Ventura Rivera (Probation)

Officer Ventura Rivera “conducted himself in a truly professional manner and exercised control over the group while remaining fair and impartial at all times.”

            “As a result of a traffic violation I was assigned by the court to perform 19 days of public service. I was reluctant, if not resistant at first, to perform my obligation. However, after starting the program, my feelings toward it changed. Now, having completed my 19 days of service, I fully realize the benefit and merit of the program itself. I think this realization comes naturally to anyone who is open-minded and willing to accept responsibility for their actions and make amends for their past mistakes.

            I especially want to give praise to Officer Rivera whose work group I was a part of on many of my assigned days. It is refreshing to meet someone who takes pride in their work, maintains order in getting the job done and yet doesn’t abuse the authority that is entrusted to them. It is encouraging to see someone in law enforcement who conducts themselves in the professional manner that Officer Rivera does.”