Get Gardening Tips All Year Long with Free Lunchtime Lessons

Join the Master Gardeners program for monthly gardening and sustainability talks on the first Wednesday of every month at the County Operations Center. Each event will take place from noon to 12:30 p.m. in the Demonstration Garden in the courtyard outside 5520 Overland Ave., San Diego.

March 6

Straw Bale Gardening: Delve into the innovative world of straw bale gardening. Learn how to transform straw bales into growing spaces. Discover techniques for planting, watering and nurturing gardens with minimal soil and space requirements. 

April 3

Pollinators: Explore the vital role of pollinators in our ecosystem in this class. Discover how to attract and support a diverse array of pollinators, from bees to butterflies. 

May 1

Herbs: Discover the secrets of cultivating an herb garden. From basil to thyme, get tips and tricks to grow an herb garden. 

June 5

Tool Care:  Learn the art of tool TLC in this class dedicated to caring for your garden tools. From sharpening shears to preserving wooden handles, unlock the techniques to keep your gardening tools in top-notch condition for seasons to come.  

July 3

Plumerias: Dig into the enchanting world of plumeria cultivation at this lunch and learn. Discover the secrets to nurturing these vibrant blooms, from optimal planting conditions to expert pruning techniques. 

Aug. 7

Bees: Learn how to attract, support and conserve these vital pollinators, enriching your garden ecosystem while contributing to biodiversity. 

Sept. 4

Exotic Fruits: Add a tropical twist to your garden space with this class. From cultivating dragon fruit to caring for passion vines, unlock the secrets to growing and enjoying a diverse array of delicious and uncommon fruits. 

Oct. 2

Citrus: Learn the art of growing vibrant citrus trees. From selecting the perfect varieties to mastering citrus tree care techniques, discover how to cultivate bountiful harvests of juicy fruits. 

Nov. 6

Worm Composting: Join this lunch and learn to unearth the power of worm composting. Learn the ins and outs of vermicomposting, from setting up your worm bin to harnessing nature's recyclers to create nutrient-rich compost for your garden.