Get To Know Your CAO

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Get to Know Your CAO 

What is your leadership style? 
I have spent the last few years in a coaching mode - meeting the organizations needs to grow and empower financial leaders. I’m transitioning to a visionary leader to meet the needs of the organization in my new role. 

What is a transformational moment in your life?  
Two come to mind – the birth of my first child. And, finding my family through Ancestry DNA matching. 

Why did you apply for the CAO job? 
I stepped up for the County team to provide some level of certainty during a period that has felt uncertain. I want to lead the transformation of the organization rather than have it led by someone who maybe wouldn’t understand the people and culture of this organization as well. 

What food can you not live without and one you don’t ever want to taste again? 
Can’t live without coffee! I’d be OK if I never see, smell or taste a red or green bell pepper again.  

What are your favorite hobbies?  
Cooking (not bell peppers!), murder mystery podcasts, being outside, and taking long walks at night. 

How do you stay organized? 
At work, I look weeks and months ahead to understand where I’m going, and what we need to focus on. I like to use visual dashboards and timelines to help coordinate overall activities – tools to help me step back and not micromanage. At home, I share a family calendar with immediate family and close friends so that we can coordinate and manage scheduling conflicts. 

How do you relieve stress?  
Physical movement and paying attention to sleep. I’m a big fan of rest for myself and others. I don’t subscribe to the so-called “hustle culture” – an attitude that promotes working long hours at the expense of meeting personal needs. I will ramp up when I need to meet the moment, but that’s not my default mode. 

What are your strengths?
Many departments use the Clifton Strengths assessment to learn about someone’s unique combination of strengths. Mine are communication, futurist, harmony, positivity and consistency. 

What’s your favorite place to eat? 
Panera – soup and salad is my favorite.  

What is your secret talent?  
Baking – my friends and family enjoy my Reese’s cake the most. 

What’s your favorite family activity?  
I have two young children in addition to my older one, so that means most events involve kids’ activities – things like play dates, birthday parties, gymnastics. I also enjoy spending time at the beach, pool and park.  

Do you have pets? 
I’ve had many dogs over the years, but my girls are allergic to dogs, so we recently welcomed a cat into our home for my daughter’s birthday.  

What keeps you grounded?  
My humble upbringing in San Diego. I was born and raised here and stay close to my community. I know who I am and where I came from, and it is a reminder that I am my ancestors’ wildest dreams!  

I also credit my family and friends, many of them I grew up with, along with my faith, to keep me centered. I rely on the people I work with at all levels of the organization, and I keep my values in focus. 

How do you juggle work and family? 
There will always be distractions competing for time. I accept that. I focus on being present in situations that matter the most. For things that don’t require me to be personally present, I enlist help. Also, my partner and I discuss how to share the mental and physical load. And, I remember to make myself a priority before I give to others. 

What is your overall philosophy? 
When dealing with people, I try to focus on being kind, helpful and honest all at the same time (or be quiet). I don’t always get it right, but this allows me to avoid gossiping and to set boundaries.