Retirements - August 2021

Andrews, William (Probation)

Antoine, Vicky (Probation)

Arstill, Brock (District Attorney)

Benavidez, Arturo (Sheriff)

Biag, Antonio (Planning & Land Use)

Blankartz, Teri (HHSA)

Bourque, Dianne (HHSA)

Bradley, Toi (HHSA)

Carlos, Carol (County Counsel)

Casillas, Janice (County Counsel)

Chambers, Marcellus (Sheriff)

Chan, Gloria (Environmental Health & Quality)

Clem, Sandra

Cochrane, Allen (Child Support)

Colclough, Damon (HHSA)

Corless, Bruce (Sheriff)

Cox, Anabel (HHSA)

Craig, David (Sheriff)

Cruz, Rene (Probation)

Culver, Anna

Dacanay, Regina (Sheriff)

Dauz, Dulce (Sheriff)

De Santi, Monica (Probation)

Delacruz, Lizza (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Dohrer, James (Wastewater Management

Dunn, Sally (HHSA)

Epley, Selena (Public Defender)

Espino, Crispina (Child Support)

Fejaran, Arleen (HHSA)

Fife, Larry (Wastewater Management)

Figueroa, Omar (Probation)

Flores, Michael (Parks & Recreation)

Gabriel, Alina (HHSA)

Garrido, Esther (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Garza, Israel (Air Pollution Control District)

Gersten, William (Superior Court)

Glandon Morris, Linda (HHSA)

Gray, Deborah (District Attorney)

Grooms, Roxanne (District Attorney)

Gulihur, Randy (Sheriff)

Gutierrez, Jorge (Public Defender)

Heaton, Brian (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Hernandez, Arazeli (HHSA)

Hinkledire, Robert (District Attorney)

Judkins, Lisa (Superior Court)

Kalentermidis, Ana (Child Support)

Kanaski, Robert (Sheriff)

Keester-Wellman, Renee (HHSA)

Koon, Janette (Air Pollution Control District)

Llanes, Rosanna (Superior Court)

Marchand, Michael (Probation)

Marcue, Sherry (Probation)

Marquis, Bruce (Facilities Management)

McKinney, Jacqueline (HHSA)

Osborn, Lynda (Sheriff)

Pettijohn, Celia (Superior Court)

Pletcher, Tamara (Superior Court)

Puentes, Juan (Sheriff)

Rave, Lisa

Reider, Robert (Air Pollution Control District)

Renteria, Crystal (HHSA)

Saenz, Lucina (HHSA)

Sanchez, Georgina (HHSA)

Sarmiento, Esmeralda (District Attorney)

Serafin-Tyler, Romana (HHSA)

Shanahan, Rosemary (HHSA)

Silva, Gabrielle (HHSA)

Stephans, Susan (Public Defender)

Temple, Jeannette (Public Works)

Thorne, Mary Ellen (Superior Court)

Uribe, Fernando (Probation)

Vandenover, Julie (Superior Court)

Velardi, John (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Vickery, Jason (Sheriff)

Yoder, Leslie (Animal Services)

Zemacki, Esteban (Public Works)

Retirements - July 2021

Alaei, Mojtaba (HHSA)

Baquiran, Romeo (Sheriff)

Baylon, Jairo (HHSA)

Burton, Christopher (Medical Examiner)

Carpenter, Mary (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Cremans, Trina (Sheriff)

Davis, Garner (Sheriff)

Duesler, Erik (Sheriff)

Dullano, Wilma (HHSA)

Flores, Ana G     (Superior Court)

Griner, Kristy L   (Sheriff)

Hammon, Riley (Sheriff)

Hanifin, Angela (HHSA)

Hickman, Kathleen (Superior Court)

Hulbert, Laurie (Superior Court)

Isaia, Stephanie

Kelley, James (Sheriff)

Kerr, David (HHSA)

King, Janet (HHSA)

Lafreniere, Rebecca (Environmental Health & Quality)

Lane, Edward (Sheriff)

Leggett, Dennis (HHSA)

Magale, Samuel (Public Works)

Marchand, Dianne (HHSA)

Martin, Laurie (HHSA)

Martindale, Kimberly (Facilities Management)

Martinez, Linda (District Attorney)

Mckenzie, Edlene (Superior Court)

Negron, Luis (Sheriff)

Pacheco, Tanya (District Attorney)

Pease, Andrew (HHSA)

Pena, Jorge (Sheriff)

Piepenbrink, Brian (HHSA)

Principe, Eliza

Reed, Karl (Facilities Management)

Rivera, Carlos (HHSA)

Rizzo, Debra (District Attorney)

Roddy, Michael (Sheriff)

Rogers-Archie, Janice (Probation)

Ryan, Sean (HHSA)

Smith, Shay (Sheriff)

Spellman, Christine (HHSA)

Sterna, Marianne (County Counsel)

Stevens, Peter (Sheriff)

Tannenwald, Eric (Child Support)

Walsh, Susan (HHSA)

Webb, Valerie (HHSA)

Weeks, JoAnne (District Attorney)

Wuethrich, Andrea (HHSA)

Wynn, Leslie (HHSA)

Retirements - June 2021

Andersen, Brett (District Attorney)

Ashworth, Patricia (Superior Court)

Blake, Lauren (District Attorney)

Butler, Sarah (HHSA)

Cruzado, Edward (Facilities Management)

Figuracion, Bernard (Library)

Hahn, Deborah (Sheriff)

Haley, Michael (Sheriff)

Jones, Jimmie (Superior Court)

Lambert, Richard (Planning & Development Services)

Lawson, Cheryl

Mays, Jody (Facilities Management)

Mays, Matthew (Sheriff)

McCay-Salazar, Judith (Library)

Miles, Danny (Fleet Services)

Morris, Michelle (HHSA)

Nader, Tim J (Child Support)

Napolitano-Lang, Michelle (Sheriff)

Payan, Diana (Sheriff)

Phillips, Paula (Public Works)

Pinedo, Roberto (Probation)

Poblete, Ronald (Planning & Land Use)

Sainz, Luis (HHSA)

Shaheen, Melissa (Superior Court)

Shiraishi, Michael (Sheriff)

Smith, David (HHSA)

Stathes, James (Sheriff)

Testado, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Thomas, Michelle (Probation)

Uelen, William (Sheriff)

Vega, Janet (HHSA)

Vick, Margaret (Sheriff)

Woersching, Robert (Environmental Health & Quality)

Ziomek, Jeanette (HHSA)

Retirements - May 2021

Abongan, Carrie (Superior Court)

Angelo, Charles (Sheriff)

Arrendale, Hubert (Sheriff)

Bakken, Teresa (Parks & Recreation)

Bautista, Abelardo (HHSA)

Belden, Brenda (HHSA)

Bernard, Mark (Auditor & Controller)

Bliss, Ethel Rose (Sheriff)

Bustos, Maribel (HHSA)

Butler, Carrie (HHSA)

Buttron, Joy (HHSA)

Carlson, Curtis (Auditor & Controller)

Chiuzzi, Marcela (Library)

Crosland, Lenyllan (HHSA)

Davis, Benno (HHSA)

Duran, Ernestine (Sheriff)

Fernandez, Nuria (HHSA)

Fields, Rosita (Child Support)

Garcia, George (Sheriff)

Gaston, Marian (Public Defender)

Gutierrez, Lidia (Sheriff)

Halling, Colleen (Sheriff)

Halter, Kathryn (HHSA)

Hernandez, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Hirsch-Gonzalez, Daniel (Sheriff)

Hutalla, Jocylin (HHSA)

King, Kimberly (Superior Court)

Klerekoper, Jill (Library)

Kwon, Hae (Library)

Marshall, Marla (Sheriff)

Mitchell, Joel (Probation)

Montemayor, Hilario (Sheriff)

Phillips, Martha

Rivas, Cesar (HHSA)

Roskey, Michael (HHSA)

Walker, Victor (Sheriff)

Worsley, Terrie (Superior Court)

Retirements - April 2021

Abille, Mary Jane (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Abugan, Myrna (District Attorney)

Alfaro, Leticia (Probation)

Almazar, Rosauro (Sheriff)

Angelo, Gregory (General Services)

Arabatzis, Konstantinos (HHSA)

Avila, Sonia (HHSA)

Ayres, Richard (Parks & Rec)

Ballard, Jason (Sheriff)

Barnes, Daniel (Sheriff)

Bartosik, Angela (Public Defender)

Baylon-Futterman, Martha (HHSA)

Beebe, Paula (Sheriff)

Bensted, Thomas (Sheriff)

Beronda, Richard (Sheriff)

Betancourt, Irma (Probation)

Blaine, Denise (HHSA)

Blue, Janet (HHSA)

Bolter, Harrison (HHSA)

Boright, Charles (Probation)

Boyer, Gary (Sheriff)

Brady, Sandra (Public Works)

Brown, Lori (Animal Services)

Buchnoff, Gregory (Sheriff)

Cabral, Cecilia (Planning & Development Services)

Caldwell, Julia (Probation)

Calloway, Margaret (Sheriff)

Campbell, James (Public Defender)

Cargel, Joseph (District Attorney)

Carrera, Carlos (Public Defender)

Chase, Donna (HHSA)

Contemprato, Lydia (HHSA)

Cuevas, Ziezel (HHSA)

Day, Robert (Sheriff)

Day, Theresa (Sheriff)

Deane, Edward (Public Works)

Debus, John (Sheriff)

Desta, Hiwet (HHSA)

Dimas, James (Probation)

Echeverria, Kristina (Human Resources)

Eisenga, Harold (District Attorney)

Embalsado, Frederick (HHSA)

Exner, Virginia (Human Resources)

Fafaul, Francis (SDCERA)

Falcone, Mildred (Sheriff)

Fiske, Suzanne (District Attorney)

Flippo, Janis (HHSA)

Flores, Judy (Sheriff)

Forbes, Lisa (Probation)

Frayer, Gertrude (HHSA)

From, Scott R (Facilities Management)

Furnari, Elizabeth (District Attorney)

Gagliardo, Douglas (Probation)

Gamble, Peggy (HHSA)

Garcia, Nancy (HHSA)

Garcia, Telly (Sheriff)

Gardner, Patrick (Sheriff)

Geringer, Mark (Sheriff)

Goonan, Brian (Sheriff)

Gordon, Nina (Probation)

Gossett, Kirk (Sheriff)

Greenberg, David (District Attorney)

Greene, Travis (Sheriff)

Haar, Richard (Sheriff)

Hart, Claude (Public Works)

Haughton, Kevin (Public Defender)

Heath, Vickie (HHSA)

Hernandez, Angelica (Child Support)

Hernandez, Ruben (Probation)

Heyden, Patricia (Parks & Rec)

Hill, Theresa (Sheriff)

Johanson, Karen (SDCERA)

Johnson, Steven (Superior Court)

Johnston, Anna (HHSA)

Judge, Susan (Sheriff)

Kahn, Clifford (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Katra, Mark (Sheriff)

Kautzman, Theodore (Wastewater Management)

Klepin, Dennis (Sheriff)

Kravchenko, Nadya (HHSA)

Lahti, Nancy (County Counsel)

Lake, Linda (HHSA)

Lara, Olimpia (Registrar of Voters)

Larry-Frank, Rosline (Sheriff)

Linder, Kelly (HHSA)

Linley, Michele (District Attorney)

Liseski, William (Public Works)

Livingston, Maria (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Lopez, Maria (Human Resources)

Lucero, Amparo (Superior Court)

Luczak, Richard (Sheriff)

Luke, Sharon (Registrar of Voters)

Lyles, Mark (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Marientes, Susan (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Marmolejo, Mateo (District Attorney)

Martin, Manuel (HHSA)

Maryon, John (Sheriff)

Masterson, Lucy (Sheriff)

Mata, Christopher (Sheriff)

McBride, Marlon (Probation)

McClutchey, Elizabeth (District Attorney)

McFarland, James (Sheriff)

McGarry, Donna (Superior Court)

McReynolds, Stacey (District Attorney)

Medina, Felipe (Probation)

Meeks, Teri (HHSA)

Milton, Connie (Sheriff)

Monteagudo, John (HHSA)

Montgomery, Renee (Sheriff)

Montillano, Rossana (HHSA)

Moody, Kelly (Sheriff)

Morris, Glenn (Sheriff)

Morta, Eduardo (Public Works)

Moss, David (Sheriff)

Munda, Remy (HHSA)

Myrick, Consuelo (Facilities Management)

Naku, Mubula (HHSA)

Namowicz, Verna (Probation)

Napolitano, Stephen (Sheriff)

Negron, Marilou (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Nesbitt, Li (HHSA)

Ness, Thomas (Sheriff)

Newton, Herlinda (HHSA)

Ngo, Anh (Probation)

Nguyen, Trina (HHSA)

Nickerson, Timothy (Sheriff)

O'Brien-Gallant, Darlene (Facilities Management)

Olin, Kevin (Sheriff)

Ortiz, Luisa (District Attorney)

Padilla, Antonio (Sheriff)

Paredes, Gary (Public Works)

Parra, Martha (Child Support)

Pena, Jesus (HHSA)

Pence, Sandra (Environmental Health & Quality)

Perkins, Maureen (Sheriff)

Phillips, Richard (Sheriff)

Phillips, Terry (Sheriff)

Poole, Anabel (HHSA)

Potvin, Valerie (HHSA)

Pouliot, Yolanda (Superior Court)

Price, Kevin (Sheriff)

Pruitt, April (Sheriff)

Quasarano, Susan (Office of Emergency Services)

Rake, Andrew (District Attorney)

Redeman, Jeanne (Sheriff)

Reichert, Jeffery (Public Defender)

Reynoso, Liliana (Probation)

Rinehart, James (Sheriff)

Ringgold, Gina (HHSA)

Rivera, Cecilia (Auditor & Controller)

Robles, Jose (Probation)

Rodriguez, Lisa (District Attorney)

Rosillo, Francisco (Sheriff)

Ross, Curtis (District Attorney)

Ross, Vanessa (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Ruby, Randy (Sheriff)

Ruiz, Arturo (Sheriff)

Rumble, Wilfrid (Public Defender)

Rushton, Belinda (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Russo, Joseph (HHSA)

Sachs, Richard (District Attorney)

Santiago, Maria (Superior Court)

Sara, Graciela (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Scheitt, Alcemir (Superior Court)

Seago, Pamela (Sheriff)

Sheppard, Samuel (Sheriff)

Siller, Maria (HHSA)

Spotts, Dean (Sheriff)

Stambaugh, Jeff (Fleet Maintenance)

Starkweather, Tanya (Public Defender)

Stephenson, Hugh (HHSA)

Sterling, Deborah (HHSA)

Stewart, Anna (Probation)

Strickland, Kenneth (Sheriff)

Strniste, Maria (Registrar of Voters)

Stubblefield, Sherri (HHSA)

Suarez, Virgilio (HHSA)

Tang, Wilson (District Attorney)

Tanjuaquio, Conrad (HHSA)

Tate, Sylvia (District Attorney)

Teklegiorgis, Kebreab (Sheriff)

Terry, Patricia (HHSA)

Thomas, Allan (Probation)

Thomas, John (Public Works)

Thun, Melissa (HHSA)

Tirado, Henry (Sheriff)

Torres, Patricia (Child Support)

Torres-Tacata, Susan (HHSA)

Toyen, Sanford (Sheriff)

Tran, Vannga (Probation)

Travers, Steven (Superior Court)

Travis, Summer (Superior Court)

Urbano, Eduardo (HHSA)

Van Winkle, Judy (HHSA)

Varela, Laurence (Public Works)

Vargas, Ladislao (Probation)

Walker, Sandra (HHSA)

Walter, Steven (District Attorney)

Warner, Joanne (HHSA)

Whalen, Laura (Sheriff)

White, Christine (Probation)

Wilburn, Georgette (HHSA)

Willis, Cleve (Sheriff)

Wood, Don (Sheriff)

Wotkyns, Pammela (Sheriff)

Young, Juan (Sheriff)

Zarate, Blanca (Sheriff)

Retirements - March 2021

Acebedo-Lopez, Maria (Auditor & Controller)

Andert, Steven (Sheriff)

Ariosta, Anthony (Public Works)

Beddow, Donna (Planning & Development Services)

Belisario, Gina (Superior Court)

Bettanini, Nancy (HHSA)

Blankenbaker, Damon (Sheriff)

Boman, Rebecca (HHSA)

Boudreau, Chad (Sheriff)

Britt, Melvina (Sheriff)

Brush, Catherine (Superior Court)

Buckmaster, Christine (Library)

Bui, Diep (Library)

Bykova, Victoriya (HHSA)

Carlino, Wendy (HHSA)

Chee, Vivian (HHSA)

Chiecuto, Frances (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Clever, Nancy (Probation)

Cruz, Aurelia (HHSA)

Cruz, Deloreve (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Davis, James (Superior Court)

Deitrich, Michelle (HHSA)

Doran, Toni (Child Support)

Elson, Candy (HHSA)

Even, Bruce (HHSA)

Fewell, William (Sheriff)

Fischetti, Peter (Sheriff)

Frankel, Brock (Sheriff)

Garcia, Norma (District Attorney)

Gardner, James (Planning & Development Services)

Gonzales, Abelardo (Facilities Management)

Gordon, Kathy (District Attorney)

Griffin, Victor (HHSA)

Gross, Charles (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Hammond, Mary (Probation)

Hsu, Hsiu (HHSA)

Hudec, Nancy (HHSA)

Hyde, Franklin (Sheriff)

Jaramillo, Irma (HHSA)

Jones, Marcilena (HHSA)

Kania, Mark (Sheriff)

Kellbach, Kevin (Probation)

Khoury, Charline (HHSA)

Kubat, Mary Jane (Facilities Management)

Leichliter, Charles (HHSA)

Lentz, Lynda (Probation)

Lin, Patricia

McNamara, Michael (Facilities Management)

Meriwether, Joel (Sheriff)

Molzen, Vickie (HHSA)

Montesdeoca, Lisa (Sheriff)

Nunez, Sebastian (HHSA)

Phillips, Jennifer (Sheriff)

Plascencia, Juana (HHSA)

Porter, Patrick (District Attorney)

Posadas, Nida (HHSA)

Rivas, Jennifer (HHSA)

Rivera, Ventura (Probation)

Rosario, Angel (District Attorney)

Sanwick, Teresa (HHSA)

Sasis, Orvelita (Child Support)

Sinsin, Wilma (District Attorney)

Smith, Joel (APCD)

Soares, Richard (HHSA)

Surmillon, Maria (HHSA)

Surprenant, Carol (Revenue & Recovery)

Taylor, Cindy (HHSA)

Taylor, Michael (Sheriff)

Varela, Jose (Alternate Public Defender)

Retirements - February 2021

Aguayo, Yvette (Sheriff)

Allen, Dean (Sheriff)

Balistreri, Cynthia (Medical Examiner)

Ball-Kratochvil, Kathryn (HHSA)

Barra, Miriam (HHSA)

Bennetts, Tammy (Sheriff)

Berlau, Mirasol (Sheriff)

Borden, Barry (Sheriff)

Brooks, Elizabeth (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Browning, Matthew (Sheriff)

Buttron, Patrick (HHSA)

Casey, Yolanda (Superior Court)

Coronado, Alice (HHSA)

Cox, Charles

Coyne, Laura (Sheriff)

Crumley, Frederick (Sheriff)

Dano, Adora (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Davis, Joseph (Sheriff)

De Alba, Della (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Delino, Lucia (HHSA)

DoBoe, Sharon (Auditor & Controller)

Dodson, Leonard (Superior Court)

Elms, Judy (HHSA)

Eral, Thomas (Superior Court)

Gaspari, Gretchen (District Attorney)

Gedminas, Traci (HHSA)

Gonzales, Linda (Child Support)

Gurrola, Jorge (HHSA)

Harris, Israel (Sheriff)

Haynes, Scott (Facilities Management)

Hueth, Shirla (Office of Emergency Services)

Juarez, Monica (HHSA)

Kuehling, Mollie (HHSA)

Madsen, James Sheriff

Mapanao, Nancyrose Dept of Child Support

Marquez, Jose (HHSA)

Martin, Kimberly (Probation)

Martin, Steven (Public Works)

Martin, Vincent (Probation)

McHorney, Reynil

Misa, Katina (Child Support)

Montgomery, Thomas (County Counsel)

Moody, Jeffrey (Public Works)

Nichols, Michael (Sheriff)

Niez, Mary (Parks & Recreation)

Pinckard, Richard (Sheriff)

Ritchie, Mark (Sheriff)

Roberts, Kelly (Probation)

Salazar, Silvia (HHSA)

Santana, Monze (HHSA)

Seitz, Scott (Sheriff)

Semano, Jeana (District Attorney)

Serrano, Eliza (HHSA)

Silver, Patti (HHSA)

Stacy, Michael (Sheriff)

Villa, Edward (Sheriff)

Villarta, Noel (Sheriff)

Weber, Debra (HHSA)

Weishaar, Jeffery (Sheriff)

Williams, Alfonso (Sheriff)

Womble, Maurice (Sheriff)

Retirements - January 2021

Abalos, Maripie (Probation)

Acosta, Derryl (SDCERA)

Alaniz, Maria del Carmen (HHSA)

Altenhof, William (Sheriff)

Ashtari, Khalil (Public Works)

Bateman, Ronda (Probation)

Bazzetta, Nancy (HHSA)

Beckett, Gordon (Public Works)

Bernardez, Maria (Superior Court)

Best, Paula (Sheriff)

Blanton, Phillip (HHSA)

Booth, Nancy (Sheriff)

Bringas, Jun (General Services)

Cady, James (Sheriff)

Cathey, Niina (Superior Court)

Celeste, Joann (Sheriff)

Clamser, Frank (Sheriff)

Colanter, Brit (HHSA)

Cox, Gregory (Board of Supervisors)

Creamer, George (Sheriff)

Cruz, Cheryl (Board of Supervisors)

Curtiss-Gembala, Mary Helen (Probation)

Danque, Yunice (HHSA)

De Los Santos Lincon, Martha (HHSA)

Deal, Denese (Sheriff)

Dooley, Brian (Public Defender)

Duran, David (Probation)

Ferrer, Ma Teresa (HHSA)

Flaherty, Katherine (District Attorney)

Flowers, Barbara (Superior Court)

Floyd, Dennis (County Counsel)

Foronas, Aida (Agriculture, Weights and Measures)

Gaviola, Emmanuel (General Services)

Gitana, Gina (Probation)

Gonzalez, Jesus (HHSA)

Gonzalez, Leticia (HHSA)

Gould, Cynthia (Air Pollution Control District)

Graves, Olun (Sheriff)

Greiner, Michelle (Child Support)

Harris, Vicki (Probation)

Hernandez, Ruben (Sheriff)

Holmes, Kelly (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Hubbert, Norman (Sheriff)

Hutton, Gregory (Sheriff)

Isgur, Sara (General Services)

Jacob, Dianne (Board of Supervisors)

Joaquin, Clarisa (HHSA)

Kerouac, Michael (General Services)

Knaiger, Birgit (Child Support)

Krachman, Adam (Sheriff)

Lahsaiezadeh, Mohammadali (Environmental Health)

Lawson, Michael (Sheriff)

Leger, Fred (HHSA)

Leger, Linh (HHSA)

Lehner, Daniel (Superior Court)

Little, Donald (Public Works)

Lonnegren-Kissel, Corey (HHSA)

Lugo, Raymond (HHSA)

MacArmour, Carl (District Attorney)

Manion, John (Sheriff)

Marlow, Debra (Parks and Recreation)

Marlow, Ken (Planning & Development Services)

Mendoza, Leticia (HHSA)

Mercado, Guadalupe (Child Support)

Michael, Debrework (HHSA)

Montgomery, Janet (Superior Court)

Morehead, Stephanie (Probation)

Ording, Verla Eloyce (Library)

Paine-Thoma, Patricia (HHSA)

Parker, Craig (Auditor & Controller)

Patteson, Leona (Human Resources)

Peterson, Valerie (Housing and Community Development)

Piper, Debra (District Attorney)

Powers, Terence (Planning & Development Services)

Propsner, Jimmie (Sheriff)

Ramirez Welch, Deirdre (Probation)

Razon, Victor (HHSA)

Riley, Angela (HHSA)

Rivera, Jackie (Probation)

Robinson, Lillian (Probation)

Roudenko, Deborah Joy (Probation)

Sacro, Pablo (Registrar of Voters)

Sewell, Greg (Probation)

Shanahan, Sheila (Housing and Community Development)

Smith, Eileen

Strom, William (Sheriff)

Tena, Cassandra (Human Resources)

Thurston, Sherilyn (HHSA)

Turko, Lori (Sheriff)

Vargas, Francisco (General Services)

Viers, Timothy (Probation)

Villegas, Consuelo (HHSA)

Whispell, Maria (HHSA)

White, Kimberly (HHSA)

Yurow, Marshall (HHSA)

Retirements December 2020

Anderson, Veronica (Probation)

Balan, Christopher (Probation)

Ballardo, Julie (Sheriff)

Barnes, Brent (County Counsel)

Barnett, Michael (Sheriff)

Basham, Carole (District Attorney)

Baylon, Wilhelmina (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Beyer, Alec (County Counsel)

Bravo, Agustin Manuel (Superior Court)

Broomhall, Julie (HHSA)

Chavez, Carmen (Superior Court)

Church, Fredie (Sheriff)

Daniel, Terri (Superior Court)

Deese, Daniel (Sheriff)

Dizon, Marivic (HHSA)

Duplessis, Robbin (Human Resources)

Emino, Heather (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Estrella, Adriana (Superior Court)

Farin, Reymolador (Facilities Management)

Feeley, Linda (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Fobbs, Anthony (HHSA)

Gee, Erin (Superior Court)

Guy, Judy (HHSA)

Guzman, Yolanda (HHSA)

Haas, Mikel (County Technology Office)

Hawkins, William Bradley (District Attorney)

Hofelich, Joann (Facilities Management)

Housley, Maria (Sheriff)

Huey, Carmen (Superior Court)

Huntoon, Gregory (Probation)

Jackson, Rebecca (Sheriff)

Johnson, Hernandez (HHSA)

Jones, Donna Marie (Superior Court)

Kaser, Cynthia (Sheriff)

Kearny, Wanda (Revenue & Recovery)

Leon, Lourdes (Superior Court)

Levy, Tecla (Public Works)

Lewis, Paul (Sheriff)

Magwood, Kimberlyn    

Mariano, Christopher (Probation)

Murphy, Brian (HHSA)

Neal, Marcia (HHSA)

Parks, Elizabeth Ann (Superior Court)

Pata, Michael (Sheriff)

Pretlow, Warren (HHSA)

Razo, Lisa (Superior Court)

Roberts, Kimberly (Superior Court)

Rochin-Soto, Isabel (HHSA)

Safarloo, Mahnaz (Medical Examiner)

Santrach, Joanne             

Serna, Faye (HHSA)

Shor, Nina (Superior Court)

Short, Steven

Snyder, Heidi (Air Pollution Control District)

Stidham, Pamela (Superior Court)

Talob, Suzanne (Child Support)

Taylor, Doria (Child Support)

Truong, Toni (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Valencia, Joseph (Planning & Development Services)

Vasquez, Kimberly (HHSA)

Villegas, Gerardo (Sheriff)

Wagner, Glenn (Medical Examiner)

Walker, Deanna (Child Support)

Watkins-Bush, Lacie (Auditor & Controller)

Wickstrom, Evan (Probation)

Yates, Patrick (Sheriff)

Retirements November 2020

Adams, Edward (HHSA)

Ali, Chyio (HHSA)

Anderson, Jeffery (District Attorney)

Arias, Victoria (HHSA)

Arnold, Deborah (Purchasing & Contracting)

Attisha, Sam (Board of Supervisors)

Baker, Brian (Sheriff)

Barber, Christopher (Sheriff)

Bishop, Rolf (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Brehart, Todd (District Attorney)

Burns, Donna (Sheriff)

Byers, James (AWM)

Couch, Joel (Sheriff)

Covington, Tarona (HHSA)

Culver, Joseph (Sheriff)

Doucette, Cyndi (HHSA)

Ducut, Arturo (Facilities Management)

Estrada, Julio (Law Enforcement Review Board)

Fondo, John (Sheriff)

Ganzon, Maribeth (HHSA)

Giralamo, Anthony (District Attorney)

Holmes, Peter (HHSA)

Hommel, Marianne (HHSA)

Horst, Malcolm (Sheriff)

Jeffries, Ginger (Sheriff)

Kaye, Adam (Board of Supervisors)

Keck, Deborah (HHSA)

Kneile, Carmen (Probation)

Kuritz, Marc (Land Use & Environment Group)

Le, Caroline (HHSA)

Logan, Clifton (Sheriff)

Lovelace, Lena (Sheriff)

MacDonald, Mary

Madera, Martha (HHSA)

Mahoney, Patricia (Superior Court)

Maranto, Jutta (Superior Court)

Maravillas, Charitel (Sheriff)

Marron, Michael (Public Works)

McCray, Eloise (HHSA)

McFadden, Jacqueline (Superior Court)

Mesler, Gary (Facilities Management)

Murillo, Maricela (Child Support)

Murphy, Corrine (Probation)

Noyce, Barbara (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

O'Brien, Mary (Superior Court)

Olinger, Kenneth (Parks & Recreation)

Paclibar, Maria (HHSA)

Peterson, Terrill (Superior Court)

Pimentel, Sandra (Environmental Health)

Pratt-Taylor, Briana (Sheriff)

Proesel, Scott (Sheriff)

Roland, Jason (Sheriff)

Schafer, Karla (HHSA)

Schofer, Elizabeth (HHSA)

Sherrill, Renee (HHSA)

Smith, Robin (Superior Court)

Smith, Steven (Sheriff)

Weldon, David (Sheriff)

Wood, Edward (District Attorney)

Retirements October 2020

Adauto, Robert (Sheriff)

Ahrensberg, Robert (Probation)

Andersen, Susan (Superior Court)

Bartlett, Crystal (Sheriff)

Begovich, Samantha (District Attorney)

Blankenship, Rhoda (HHSA)

Bohnert, Andrew (Facilities Management)

Borrego, Rachel (District Attorney)

Bower, Susan (HHSA)

Brick, William (Air Pollution Control District)

Brite, Steven (Sheriff)

Buck, Elsa (HHSA)

Cazares, Cecilia (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Cerda, Lisa (Sheriff)

Clemente, Catalina (HHSA)

Cooksley, David (Superior Court)

Cox, Julie (District Attorney)

Dean, Annette (District Attorney)

Gajus, David (Fleet Maintenance Support)

Glover, Levelle (Sheriff)

Goldhagen, Luz (HHSA)

Guroff, Stephen (Sheriff)

Hartnett, Katherine (Superior Court)

Hebdon, Kenneth (Sheriff)

Hill, Bridget (HHSA)

Humphrey, Juliana (Public Defender)

Ly, Vang Nao Lu (HHSA)

Moore, Steven (Air Pollution Control District)

Navarro, Arturo (Sheriff)

O'Neill, Erin (Sheriff)

Pahl, Ginger (HHSA)

Poyaoan, Domingo (Facilities Management)

Rodriguez, Rufino (Sheriff)

Severance, Tess (HHSA)

Shobe, Rebecca (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Smith, Larry (HHSA)

Troche, Rosalina (Sheriff)

Velez, Estella (Sheriff)

Weathers, Nancy (HHSA)

Wessel, James (Public Defender)

Whitney, Sara (HHSA)

Williams, Shannon (Sheriff)

Wolgamott, Glenn (Sheriff)

Wu, Ellen (Air Pollution Control District)

Retirements September 2020

Ahern, Charles (Probation)

Anguiano, Connie (HHSA)

Aragaki, Susan (Facilities Management)

Austria, Marie (HHSA)

Berg, Angela

Blanks, Ronaele (HHSA)

Bosley, David (Public Works)

Brechtlein, Eva (HHSA)

Cain, Connie (HHSA)

Cawagas, Clarissa (Sheriff)

Crowl, Keith (Sheriff)

Cruz, Sharon (Sheriff)

Custodio, Gemma (HHSA)

Davies, Dorothy (Library)

Duckett, Robert (Board of Supervisors)

Duckworth, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

Erdberg, Stephen (HHSA)

Frederiksen, Alisa (HHSA)

Furrer, Jessie (HHSA)

Gaspar, Janneth (Sheriff)

Genera, Mario (Sheriff)

Glover, Julie (Sheriff)

Gonzalez, Elena (HHSA)

Good, Alida (HHSA)

Harvey, Jonathan (Auditor & Controller)

Hazlett, David (Sheriff)

Hendren, David (District Attorney)

Huizar, Janna (Probation)

Kratochvil, Ronald (Child Support)

Kronick, Dane (HHSA)

LaBonte, Kathleen (HHSA)

Leverett, Jerry (Facilities Management)

Liss, Peter (Public Defender)

Logan, Elaine (Sheriff)

Lopez, Dario (Sheriff)

Lucero, Mercedes (Probation)

Marquez, Ronald (Sheriff)

McClellan, Steven (Public Works)

Moody, Gregory (Sheriff)

Moss, Catha Renae (Superior Court)

Navarro, Lilian (Sheriff)

Navarro, Rosanna (Sheriff)

Nguyen, Hoa (HHSA)

Nissen, Richard (Facilities Management)

Palena, Andrea (HHSA)

Ramos, Luisa (HHSA)

Rice, Nida (District Attorney)

Rucker, Holly (HHSA)

Ruf, Irina (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Sadiarin, Blesilda (Environmental Health)

Santos, Anthony (Sheriff)

Savar, Moses (HHSA)

Shepard, Thomas (General Services)

Snyder, Maria (HHSA)

Steuer, Donald (Chief Administrative Office)

Swanson, Joan (Environmental Health)

Tate-Murphy, Jennepher (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Taylor, D`Alicia Marron (HHSA)

Thompson, Sylvia (Planning & Land Use)

Van De Wiele, Brenda (Auditor & Controller)

Vargas, Sarah (Library)

Vongsavath, Mokhala (HHSA)

Retirements August 2020

Arredondo, Mario (Sheriff)

Arzate, Leticia (Superior Court)

Barhoumi, Amer (Public Works)

Barnett, Sharon (Superior Court)

Bhayani, Minaz (District Attorney)

Brooks, Kevin (HHSA)

Brown, Sharmaine (HHSA)

Castillo, Manuel (Sheriff)

Cayabyab, Blandina (HHSA)

Champion, Debrah (Child Support)

Coleman, Ronald (HHSA)

Cosby, Penny (Probation)

Deaderick, Karen (HHSA)

Distefano, Roy (Sheriff)

Drescher, George (Superior Court)

Ellis, Ruth (AWM)

Frazier, Steven (Sheriff)

Garcia, Cecilia (HHSA)

Garcia, Gabriella (Child Support)

Genovese, Charles (Sheriff)

Gjerde, Gregory (Air Pollution Control)

Grandy-Magallanes, Debra (Child Support)

Gregg, Kandy (Superior Court)

Hall, Charles (Superior Court)

Harb, Hanan (Sheriff)

Heinze, April (CAO Executive Office)

Hernandez, Antonio (District Attorney)

Holmes, Diane

Holt, Linda (Human Resources)

Horan, Brian (Sheriff)

Horan, Chinkyung (Probation)

Jaraba, Lucila (SDCERA)

Jessop, Tammy (Superior Court)

Kerley, Randy (Animal Services)

Lauhon, Jeffery (Sheriff)

Lee, Eduardo (HHSA)

Leyerle, Keith (Facilities Management)

Linnehan, Kimberly (HHSA)

Lopez, Audrey (HHSA)

Manring, John (Fleet Maintenance Support)

Martinez, Ricardo (Probation)

McKee, Andrea (Sheriff)

Morris, Dinna (AWM)

Mulligan, Dennis (HHSA)

Murray, Steven (Planning & Development Services)

Nahreini, Hooshang (Public Works)

Naji, Jamal (Public Works)

Osoimalo, Muaifoa (HHSA)

Pierce, Wendy (Library)

Posladek, Charles (Public Works)

Quinones, Andrew (Superior Court)

Ramet, Alan (Sheriff)

Randall, William (Facilities Management)

Rasch, Jason (Probation)

Revilla, Julio (District Attorney)

Ribada, Randall (Sheriff)

Ricasata, Roderic (Sheriff)

Root, Donald (Sheriff)

Schlichtenmyer, Ronald (Public Works)

Sellers, Mark (HHSA)

Smale, Nancy (Auditor & Controller)

Smith, Darin (Sheriff)

Staebler, Ronald (Probation)

Staples, Nicole (HHSA)

Sturm, Cynthia (HHSA)

Sullivan, Tonya (HHSA)

Taylor, Jeffery (Planning & Land Use)

Thomas, Todd (Public Works)

Ward, Samuel (Animal Services)

Wescoe, David (SDCERA)

Whitehurst, Melanie (HHSA)

Retirements July 2020

Alcaide, Carol (Library)

Alvarez, Joseph (Sheriff)

Amezquita, Robert (Facilities Management)

Arrendale-Madigan, Apryl Kim (Sheriff)

Ausler, Robert (Sheriff)

Banks, Adrienne (Superior Court)

Berg, David (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Blaney, Laura (Superior Court)

Blankinship, William (Public Works)

Budzien, Susan (Auditor & Controller)

Canoy, Martha (HHSA)

Dacar, Christopher (Sheriff)

Entler, Susan (Superior Court)

Giametta, Salvatore (Board of Supervisors)

Herzberger, Thomas (Public Works)

Holguin, Margarita (HHSA)

Iturbe, Ana Maria (Superior Court)

Jakobs, Vivianne (HHSA)

Johnson, Robert Jr (Sheriff)

Kaisk, Maria (Sheriff)

Kard, Robert (Air Pollution Control District)

Kennedy, Alice (HHSA)

Kindler, Patricia (Superior Court)

Kinsey, Jane (Public Defender)

Leach, Richard (Parks & Recreation)

Lloyd, Valinda Jean (Superior Court)

Lutz, Christina (Superior Court)

Manning, Thomas (District Attorney)

Manning, Tracy

Montejano, Theresa (Public Defender)

Munoz, Gabriel (Public Defender)

Myers, Jeffrey (Superior Court)

Oberg, Jennifer

Pedroza, John (Sheriff)

Proctor, Michael (Sheriff)

Rebello, Patti (Superior Court)

Rose, Sherilyn (Superior Court)

Sarmiento, Cecille (HHSA)

Schmidt, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

Spies, Catherine (Superior Court)

Stalker, Shawn (Sheriff)

Terronez, Yvette (Superior Court)

Thompson, Cynthia (Library)

Toney, Sue (Superior Court)

Wodaszewski, Lori (Superior Court

Wolford, David (SDCERA)

Woods, Crystal - (Superior Court)

Zeleny, Lisa Anne (Superior Court)

Retirements June 2020

Allen, Carolyn (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Alvarado, Sonia (HHSA)

Bonner, Karen (HHSA)

Bortz, Doranna (HHSA)

Burgess, Victoria (HHSA)

Carter, Tracey (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Cline, Deanna (Superior Court)

Contreras, Irene (HHSA)

Driskill, Elizabeth (Probation)

Duarte, Dolores (HHSA)

Friemel, Wendy (Probation)

Giaquinto, Paola (HHSA)

Hayes, Adriana (Auditor and Controller)

Heitmann, Bettina (HHSA)

Howell, Francine (County Counsel)

Javier, Maristella (HHSA)

Kleinsmith, John (Sheriff)

Martin, John (Planning & Land Use)

Martinez, Laura (Probation)

Moorhead, Deanna (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Myers, Veronica (HHSA)

Parker, Shelley (HHSA)

Parrilla, Ernest (Probation)

Pavlenko, Jacob (Sheriff)

Perez, Susan (County Counsel)

Robledo, Elizabeth (Facilities Management)

Roelens, Charles (Sheriff)

Sandoval, Frank (Sheriff)

Sbardella, Barbara (HHSA)

Schwartz, Kathleen (Planning & Land Use)

Shopoff, Edward (Library)

Smith, Bradley (Probation)

Tellez, Jewlie (Sheriff)

Tucker, Dolly

West, Joseph (HHSA)

Woodard, John (Board of Supervisors)

Zomalt, Meridith (SDCERA)

Retirements May 2020

Barron, Amy

Behn, Shanyn (Probation)

Boston, Dianne (Library)

Calderon, Roberto (HHSA)

Camacho, Silvia (HHSA)

Casutt, Carolyn (Probation)

Cole, Sean (Probation)

Fajayan, Arnold (Sheriff)

Foster, Katrina (Sheriff)

Guerrera, Eleanor (HHSA)

Hornung, Mary (HHSA)

Jones, Ernest (Sheriff)

Mercado, Juan (Sheriff)

Peleska, Theresa (HHSA)

Peterson, Patrick (Sheriff)

Pompa, Silvia (Probation)

Reed, Maryann (Auditor & Controller)

Rillera, Ricarte (Sheriff)

Sanford, Suzanne (Sheriff)

Seavello, Catherine (Sheriff)

Sierra, Erika

Starr, Kirk (Probation)

Tamayo, Laura

Valdez, Gloria (Superior Court)

Valentin, Ramon (District Attorney)

Wilson, Linda (Library)

Wolfe, Wendy

Woolman, George

Retirements April 2020

Adam Hillert, Doris (Library)

Afalla, Anna Winda (Sheriff)

Aguinaga, Mario (Planning & Development Services)

Ainsworth, Diane (HHSA)

Alberto, Renato (General Services)

Alcaraz, Martha

Allen, Kim (District Attorney)

Amita, Orlando (HHSA)

Amon, Sally (Environmental Health)

Andersen, Mark (Sheriff)

Anguitay, Susan (Sheriff)

Areigat, Nael (Public Works)

Arevalo, Edward (HHSA)

Arteaga, Maria (Superior Court)

Arthur, Lynn (Superior Court)

Ashbaugh, Hanne (Sheriff)

Bagang, Monalisa (Auditor & Controller)

Bagheri, Parvin (HHSA)

Bailey, Kristina (HHSA)

Balangcod, Beneliza (Sheriff)

Banks, Leroy (Probation)

Barrientos, Paulette (Auditor & Controller)

Barrios, Byron (Sheriff)

Barron, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

Bartlett, Anastasia (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Benbrook, Carmen (Superior Court)

Berumen, Saul Paredes (Library)

Binam, Carrie (HHSA)

Black, Stacy (Probation)

Bleakney, Stephen (Planning & Development Services)

Bohan, Matthew (Parks & Recreation)

Bowles, Emalee (District Attorney)

Brewton, Theresa (Superior Court)

Brown, Colleen (Probation)

Brown, Tonya (HHSA)

Browning, Mathew (Superior Court)

Brunette, David (Sheriff)

Bumatay, Ericson (Sheriff)

Camplisson, Dominic (HHSA)

Cardoza, Cathy (HHSA)

Carroll, Matthew (HHSA)

Castillon, Margarita (HHSA)

Castro, Eva (HHSA)

Chesler, Daniel (HHSA)

Clay, James (Environmental Health)

Cobb, Diana (HHSA)

Conde, Louis (Wastewater Management)

Condit, Edean (HHSA)

Conner, Sheryl (Human Resources)

Coon, Bruce (HHSA)

Cosart, Cheryl (Library)

Craig, David

Dalton-Koch, Karen (Superior Court)

Dang, Thay (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Daniels, Everett (Probation)

Davis, Christopher (Sheriff)

DeLeon, Margie (Probation)

Deguia, Veronica (Auditor & Controller)

Delaney, Tracy (HHSA)

Desalme, Charles (Sheriff)

Desrosiers, Ronald (Sheriff)

Diaz, Tammie (District Attorney)

Dickey, David (Sheriff)

Dickinson, Susan (HHSA)

Dickson, Denbigh (Public Works)

Dinh, Kim (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Dittrich, Gail (HHSA)

Dominguez, Berenitze (HHSA)

Dunford, William (Sheriff)

Edwards, Diane (Superior Court)

Ellersieck, Eric (Sheriff)

Ellington, Rick (Sheriff)

Engleton, Jane (Parks & Recreation)

Equipado, Shirley (Sheriff)

Fernandez, Lorraine (Probation)

Ferrell, Michael (Superior Court)

Fick, Terrence (Probation)

Figueroa, Jocelyn (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Fisher, Alice (Human Resources)

Flynn, Linda (Parks & Recreation)

Foster, Reishone (Sheriff)

Frost, June (Library)

Gallon, Maurice (Probation)

Galloway, Christy (Probation)

Gaona, Socorro (Superior Court)

Garcia, Elizabeth Gisala (Superior Court)

Garcia, Veronica (Superior Court)

Gaspar, Steven (Public Works)

Gaylor, Michael (Superior Court)

Gefrom, Rolf (Sheriff)

Geissinger, M Carolyn (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Gilbert, Lisa (HHSA)

Goff, Linda (Air Pollution Control District)

Gonzales, Lupe (HHSA)

Greiner, Kurt (Sheriff)

Grennier, Janet (Superior Court)

Grijalva, Gerardo (Sheriff)

Grossman, Randy (District Attorney)

Guerra, Rachel (HHSA)

Gullo, Rod (HHSA)

Gundert, Glen (Public Works)

Gutierrez, Angelica (District Attorney)

Guzman, Amanda (District Attorney)

Haring, Kirk (Sheriff)

Hartman, Jerry (Sheriff)

Hatashita, Fred (Probation)

Hawley, Marilyn (Air Pollution Control District)

Haynesworth, Mark (Sheriff)

Hays, Mark (Sheriff)

Healey, Robert (Sheriff)

Hekimian, Walter (HHSA)

Hellstrom, Per Erik (District Attorney)

Hernandez, Aracely (Probation)

Herzog, June (HHSA)

Hider, Kathleen (Public Works)

Holmes, Anna (Sheriff)

Hopping, Stephanie (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Horton, Laurie (HHSA)

Hubbard, Byron (General Services)

Humphrey, Michael (General Services)

Hyson, Shane (Probation)

Ignacio, Salvador (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Izaguirre, Juan (HHSA)

Jensen-Stephens, Cynthia (HHSA)

Johnston, Jo-jean (District Attorney)

Johnston, Ricky (Public Works)

Jones, Lorinda (Superior Court)

Jordan, Timothy (General Services)

Jumalon, Arcadio (Probation)

Kaloustian, John (Probation)

Kelleher, John (Sheriff)

Kessler, Alan (District Attorney)

Knox, Robert (District Attorney)

Kocur, Robert (Sheriff)

Kurtz, Michael (Sheriff)

Ladran, Grace (Child Support)

Lapurga, Edelmira (HHSA)

Le, S Susan (HHSA)

Lebitski, Henry (Sheriff)

Leclaire, Leo (Sheriff)

Leeks, Glenn (Environmental Health)

Leon-Torres, Evangeline (HHSA)

Lepe-Diaz, Teresa (Probation)

Lim, Cheryl Ann (Sheriff)

Lister, Sharon (Parks & Recreation)

Lizalde-Rodriguez, Olivia (HHSA)

Logan, Carmen (Child Support)

Lopez, Myra (Public Works)

Lopez, William (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Lovell, Thomas (HHSA)

Lozano, Antonia (HHSA)

Lucero, John (Probation)

Macam, Samuel (HHSA)

Magdamo, Teresita (HHSA)

Marientes, Reynante (Sheriff)

Marquez, Victoria (Planning & Development Services)

Martinez, Paulina (HHSA)

Maxin, Jeffrey (Sheriff)

McCann, Ted (Auditor & Controller)

McCauley, Kirk (Sheriff)

McDonald, Gregory (Sheriff)

McIntyre, Iain (Medical Examiner)

McKay, Matthew (HHSA)

McKee, Jennifer (Superior Court)

Melnik, Alla (SDCERA)

Michel-Pickett, Esperanza (HHAS)

Miller, Douglas (Public Defender)

Miller, Karl (Sheriff)

Montalbano, Peter (Sheriff)

Moore, Debbie (Animal Services)

Murchison, Corliss (District Attorney)

Murphy, Angela (Probation)

Murphy, James (Probation)

Murphy, Rita (Superior Court)

Myers, Deanna (HHSA)

Nagy, William (Sheriff)

Nesbit, Larry (Sheriff)

Nguyen, Ian (Parks & Recreation)

Nolan, Patricia (Ag, Weights & Measures)

Norman-Henderson, Lewis (Sheriff)

Noza, Ernesto (Sheriff)

Ocher, Dina (Sheriff)

Otte, Steven (Probation)

Palafox, Hector (Sheriff)

Pangalos, Chris (Sheriff)

Pangilinan, Angelita (HHSA)

Pardenilla, Reyna (Superior Court)

Pascua, Juan (Sheriff)

Passalacqua, Joseph (Sheriff)

Patel, Mrudula (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Pearsall, Gloria (HHSA)

Pelkey, Deborah (Probation)

Penalba, Chona (HHSA)

Peralta, Danilo (HHSA)

Perez, Yolanda (Superior Court)

Perfect, Lory (District Attorney)

Perrett, Mark (Public Works)

Peterson, Joshua John (Probation)

Pham, My-vinh (Superior Court)

Phillips, Ernest (Public Works)

Pollastrini, Pamela (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Porley, Alma (HHSA)

Porter-Gloria, Cari (Probation)

Potter, Leland (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Price, Gary (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Prine, Louis (HHSA)

Pucillo, James Francis (Sheriff)

Rabusa, Alicia (Sheriff)

Ramirez, Martha (HHSA)

Ramos, Persida (Public Works)

Ramos, Ronald (Environmental Health)

Randolph, Harold (HHSA)

Rastakhiz, Nahid (HHSA)

Rattanatray, Vongchanh (HHSA)

Reyes, Tara C (HHSA)

Rodriguez, Leonard (Sheriff)

Rodriguez, Nora (HHSA)

Roemer, Carol (Sheriff)

Rollin, Patricia (HHSA)

Romero, Georgina (Probation)

Rosselle, Jorge (Sheriff)

Rudisill, Robert (Sheriff)

Sadiarin, Rodrigo (Probation)

Saenz, Robert (HHSA)

Sainz, Gabriela (Probation)

Salenko, Edward (Sheriff)

Salice, Mercedita (HHSA)

Salud, David (Facilities Management)

Samilo, Deanna (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Santos, Ricky (HHSA)

Santos, Teresita (Air Pollution Control District)

Sarandi, Marina (Sheriff)

Sarasua, Christine (HHSA)

Sax, Carol (Sheriff)

Schlatter, Dennis (General Services)

Schweitzer, Linda (Environmental Health)

Sevilla, Joel (Human Resources)

Shahri, Sharareh (HHSA)

Shankle, Martha (Library)

Shawcroft, Jack (Sheriff)

Shirley, Cheryl (Sheriff)

Sighireanu, Mihaela (Sheriff)

Silva, Raul (Sheriff)

Smith, Jennifer (Sheriff)

Sobejana, Helen (Sheriff)

Stein, Mary (Public Defender)

Stemper, James (Sheriff)

Stoll, Joseph (Sheriff)

Strahm, Brent (Sheriff)

Strom, Michele (District Attorney)

Stubkjaer, Karen (Sheriff)

Swenson, Vickie (HHSA)

Tanguilig, Paul Martin (Facilities Management)

Taylor, Cheryl (Sheriff)

Thompson, Robin Lynn (HHSA)

Tilaro, Charito (HHSA)

Tomaiko, Joseph (Sheriff)

Torres, Maria (Facilities Management)

Trejo-Garcia, Celia, (Superior Court)

Trieu, Cara (Planning & Development Services)

Tsunoda, Matthew (Sheriff)

Tutt, Marlene (Sheriff)

Valencia, Maria Nancy (HHSA)

Van Leer, Ann Marie (Animal Services)

Vandervoort, Pamela (Public Works)

Vanluit, John R (HHSA)

Vega, Martha (HHSA)

Wallace, Tina (HHSA)

Webb, Morgan R (Sheriff)

Weinrick, Michael (HHSA)

Williams, Berneta (HHSA)

Willis, Floyd (Sheriff)

Woodford, Nancy (Medical Examiner)

Woods, Barri (Sheriff)

Worrick, Lisa (Animal Services)

Yim, Yat Ming (Superior Court)

Zepeda, Diana (HHSA)

Zucker, Andrew (Sheriff)

Retirements March 2020

Alvarado, Maria (HHSA)

Avila, Robert (Facilities Management)

Bailey, Maria (Probation)

Becasen, Marilou (Sheriff)

Besaw, Pamela (HHSA)

Brewer, Carl (Sheriff)

Bueno, Elenita (HHSA)

Bustamante, Susan (Sheriff)

Callewaert, Doreen (N/A)

Casserly, Timothy (District Attorney)

Chase, Catherine (HHSA)

Chism, Michele (Sheriff)

Collier, Renee (HHSA)

Dela Rosa, Serlita (District Attorney)

Domingo, Roselyn (District Attorney)

Fernandez, Chris (Probation)

Fincher, Thomas (Facilities Management)

Flowers, Bobbi (HHSA)

Ford, Robert (Public Defender)

Futrell-Williams, Lisa (HHSA)

Galloway, Robert (Sheriff)

Green, Jeffery (Sheriff)

Haworth, Debra Ann (N/A)

Hernandez, Laura (HHSA)

Horiuchi-Lopez, Ann (HHSA)

Kaumeyer, Keith (Sheriff)

Lawson, Robert (Parks)

Lewis, Robert (District Attorney)

Lizama, Naomi Wooten (Public Works)

Logan, Reginald (Public Works)

Maccurry, Barbara (Probation)

Manalo, Leila (Probation)

Martinez, Silvia  (HHSA)

Martinka, Fe (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Mashkevich, Elena (HHSA)

Masters, Mary (N/A)

McNeeley, Kevin (Sheriff)

Menkel, James (Public Works)

Millan, Lucia (Superior Court)

Mitchell, Ruth (HHSA)

Moss, Belinda (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Nakar, Ian (Air Pollution Control District)

Nelson, Margaret (Planning & Development Services)

Ochoa, Michael D (Sheriff)

Olmeda, Juan (HHSA)

Paredes, Irma (HHSA)

Pastore, Jo (Public Defender)

Powell, Diane (HHSA)

Price, Michelle (HHSA)

Ramsey, Mary (Parks)

Rosales, Oscar (Probation)

Shelton, Roderick (District Attorney)

Silva, Nestor (Agriculture, Weights & Measures)

Sison, Flora (HHSA)

Smith, Bonnie Lynn (Animal Services)

Stevenson, John (Facilities Management)

Sunico, Ferdinand (Sheriff)

Taravella, Nina (Probation)

Ton, Christina (HHSA)

Torres, Eller (Sheriff)

Vanrhyn, Jon (Public Works)

Vega-Sotomayor, Sofia (HHSA)

Washwell, Nancy (HHSA)

Weaver, Kip (Probation)

Williams, Shelley (Planning & Development Services)

Wine, Patricia (Superior Court)

Yeroushalmi, Parviz (HHSA)

Retirements February 2020

Abellar, Jose (Sheriff)

Adams, Jon (Air Pollution Control District)

Agundes, Suzanne (Sheriff)

Alemeselassie, Petros (HHSA)

Alvarez, Thelia (Sheriff)

Amora, Renato (Superior Court)

Atwood, Kathleen (HHSA)

Bareno, Silvia (Superior Court)

Baroy, Marilyn (Sheriff)

Beeson, Lisa M  (Probation)

Blucher, Frederick (Library)

Carnacite, Salvacion (Auditor & Controller)

Carrillo, Sandra (N/A)

Castillo, Miriam (HHSA)

Colberg, Donna (HHSA)

Conover, Jeanne (HHSA)

Cruz, Katherine (Sheriff)

Cruz, Mark (Sheriff)

Dart, Kari (N/A)

Davis, Barbara (HHSA)

Deems, Anita (Sheriff)

Dell, Sandra (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

Desousa, Daniel (Animal Services)

Doft, Peter (Superior Court)

Doyle, Deborah (Housing/Community Development)

Espinoza, Ruth (Sheriff)

Foster, Rita (Information Services)

Gonzalez, Jose (Sheriff)

Griffith, Gary (Environmental Health)

Hicks, Keith (Probation)

Howard, Alter (HHSA)

Insunza, Robert (Facilities Management)

Jaeger-Das, Brenda (Auditor & Controller)

Jenkins, Terence (HHSA)

Jimenez, William Angelo (Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk)

Kellett, Kristin (HHSA)

Kennedy, Michael (District Attorney)

Leslie, Charlene (HHSA)

Loo, Steve K (Registrar of Voters)

Lumaban, Rosa Fe (HHSA)

Manangan, Lydia (HHSA)

Martinez, Wendy (Environmental Health)

McDonald, Deborah (County Counsel)

Mehnert, Lois (HHSA)

Mendez, Lawrence (Sheriff)

Moore, Linda (Library)

Munoz, Roberta (HHSA)

Nepomuceno, Marivic (Environmental Health)

Olson, Timothy (Sheriff)

Pettengill, Robert (Probation)

Ravana, Loreto (Registrar of Voters)

Reyes, Teresa (HHSA)

Richter, Rodney (Sheriff)

Ridgeway, Leslie (HHSA)

Roberts, Terrie (Superior Court)

Robinson, Hope (Child Support)

Ross, Robert K   (HHSA)

Rothman, Susan (HHSA)

Sanchez, Alvamonica (Sheriff)

Servin, Albert (HHSA)

Soto, Consuelo (HHSA)

Stein, Robert (District Attorney)

Talley, Ortecia (Probation)

Tanney, Laura (District Attorney)

Teklom, Hagos (HHSA)

Thompson, Sabrina (Superior Court)

Tischer, Wanda (HHSA)

Todd, Donna (Sheriff)

Tsuida, Angela (Sheriff)

Tylke, Robert (HHSA)

Uran, Sharon (Sheriff)

Williams, Jacklyn (SDCERA)

Williams, Judy Mae (Human Resources)

Winder, Carrie Jane (Superior Court)

Winter, Michele (HHSA)

Woods, Lashay (Sheriff)

Zetina, Maria Isabel (N/A)

Retirements Jan. 2020

Aguirre, Angela L (N/A)

Allan, Rand B (DPW)

Ameng, Diane E (HHSA)

Anderson, Annette (N/A)

Andrade, Frank D (Probation)

Anonas, Alex I (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Auditor, Santiago M (Probation)

Auyon, Guillermo (Probation)

Bancroft, Marianne (Sheriff)

Barragan-Gonzalez, Rachael J (Probation)

Bejarano, Gina (N/A)

Blecha, Wendy S (N/A)

Borntrager, Robert L (Compliance)

Brown, Angela K (Superior Court)

Burgess, Barbara A (Information Services)

Callewaert, Peter E (Sheriff)

Carr, Colleen C (Ag., Weights & Measures)

Cespedes, Nelson M (Facilities)

Christensen, Belinda L (HHSA)

Clark, Debra B (Sheriff)

Coleman, Harold (General Services)

Cunningham, Jon L (Sheriff)

Davis, Cindy D (Superior Court)

Davis, Teresa (HHSA)

Dejesus, Ariel J (Facilities)

Delfierro, Redentor D (Facilities)

Duarte, Luis A (District Attorney)

Dueno, Jorge L (Sheriff)

Espiritu, David M (Sheriff)

Faris, Ronald R (Sheriff)

Felan, Chris D (District Attorney)

Ford, Dana C (Sheriff)

Geer, Boyce D (HHSA)

Gomez, Margarito (Facilities)

Gonzalez, Juan (HHSA)

Graham, Cheryl A (Public Defender

Granger, Charles M (Sheriff)

Harlan, Yvette C (HHSA)

Hebert, Thomas B (DPW)

Hill, Sharon W (Sheriff)

Houseman, Vickey L (Fleet Services)

Howard, Kathryn A (SDCERA)

Kellogg, Jean R (Sheriff)

Lane, Ronald J (PSG)

Lee, Barbara Ann V (Sheriff)

Levin, Beth A (HHSA)

Livingston, Sean M (N/A)

Locano, Elizabeth L (HHSA)

Loving, Jeffrey D (Sheriff)

Luciano, Emma C (Probation)

Magsaysay, Maria Victoria (HHSA)

Martin, Ann T (HHSA)

Mawhinney, Elise S (DEH)

McCawley-Self, Julie L (Probation)

McCracken, Christine M (Sheriff)

McLaurin, Kathryn L (Superior Court)

Meza, Philip J (Sheriff)

Miller, Deborah D (Superior Court)

Miranda, Enrico B (Facilities)

Munoz, Rosemarie C (Child Support)

Myers, Katherine A (HHSA)

Nakagawa, James A (Planning & Development)

Nesthus, Kristine P (Superior Court)

Nicholson, Holly J (Sheriff)

Norman, John A (Fleet Services)

Obrien, Lauren Rae (Probation)

Osborne, Donald A (Sheriff)

Osorio, Artemio C (HHSA)

Papayoanou, Stephen T (Probation)

Parkinson, Robert O (Probation)

Parks, Monica R (HHSA)

Payne Jones , Pragedis M (N/A)

Petrozza, Bruce V (Purchasing & Contracting)

Pinder, Kathleen M (HHSA)

Po, Ramon (Library)

Ramirez, Rosario (District Attorney)

Redford, Karran M (Sheriff)

Rinder, David R (Sheriff)

Rolan, Michael C (Probation)

Sardo, Richard W (DPW)

Schopp, Debra A (HHSA)

Scott, Harold (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Soliven, David L (District Attorney)

Stallings, Julie L (HHSA)

Stempien, Rebecca A (HHSA)

Strawn, Michael D (HHSA)

Sugahara, Francesca V (HHSA)

Sundberg, Heidi K (DEH)

Tang, Kim N (HHSA)

Topper, James M (County Counsel)

Valdez, Ernesto (Fleet Services)

Vandenberg, Carol M (Assessor/Recorder/Clerk)

Vega Congden, Maria Luisa (HHSA)

Wagner, Kathy F (HHSA)

Wynn, Karen L (Child Support)

Yant, Bruce L (Sheriff)

Zetina, Eloy H (Facilities)

Zullo, Robert A (General Services)