Get to Know Your DCAO: Dahvia Lynch, LUEG
/Get to know the County’s new leadership team in a series of stories highlighting some professional and personal highlights. It started with Chief Administrative Officer Ebony Shelton.
In the coming weeks, we’ll introduce you to the CAO’s leadership team – the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Chief Administrative Officers and Chief Financial Officer.
Right now, it’s Dahvia Lynch’s turn. She’s the new DCAO for the Land Use and Environment Group. Previously, she was the director for Planning and Development Services.
What prompted you to apply for a job at the County?
I learned about the County’s Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) in graduate school. The MSCP was, and still is, an innovative program that balances conservation and development. I knew I had to be a part of the County’s progressive sustainability work!
Advice to someone who wants to move ahead in their career.
Do your best in every role and be open to opportunities you hadn’t envisioned. Let your “why” drive your career, not how or when you get there or what your role is. For me, it was to make the world a better place by helping people and the environment.
In the Clifton Strengths Assessment, what are you signature themes?
Relator, Achiever, Discipline, Focus and Arranger.
How do you stay organized?
I take a lot of time planning and doing my homework outside of the office. Taking time on a Sunday and first thing Monday morning to get ready for the week makes me feel prepared.
Do you have a particular philosophy? Motto? Saying that inspires you/that you live by?
Most people are mostly good. Control what you can control, let go of the rest.
Transformational moments in your life?
When my “little sisters” from Big Sister League moved in with me as teenagers. It was the most challenging and rewarding (more of the latter) experience of my life.
Do you have any pets and what do you like about them?
Four dogs. What don’t I like about them? I’d have 400 if I could.
Favorite activity or hobby?
Working out, hiking, dog beach.
Where did you grow up?
I’m a California native. I was born in northern California but have lived in San Diego since elementary school.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I am a vivid dreamer. I remember my dreams a lot and occasionally make personal decisions based on them. When I was younger, I moved to the Rocky Mountains after dreaming about them (and didn’t regret it)!
I also laugh in my sleep a lot, according to my husband (he must think I’m dreaming about his jokes).
How do you relieve stress?
Reality TV. I know it’s wrong, but it feels so right.
What keeps you grounded?
Favorite food or cuisine?
Thai or Indian food- the spicier, the better!
Favorite way to spend the weekend?
Working out, cooking, time with friends and maybe a Netflix or Hulu binge.
How do you juggle home and professional life?
I don’t over-plan, which is hard for an extrovert! I am very thoughtful about how I spend my time since free time (for most of us) is limited. While I’d like to spend more time with friends and family, I’ve learned what it takes to recharge so I can do my job effectively and feel balanced. I work in “down time” and exercise as a must.
Also read:
Get to Know Your DCAO: Brian Albright, FG3
Get to Know Your DCAO: Kim Giardina, HHSA
Get to Know Your DCAO: Andrew Strong, PSG