Kelly Monge (HHSA - Protective Social Worker)
/Kelly Monge (Protective Social Worker, HHSA) was thanked for her persistent advice and hard work.
I don’t know how often you hear these words – probably much less than you should – but thank you.
You told me things I didn’t want to hear and made me do things I didn’t want to do or believe I needed to. But you probably saved my life.
I was resistant, rude, annoying and an outright pain, I know. It was hard to accept it all.
I was angry and ashamed but a solid 10 days on my meds and being sober for 5 days has brought so much clarity.
I know that I might take a step backward and then two steps forward because I am not perfect, but I am committed to this process and to keeping my family intact.
Please accept my sincere gratitude for all that you have done for me and my children.”