Polinsky Children's Center Staff (HHSA)

The Polinsky Children's Center staff "is so nice."


            "Dear Cathi Palatella (Polinsky Center Director), I am a CASA, a Court-Appointed Special Advocate for foster children. The foster child I work with is a 15-year-old girl. The other day when we were on an outing, we happened to pass the Polinsky Children's Center. In a very enthusiastic voice, she said, 'Oh, I just love that place.'

             I asked her what she liked about it and she said the people (staff) were so nice and they always had fun things for us to do.

             I know you work very hard to make the center a special place and thought you would like to hear this compliment first-hand from someone who attended your facility.

             Thank you for being a positive chapter in her life of many challenges."