Let’s Talk About Mental Health

May is Mental Health Matters Month, a time to highlight the importance of mental health and recognize that we are not alone when it comes to mental health struggles.  

This month people are encouraged to check-in, learn more and get support for their mental health or that of a loved one.  

Mental health challenges can affect someone’s thinking, emotions, behaviors or mood.  

For some people, talking about mental health can be difficult because of stigma. Yet we know that normalizing talking about challenges can empower people to get the support they need.  

Here are some steps all of us can take to make conversations around mental health easier: 

  • Treat others with respect. Avoid hurtful or judgmental language. 

  • Educate yourself about different mental health challenges. 

  • Understand that people are more than just their mental health condition. 

  • Use “person-first” language, meaning that you should refer to someone as a “person with bipolar disorder” rather than a “bipolar person”. 

  • Speak up when you hear incorrect information being shared. 

  • Learn about mental health resources so you’re better prepared to help someone in need. 

Being open and honest about our own mental health challenges can help people feel empowered, not alone and encourage more comfortable conversations. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health challenge, call the Access and Crisis Line. It’s Up to Us SD has information on how you can support your mental health and help others in need.   

More resources are available via the County’s Employee Assistance Program.