Attorney)

Green, Michael (HHSA)

Green, Susan (County Technology Office)

Greene, Bryan (Sheriff)

Gregory-Lorenz, Margaret (Sheriff)

Greisen, Dana (District Attorney)

Groulx, Patti (HHSA)

Gunn, Christopher (HHSA)

Guthrie, Jeffry (Sheriff)

Guzman-Garcia, Sylvia (District Attorney)

Halstead, Ronald (Sheriff)

Hancock, Timothy (Probation)

Hanneman, Sarah (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Harn, Julie (District Attorney)

Harris, Carrie (Library)

Hassan, Ashraf (HHSA)

Haydock, Kimberly (Sheriff)

Hockensmith, Karen (HHSA)

Howard, Corinne (Animal Services)

Howard, Katherine (HHSA)

Huizar, Scott (Probation)

Hydorn, Colin (Probation)

Inga, LaNiece (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Jamason, Mark (Sheriff)

Johnson, Debra (HHSA)

Johnson, Sandra (Animal Services)

Johnson, Scott (Sheriff)

Johnston, Paul (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Jones, Orval (Sheriff)

Karmach, Izabela (HHSA)

Kebede, Atlaw (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Khazaeli, Hanna (HHSA)

King, Kathleen (Animal Services)

Klahn, Naomi (Probation)

Knierim, Mark (Sheriff)

Kostiuk, Peggyann (HHSA)

Kramer, Enriqueta (HHSA)

Ky, Kevine (Sheriff)

Kydd, Tina (Superior Court)

La Bore, Hannah (Sheriff)

LaFoy Mayne, Roy (Sheriff)

Labuguen, Marilyn (HHSA)

Lafer, Robert (Child Support)

Laguer, Juan (Facilities Management)

Lambert, Patricia

Lang, Kathleen (HHSA)

Laudner, Scott (Probation)

Laughlin, Theresa (HHSA)

LeRibeus, Brian (District Attorney)

Lemke, Craig (Sheriff)

Lobato, Robert (District Attorney)

Lopez, Guadalupe (Probation)

Lopez, Marco (HHSA)

Lorta, Nancy (Sheriff)

Lough, Valerie (District Attorney)

Magallanes, Raul (Sheriff)

Malec, Emilie (Sheriff)

Malek, Cameron (Planning & Development Services)

Mandel, Mark (Child Support)

Maraan, Lumina (Sheriff)

Marble, Johnny (Sheriff)

Marcq, Marilu (Sheriff)

Mariano, Vicente (Sheriff)

Marquez, Alberto (Sheriff)

Marrufo, Gloria (HHSA)

Mars, Laura (Animal Services)

Martinez, AnnaMarie (HHSA)

Martinez, Cynthia (HHSA)

Martinez, Rosa (HHSA)

Massarene, Erik (Sheriff)

Mateo, Delia (HHSA)

Matzkiw, Timothy (Sheriff)

Mayer, Habibulla (HHSA)

Maynard, Laurie (HHSA)

McClain, Michael (Sheriff)

McDivitt, Joseph (Wastewater Management)

McElhaney, Jacqueline (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

McFadden, Ronnie (Sheriff)

McGee, Movita (HHSA)

McGrath, Patrick (District Attorney)

McHorney, Jason (Sheriff)

Means, Mary Jean (Superior Court)

Mejia, Luzmary (HHSA)

Melin-Alvarez, Leticia (Superior Court)

Mellon, David (Public Works)

Miller, Rodney (General Services)

Mitchell, Michelle (Auditor & Controller)

Monaco, Anne (HHSA)

Mones, Rowena (Sheriff)

Moore, Jerry (Facilities Management)

Morace, Steven (Sheriff)

Morgan, Aaron (Human Resources)

Morgan, Michael (Sheriff)

Moua, Phoua (Library)

Mulcahy, Josefina (Sheriff)

Munoz, Abraham (Sheriff)

Murphy, Paul (Child Support)

Murphy, Sandra (Probation)

Nadeau, Kevin (Sheriff)

Nathan, Bridget (HHSA)

Navarro, LeeAnn (Superior Court)

Negado, Sol (HHSA)

Nguyen, Minh (Sheriff)

Nguyen, Tran (HHSA)

Noblitt, Donald (Facilities Management)

Nouvong, Erick (HHSA)

O'Donoghue-Fischetti, Kelly (HHSA)

Ogle, Kevin (Sheriff)

Olin, Roberta (District Attorney)

Oliver, Katherine (Library)

Olivier, Glenda (HHSA)

Ontiveros, Gloria (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Ortega, Maria (HHSA)

Otto, Divina (HHSA)

Painter, William (Sheriff)

Paredes, Edgar (Environmental Health & Quality)

Parra, Marylou (HHSA)

Parriott, Scot (Sheriff)

Patterson, Brian (Sheriff)

Pena, Irma (Library)

Perez, Marites (HHSA)

Peterson, Melody (Sheriff)

Peterson, Tina (Child Support)

Phan, Alan (Sheriff)

Pichardo, Leticia (Probation)

Pinarelli, Greg (District Attorney)

Pineda, Alan (Probation)

Prescott, Joseph (Sheriff)

Prizzia, Lynne (Auditor & Controller)

Quirk, Jeffrey (Probation)

Ramirez Vazquez, Maria (District Attorney)

Ramirez, Osca (Public Works)

Ray, Leslie (HHSA)

Raygoza, Rosa (HHSA)

Ream, Randall (Probation)

Reber, Leah (Probation)

Recto, Harlow (HHSA)

Reed-Quinones, Ursula (Sheriff)

Reilly, William (Sheriff)

Reinhardt, Jayne (HHSA)

Renaldi, Michele (Probation)

Retez, Dante (Sheriff)

Reyes, Piedad (HHSA)

Reynolds, Jack (Sheriff)

Rios, Luis Alfredo (Sheriff)

Roberts, Avez (Sheriff)

Rosanes, Royina (Child Support)

Roughton, Mark (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Ruczewski, Henry (Sheriff)

Rudesill, Barbara (District Attorney)

Rugga, Hemraj (Sheriff)

Rupert, Barbra (Superior Court)

Salazar, Sharon (Public Defender)

Salehi, Dariush (Sheriff)

Samaniego, Ma Pialin (HHSA)

Sanchez, Jesus (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Sanchez, Oscar (Sheriff)

Sanders, Rebekah (Library)

Sandfer, William (Sheriff)

Santiago, Marivic (HHSA)

Sawin-Smith, Lisa (Probation)

Sawyer, Tony (Inactive Waste Site Mgt)

Schaeffer, Candace (Superior Court)

Schaller, David (Sheriff)

Schick, Garth (Sheriff)

Schu, Alex (Sheriff)

Schulthies, Marie

Serrano, Evangelina (HHSA)

Shah, Madeline (HHSA)

Shankula, John (Sheriff)

Sherman, Mark (Sheriff)

Silva, Shawn (Sheriff)

Skelton, Gregory (Sheriff)

Slettengren, Ingrid (HHSA)

Smith, Melisha (District Attorney)

Smith, Rita (Library)

Sosaya, Linda (Probation)

Spiegler, Eric (Probation)

Stevens, Matthew (Sheriff)

Stewart-Brockman, Gail (District Attorney)

Stranger, Joel (Sheriff)

Strohl, Darrell (Sheriff)

Sullivan, Gregory (Sheriff)

Sulser, Albert (Public Works)

Sumrow, Janice (District Attorney)

Sweet, Jane (HHSA)

Tanner-Leonard, Maria (HHSA)

Tanney, Valerie (District Attorney)

Tate, Linda (Auditor & Controller)

Tate, Terri (Sheriff)

Tatoy, Dennis (Probation)

Taylor, John (HHSA)

Tercenio, Rogelio (Probation)

Testado, Irenea (Sheriff)

Thomas, Mae (Probation)

Thomason, Susan (Superior Court)

Thompson-Taylor, Sherry (District Attorney)

Thrush, Dorothy (Public Safety Group)

Tiess, Peggy (Superior Court)

Tomkinson, Kyle (Sheriff)

Toner, David (Sheriff)

Torre, Juan (Probation)

Torres, Anthony (Environmental Health & Quality)

Townsend, Robert (Sheriff)

Trovato, Patrick (HHSA)

Truong, Anh (HHSA)

Turner, Harold (Sheriff)

Valencia, Lupe (HHSA)

Vallee, Edith (Child Support)

Van Cleve, Merle (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Van Lingen, Arnold (Sheriff)

Vasquez, Yvonne (HHSA)

Vaughan, Leigh (Probation)

Velasquez, Marcella (HHSA)

Velasquez, Pedro (Sheriff)

Velez, Olivia (HHSA)

Venable, Marie (Public Works)

Vidal De Pena, Liliana (District Attorney)

Voigt, Jodi (Sheriff)

Walsh, Christina (Sheriff)

Walsh, Todd (Environmental Health & Quality)

Ward, Lawrence (Probation)

Warner, Eric (HHSA)

Wastrack, Angela (HHSA)

Weatherton, Scott (Probation)

Whitaker, Mark (Sheriff)

Whitlock, Jimmy (Public Works)

Williams, Darrell (District Attorney)

Williams, Honey (Library)

Willis, Annabelyn (HHSA)

Wills, Kimberly (Probation)

Wirkus, Mary (Public Defender)

Woolard, Patricia (Probation)

Woolsey, Saundra (District Attorney)

Yarnell, Shirley (HHSA)

Young, Jacqueline (District Attorney)

Zarch, Lorrie (Superior Court)

Zinke, Betty (Sheriff)

Zuniga, Rosa (HHSA)

Zuniga-Armenta, Marlene (District Attorney)

Retirements - March 2022

Albea, Terry (Sheriff)

Allahwerdy, Rifat (HHSA)

Alotaya, Mediadora (Human Resources)

Alvarado, Maria (Registrar of Voters)

Anchundo, Linda (HHSA)

Anderson, Annette (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Andrade, Susana (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Andrews, Maria (Sheriff)

Angcaya, Emelino (Sheriff)

Avila, Jose (Public Defender)

Baker, Colleen (Library)

Bautista, Alejandra (HHSA)

Bednarski, Diane (Library)

Bemis, James (Superior Court)

Benbo, Richard (Auditor & Controller)

Berry, Scott (Sheriff)

Bollinger, Ricky (Media and Public Relation)

Bomediano, Angelo (District Attorney)

Bouchell, Jynx (HHSA)

Bridgeman-Smith, Linda (HHSA)

Brislin, Daniel (Sheriff)

Bulthuis, Steven (Sheriff)

Burgos, Charles (Probation)

Burney, Seema (HHSA)

Carrasco, Pedro (Facilities Management)

Casas, Matilde (Probation)

Castrejon, Adrianna (Probation)

Cherniak, Theresa (Planning & Land Use)

Clack, Michelle (Chief Admin Officer)

Craig, David (Air Pollution Control District)

Cross, Robert (Sheriff)

Cruz, Janice (District Attorney)

Cruz, Noemi (Child Support)

Cuevas, Regina (Sheriff)

Davis, Cynthia (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

De Gala, Christian (Auditor & Controller)

Di Meglio, Dena (Sheriff)

Douglas, Samuel

Dugal, Troy (Sheriff)

Duke, Billy (Sheriff)

Eddy, Naomi (Probation)

Elliott, Catherine (HHSA)

Escalante-Felix, Veronica (Probation)

Farris, Jill (Sheriff)

Fikes, Ronda (HHSA)

Flores, Rafael (Sheriff)

Frierson, Erika (Sheriff)

Fulan, John (HHSA)

Fuller, Ana (Superior Court)

Fuller, Bruce (Superior Court)

Gallo, Diane (Sheriff)

Garces, Ricardo (Public Defender)

Gonzales, Linda (HHSA)

Greenawald, Janette (HHSA)

Greene-Grant, Irene (HHSA)

Hahn, Timothy (HHSA)

Hall, Astrid (Probation)

Hammond, Joan (HHSA)

Hampton, Gregory (Sheriff)

Harris, John (Probation)

Hernandez, Theresa (District Attorney)

Hodge, TC (Sheriff)

Housley, Shannon (Probation Department)

Johnson, Karen (HHSA)

Kasuba-Kelley, Merri (Library, County

Kneeshaw, Alan (Sheriff)

Kneeshaw, Michelle (Sheriff)

Knobbe, Michael (Sheriff)

Kunugi, Sharon (HHSA)

Kuwert, Hans (Sheriff)

Laschinski-Bronk, Kristen (Superior Court)

Leeper, Tamara (HHSA)

Legaspi, Manuel (District Attorney)

Leppanen, Frans (Library)

Liakas, Bonnie (Sheriff)

Mabolia, Lily (Planning & Development Services)

Macceca, Michael (Sheriff)

Machuca, Elizabeth (Probation Department)

Malfavon, Tanya (District Attorney)

Martin, Johnny (Sheriff)

Martinez, Gordon

Maynard, Stephen (Sheriff)

Mayorga, Felix (Sheriff)

McBrayer, Wayne

McCartney, John (Probation)

Menzies, Kevin (Sheriff)

Mok, Kelly (District Attorney)

Mone, Lisa (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Morabe, Dawn (Sheriff)

Moreno, Susan (HHSA)

Myhrvold, Janet (HHSA)

Nielsen, Barry (Sheriff)

Orozco, Angelica (Probation)

Ortiz, Mark (Fleet Maintenance Support)

Oyler, Elizabeth (Probation)

Patel, Rupal G    (HHSA)

Patterson, Tyrese

Penetrante, Editha (Child Support)

Perrapato, Maria (Sheriff)

Plattner-Grainger, Patrice (County Counsel)

Price, Eric (Sheriff)

Quadros, Lisa (HHSA)

Quarles, Denise (HHSA)

Quintanilla, Joe (Sheriff)

Riggin, Maria (Superior Court)

Robertson, Darlene

Robinson, Anthony (Sheriff)

Rodriguez, Elva (Probation)

Romero, Paul (Public Defender)

Roos, Daniel (Sheriff)

Rosado, Moises (Sheriff)

Ruiz, Cynthia (Sheriff)

Rustad, Joan (HHSA)

Ryan-Quirk, Holly (Probation)

Salmons, Todd (Sheriff)

Samson, James

Sargent, Alison

Schrupp, Peggy (HHSA)

Seamons, Annette (Superior Court)

Silva, Michael (Sheriff)

Sonday, Karen (HHSA)

Souki, Martin (Sheriff)

Spillman, Daryl (Sheriff)

Starkey, James (Sheriff)

Takeda, Aida (Sheriff)

Tapia, Mark (Probation)

Thiss, Shannon (Sheriff)

Tockstein, Robert (Sheriff)

Urie, Lori (Superior Court)

Vorce, Charles (Sheriff)

Watson, Susan (District Attorney)

Weber, Jean (HHSA)

Werner, Jeanette (Sheriff)

Westbrook, Norma (Registrar of Voters)

Williams, Deborah (HHSA)

Williamson, Darlene (Child Support)

Wise, Susan (HHSA)

Yang, Chue (Child Support)

Retirements - February 2022

Amos, Scott (Sheriff)

Arcelo, Lorena (Probation)

Asenjo, Rosie (HHSA)

Banister, Susan (HHSA)

Barnes, Lourdes (Public Works)

Barrios, John (Sheriff)

Barrow, Angela (Probation)

Binotapa, Jaime (HHSA)

Brummer, Thomas (Sheriff)

Canales, Kyle (Farm Advisor)

Carino, Evangeline (Facilities Management)

Christiansen, Eric (Sheriff)

Cook, Denny (Sheriff)

Cordova, Martha (HHSA)

Crowley, Ellen (HHSA)

Culp, James (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Cunningham, Thalia (Superior Court)

De Freitas, Natalie (Superior Court)

Divona, Frank (District Attorney)

Domingo, Rose Marie (Sheriff)

Douglas, Cindy (Auditor & Controller)

Durden, Crystal (Sheriff)

Eller, Diane (HHSA)

Espinoza, Delilah (Probation)

Everett, Monica (Probation)

Fagan, Peter (Superior Court)

Feece, Flora (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Ferguson, Sharon (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Fernandez, Rowena (HHSA)

Freshwater, Andrea Lee (District Attorney)

Gonzalez, Aurora (HHSA)

Gore, William (Sheriff)

Green, Dennis (Child Support)

Hall, Christine (District Attorney)

Hamner, Michael (Sheriff)

Hay, Stephen (Superior Court)

Holslag, Scott (Sheriff)

Hopkins, Michelle (HHSA)

Horton, Tashane (Probation)

Hua, Dana (Public Works)

Hudson, Shirley (Superior Court)

Iturbe, Annette (Superior Court)

Johnson, Louis (HHSA)

Johnson, Sabrina (Sheriff)

Kowalski, Leann (Probation)

Krogman, Randall (Purchasing & Contracting)

Lee, Bobby (Public Works)

Lewis, Bianca (Child Support)

Loberia, Alexander (HHSA)

Lopez, Claudia

Lowry, John (Superior Court)

Lucas, Zonna (Superior Court)

Macias, Jose (HHSA)

Magsino, Jocelyn (Child Support)

Matel, Juanita (HHSA)

McCarthy, Gordon (Sheriff)

McGuckin, William (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Mendez, Gonzalo (Probation)

Merrall, Michele (Probation)

Milton, Mark (Sheriff)

Mosler, Damon (District Attorney)

Moua, Seng (HHSA)

Moua, Yee

Neal, Thomas (Sheriff)

Nicks-Quintero, Lisa (District Attorney)

Olson, Matthew (Planning & Development Services)

Owens, Jimmy (Sheriff)

Pallas, Robert

Park, Young In (Sheriff)

Payfer, Shannon (Sheriff)

Pittman, David (Probation)

Preciado, Kim (Parks & Recreation)

Rasing, Joel (Probation)

Ratekin, Patti (Superior Court)

Ray, Victor (District Attorney)

Robles, Cristina (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Rodriguez, Jorge (Sheriff)

Rosario, Sylvia (Superior Court)

Ruddy, Teresa (HHSA)

Shelton, Connie (HHSA)

Shina, David (Air Pollution Control District)

Singleton, Win (Facilities Management)

Slattery, Stephanie (Public Defender)

Smith, Susan (HHSA)

Songer, William (County Counsel)

Soto, Jose (Sheriff)

St John, Ian (Probation)

Stephen, Amy (HHSA)

Strong, Diane (HHSA)

Susi, Noel (Probation)

Swasey, Jackie (Auditor & Controller)

Taylor, Sharon (Sheriff)

Tichy, Doralina (HHSA)

Torregrosa, Gerardo (Public Works)

Varnot, Tammy (District Attorney)

Vi, Helen (Probation)

Villagomez, Julian (District Attorney)

Wardlaw, Mark (Planning & Development Services)

Wright, Linda (Sheriff)

Zermeno, Alejandro (Probation)

Retirements - January 2022

Alves, Carlos (HHSA)

Ambata, Marita (HHSA)

Arellano, Ruth (Local Agency Formation)

Armstrong, Janice (Probation)

Arstill, Jennifer (Public Defender)

Bach, Hanh (HHSA)

Blumenthal, Matthew (Sheriff)

Bradburn, Donald (HHSA)

Brahy, Daniel (Probation)

Brewer, Marjorie (HHSA)

Burns, Tamara (Probation)

Butler, Brenda (District Attorney)

Butts, Curtis (Probation)

Cahill, Mark (Sheriff)

Cavanah, Kenneth (Facilities Management)

Chang, Get K. (Sheriff)

Chertkow, Louis (Parks & Recreation)

Cobbs, Deyondralyn (Sheriff)

Collins, David (District Attorney)

Confer, Roxanne (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Darvin, Paul Eric (Sheriff)

Davis, Bruce (Human Resources)

De Vico, Joseph (HHSA)

Dela Cruz, Rene (Sheriff)

Delacruz, Albert (Sheriff)

Deleon, Allan (Sheriff)

Denogean, Jesus (Sheriff)

Dickinson, James (Sheriff)

Doherty, Rumi (District Attorney)

Dorado, Lucia (FG3)

Dorroh, David (Sheriff)

Dragula, Frank (Superior Court)

Dumalag, Aida (HHSA)

Emig, Melinda

Fernandez, Arthur (Probation)

Flesher, Dwight (HHSA)

Flynn, Dennis (Sheriff)

Frankey, James (Sheriff)

Gibson, Craig (Facilities Management)

Gilder, Mary (HHSA)

Glenn, John (Facilities Management)

Hall, Brian (Probation)

Hazelwood, William (Facilities Management)

Helinski, Linda (HHSA)

Hernandez, Sam (Sheriff)

Hock, Kimberly (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Holmes, Simone (Superior Court)

Hoover, Scott (Parks & Recreation)

Jacka, Rebecca (Superior Court)

Kaiser, Toni (Human Resources)

Keaton, Sandra

Keith, Bobby (Animal Services)

Kellum, Lisa (HHSA)

LaChappell, Maria (Sheriff)

Lachappell, Paul (Sheriff)

Larkin, Daron (Sheriff)

Lopez, Yolanda (HHSA)

Lupdag, Benjamin (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Magallanes, Miguel (Sheriff)

Marshall, Thomas (Sheriff)

Mead, Kimberly

Mihaly, John (DPW)

Millan, Macario (Sheriff)

Monti, Carrie (Superior Court)

Nguyen, Christy-Huu (HHSA)

O’Leary, Kevin (Office of Emergency Service)

Ople, Geraldine (Child Support)

Oplinger, Sandra (District Attorney)

Palisoc-Manzano, Eleanor (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Papp, Everett (Parks & Recreation)

Parker, Tyrone (Human Resources)

Parks, Maria (Superior Court)

Perkins, Erline (HHSA)

Pisani-Kristl, Heather (Library)

Platel, Michael (Sheriff)

Pocklington, David (Sheriff)

Poulin, Richard (Sheriff)

Prescott, Helen (Sheriff)

Price, Shire (Air Pollution Control District)

Quintero Rohlfs, Brenda (District Attorney)

Ramet, Charlene (HHSA)

Ramsey, Cornelia (Sheriff)

Samson, Renato (Sheriff)

Sanchez, Cynthia (Probation)

Schoenheit, Candis (Office of Emergency Services)

Sciuto, Philip (District Attorney)

Silva, Norma (Sheriff)

Smith, Fern (Sheriff)

Smyser, Jeff (Planning & Development Services)

Stoepler, Juliet (HHSA)

Temporal, Alyn (Probation)

Villalobos, Zulma (HHSA)

Welz, Richard (Sheriff)

Yang, Chalee (District Attorney)

Retirements - December 2021

Barber, David (Registrar of Voters)

Barry, Robert (Local Agency Formation Commission)

Beach, Mary (Probation)

Beamon, Margo (HHSA)

Beck, Christina (HHSA)

Bubb, Kristen (HHSA)

Carlson, Terri (Library)

Carus, Elva (HHSA)

Chase, Randy (Sheriff)

Cortez, Julia (District Attorney)

Cruz, Rufina (HHSA)

Curtiss-Smith, Pamela (HHSA)

Del Rosario, Rogelio (Auditor & Controller)

Drury, Sharon (HHSA)

Elliott, Ricky (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Garcia, Cynthia (Child Support)

Gilb, Pamela (Environmental Health & Quality)

Gilb, Richard (Environmental Health & Quality)

Guill, William (Public Works)

Guzman, Josue (Sheriff)

Hailemichael, Gennet (HHSA)

Hubbard, Irene (Child Support)

Johnson, Brigitte (County Counsel)

Kaufman, Amanda (HHSA)

Kienitz, Candace (HHSA)

Larios, Francisco (HHSA)

Lee, Mark (Environmental Health & Quality)

Levenberg, Carolyn (Public Defender)

Lotero, Melissa (Sheriff)

Love, Rory (Public Works)

Lungu, Donna (HHSA)

Maclean, Yvette (Probation)

Magos-Brewer, Martha (HHSA)

Morga, Daniel (Sheriff)

Newman, Nicole (Public Works)

Norton-Clapham, Susan (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

O'Connor, David (Probation)

Oxina, Emelita (HHSA)

Padiernos, Gloria (HHSA)

Paymard, Steven (HHSA)

Penick, Allen (Probation)

Perez, Gloria (HHSA)

Perrapato, David (Sheriff)

Petty, Olivia (Sheriff)

Pierce, Ruth (Probation)

Plummer, Jacqueline (Superior Court)

Polischuk, Winifred (Probation)

Ramos, Leon (HHSA)

Ruiz, Susana (HHSA)

Sayasane, Nath (Probation)

Scerbo, Patricia (Registrar of Voters)

Smith, Jonathan (District Attorney)

Smith, Robert (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Solis, Luisa (HHSA)

Solomon, Robert (HHSA)

Stalnaker, Debra (DPW-Airport Enterprise Fund)

Steele, Donald (Sheriff)

Stevens, Stephanie (Probation)

Sturk, Beverly (Environmental Health & Quality)

Tsai, Grace (HHSA)

Varela, Phillip (HHSA)

Vargas-Ramirez, Belinda (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Villanueva, Roberto (HHSA)

Von Lintig, Friederike

Wong, Kawoon (Library)

Young, Tina (Probation)

Retirements - November 2021

Abisia, Rosemary (HHSA)

Adamos, Osias (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Adams, Melissa (Air Pollution Control District)

Alexander, Donna (HHSA)

Allen, Robyn (HHSA)

Angquico, Reginald (Sheriff)

Bannon, Christine (District Attorney)

Beckmann, Theodore (Probation)

Berry, Gabriela (Human Resources)

Blanton, John (Probation)

Borts, Amy (Superior Court)

Bustamante, Mercedes (District Attorney)

Clark, Donald (Probation)

Cormier, Albert (Sheriff)

Curtom, Virginia (HHSA)

Cvitkovich, Larry (Parks & Recreation)

Doherty, Arthur (Sheriff)

Edison, Monique (Probation)

Estes, Jennifer (District Attorney)

Garcia, Monica (Registrar of Voters)

Givens, James (Sheriff)

Gonzalez, Hernan (Sheriff)

Guzman, Nellie (HHSA)

Hightower, Bruce (Sheriff)

Howell, Debra (Human Resources)

Huser, Michael (HHSA)

John, Joseph (Sheriff)

Jones, Jeffry (Sheriff)

Klindt, Benjamin (Sheriff)

Klindt, Rachel (Sheriff)

Legaspi, Maria Rosario (HHSA)

Luciano, Jose Enrique (Probation)

Lynne, Maria (HHSA)

Lyyjoki, Rey (Sheriff)

Magana, Fred (Sheriff)

Mainali, Amalia (HHSA)

Manivone, Thavone (HHSA)

Matsuura, Yuki (Auditor & Controller)

McIvor, Perry (District Attorney)

Mongrain-Nock, Susan (HHSA)

Pascual, Peter Soliman (Sheriff)

Perez, Maria Del Carmen (Probation)

Quy, Binh (Superior Court)

Ramos, Minerva (Sheriff)

Reddick, Herman (Office of Emergency Services)

Reed, Antonio (HHSA)

Ripley, Mindy (HHSA)

Roach Bernardino, Sophia (District Attorney)

Rodriguez, Ramon (Sheriff)

Sandora, Pamela (HHSA)

Squire, Karen (Superior Court)

Stalnaker, Mark (Probation)

Thurlow, Richard (Environmental Health)

Van Denover, Jon (Superior Court)

Viray, Hector (Planning & Land Use)

Wester, Robert (HHSA)

Whittaker, Michele (HHSA)

Zuniga-Groot, Graciela (HHSA)

Retirements - October 2021

Benavides, Michael (Sheriff)

Briones, Cindy (District Attorney)

Brown, Roberto (Probation)

Burns, Catherine (HHSA)

Campagna, Anthony (District Attorney)

Cantu, James (Clerk of the Board of Supervisors)

Carrillo, Yvette (Child Support)

Carter, Terry (HHSA)

Castro, Ivan (Sheriff)

Corbett, Edward (Public Works)

Craig, Patricia (Child Support)

Curtis, Carol (HHSA)

Diluzio, Janet (Sheriff)

Gervasi, John (Air Pollution Control District)

Gillum, Tracy (Probation)

Hall, Lewis (Sheriff)

Harris, Diana (Sheriff)

Heckscher, Mona (HHSA)

Hunnewell, Evelyn (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Ignacio, Luis (Auditor & Controller)

Jarman, Charles (Library)

Jeffreys, Anthony (HHSA)

Kahre, Hazel (SDCERA)

Kamin, Debra (District Attorney)

Ladd, Andrea (Sheriff)

Leon, Loni (Probation)

Lopez, Ruben (Sheriff)

Lutz, Carmela (Sheriff)

Madrigal Vera, Esmeralda (HHSA)

Mauzy, Jason (Probation)

McArdle, Charlotte (HHSA)

Miller, Brenda (SDRVJPA)

Mirmiran, Haydeh (Public Works)

Munden, Christopher (Probation)

Neck, Brent (District Attorney)

Nicks, William (Superior Court)

Norris, Keren (Probation)

Peterman, Shannon (HHSA)

Pospychala, Paula (HHSA)

Regis, Noemi (HHSA)

Rivers, Gary (Sheriff)

Rodgers, Idaliz (HHSA)

Rojas-Ramirez, Adriana (Sheriff)

Rubio-Ponce, Luz (HHSA)

Segura, Daniel (Public Defender)

Shirley, Steven (Sheriff)

Siordia, Maria (HHSA)

Smithson, Ronald (Sheriff)

Snyder, Robin (Facilities Management)

Stanford-Gabaldon, Melvena (Probation)

Tallorin, Ronald (Sheriff)

Thomson, Gloria (HHSA)

Vedder, Bret (HHSA)

Wagner, David (HHSA)

Wilder, Cynthia (Registrar of Voters)

Workmon, Victoria (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Yakubik, Lillian (HHSA)

Retirements - September 2021

Aber, Margaret (Sheriff)

Afzali, Amir (Environmental Health)

Almaraz, Leticia (Superior Court)

Backholm, Julie (Child Support)

Behrouz, Mojgan (Probation)

Botin, Leah (Clerk of the Board of Supervisors)

Brannan, David (Sheriff)

Brown, Debra (District Attorney)

Castro, Rick (Sheriff)

Celestino, Daisy (HHSA)

Clark, Rizelyn (Probation)

Coleman, Sandra Library, County

Cooney, Rosa (HHSA)

Coronado, Maria (HHSA)

Cortes, Yolanda (Superior Court)

Dispo, Caesar (Sheriff)

Domingo, Valentino (HHSA)

Eaton, Mary Lizelle (HHSA)

Edlund, Terry (Child Support)

Fightlin, Jennifer (HHSA)

Flores, Marilyn (Auditor & Controller)

Flores, Peter (Probation)

Foley, Anita (HHSA)

French, Peggy (HHSA)

Garrett, S J (HHSA)

Graves, Linda (Sheriff)

Grinceri, John (Sheriff)

Haycook, Linda (Parks & Recreation)

Hecht, Patricia (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Howard, Gordon (Planning & Land Use)

Hunter, Mary (HHSA)

Jamito, Marilyn (HHSA)

Jessie, Frank (Planning & Development Services)

King, Michele (Sheriff)

Kunch, Dorian (Public Works)

Leyva, Alicia (HHSA)

Lindner, Richard (HHSA)

Llamas, Laura (Superior Court)

Loaiza, Anibal (HHSA)

Lovelady, Robert (HHSA)

Martinez, Alfredo (Sheriff)

McConnell Regan, Kely (Probation)

McCutcheon, Jennifer (Child Support)

McKee, Cecilia (Human Resources)

Medley, Betty (Sheriff)

Millings, Anthony (Sheriff)

Moreno, Mark (Sheriff)

Panganiban, Celia (HHSA)

Paquette, Mark (Sheriff)

Perez, Kenny (Sheriff)

Pilkington, Anita (Library)

Prieto, John (HHSA)

Ralph, Jacqueline

Remy, Michael (HHSA)

Richardson, Todd (Sheriff)

Scott, Kimberly (HHSA)

Sheela, Barton (Public Defender)

Shields, Tiffany (Animal Services)

Snowden, Ursula (HHSA)

Somov, Oleg (Facilities Management)

Stevens, Kaprice

Stumpp, Bonita (HHSA)

Summers, Valerie (District Attorney)

Tenorio, Anna (District Attorney)

Torres, Esteban (HHSA)

Valdez, Mariaana (Probation)

Vidrio, Sandra (HHSA)

Wahl, Therese (HHSA)

Watkins, Patricia (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Watz, Fred (Facilities Management)

Wells, Rhonda (Public Defender)

Whittlesey, Suzanne (HHSA)

Wilson, Mary (HHSA)

Wright, Scott (Sheriff)

Zemedkun, Emebet (HHSA)