An Important Reminder About Workplace Safety

The Commons at the County Operations Center

Team members at the County Operations Center may have seen police activity on campus today. While law enforcement determined there was no security issue, the situation is a reminder about the importance of reporting suspicious activity.  

The safety of our employees and the public we serve is our priority. If you see something that doesn’t seem right – appears suspicious or out of place – report it. Some examples include: 

  • Security gaps that make worksites vulnerable, like a door propped open or non-employees in a facility during non-business hours 

  • Suspicious activity, like an unattended backpack or package 

  • Employees or people who don't belong in secure areas and/or aren't wearing identification badges 

Today an employee at the County Operations Center notified authorities of a person and car that appeared out of place and possibly of concern. Thankfully, the situation was resolved quickly and there was no safety issue identified, but County employees took the appropriate steps.  

Please take the time to learn about and remind your team of the workplace safety information provided on the County’s employee workplace security site. This site includes resources, video and training opportunities. Safety is a shared responsibility, and if you see something, say something.