Shape the Future of Your Workplace!

Update: Watch the recording of the information session here.

On Sept. 16, employees in participating departments will receive an invitation to take the second biennial Employee Engagement Survey. CPS HR will again conduct the survey and provide results and analysis to the County.

In 2022, 51 percent of employees took the survey and the results guided departmental action plans to improve employee engagement. This coming survey continues these efforts and is hoped to garner increased employee input.   

Look for an email from CPS HR in a few weeks and take this opportunity to shape the future of your workplace. It’s anonymous. It’s quick. It’s your voice. The survey will be open for three weeks, and it takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

If you want to learn more about the survey, a live information session hosted by CPS HR will be held on Aug. 29 from 11 a.m. to noon. The meeting will be recorded and posted on InSite after the event.

In addition, below are some frequently asked questions with responses.

Why are we conducting this survey?

We want to hear from you to make the County of San Diego an even better place to work! We recognize the time and energy you put into serving the public as part of the County team, and research in both the public and private sectors has clearly shown the value of higher levels of employee engagement.

Improved engagement not only enhances the individual employee experience, but also leads to better decision-making and improved individual and organizational performance. Learning more about what keeps you engaged can lead to:

  • greater personal meaning in work

  • a heightened employee connection to work, co-workers, and our overall County vision

  • improved employee retention

  • improved individual performance

  • better organizational performance and outcomes

  • a higher level of customer satisfaction

  • increased involvement and collaboration in decision-making, resulting in better organizational performance and more effective use of resources

  • stronger partnerships across the organization

Utilizing the results from the 2022 Employee Engagement Survey, County departments have been action planning and conducting focus groups with their staff in areas where they would like to increase their employee engagement score. Some examples of what departments have implemented are having all-staff meetings that entail listening, collaboration and guest speakers from other departments, as well as offering more on-the-job training and access to professional workshops and conferences.

How was the survey developed?
CPS HR, an independent consulting agency specializing in employee engagement, developed the survey in 2022 for our initial survey rollout. The survey and is based on the top engagement questions from other surveys specifically designed for the public sector.

How long will it take me to complete the survey?
It should approximately 10 minutes.

Will anyone be able to find out how I responded?
All survey responses will be confidential. No one in the County will review any individual employee’s survey responses. All results will be aggregated either organization-wide or by work units within the County. Candid participation in the survey will help assess strengths, identify areas for improvement and suggest action items.

When will the survey be administered?
CPS HR will launch the survey on Monday, Sept. 16, and it will remain open through Friday, Oct. 4. CPS HR will send each eligible employee an email invitation or provide a hard-copy invitation. CPS HR will also send three email reminders during the survey period.

How will the survey be administered?
CPS HR will administer the survey online. Eligible employees will receive an email invitation with a web link that will enable you to access the survey. Employees who do not have a computer will receive paper invitations with passwords.

Will I be allowed to complete the survey during work hours?
Yes, you may complete the survey during work hours.

What if I don’t want to take the survey?
Your participation is voluntary, yet highly encouraged.

What if a survey is started but not submitted?
Surveys not submitted will not be included in the final results.

Will I receive the results of the survey?
The County plans to distribute the results of the survey after receiving results and analysis from CPS HR in the weeks following the close of the survey. 

How can the survey results be used?
The County of San Diego is committed to employee engagement, and the results will be used to assess the current level of engagement, compare it with the last engagement survey conducted in 2022, and determine action plans. The aim is to enhance positive activities and make improvements where needed.

If I have technical problems completing the survey, who would I contact for help?
Contact CPS HR at

If I have other questions about the survey, who should I contact?
Please contact Dominic Fulgoni, HR Services Manager, at