Chairwoman Vargas Encourages Employees to ‘Love Their Hearts’

A message from Chairwoman Nora Vargas:

Good afternoon! ¡Buenas tardes!

At the County, we value the health of all of our employees along with their families, friends and neighbors. That’s why I am once again championing our annual Love Your Heart (Ama Tú Corazón) campaign to encourage everyone to get their blood pressure checked.

Knowing your blood pressure can save your life. It is the best and easiest way to spot high blood pressure, which itself is a leading indicator of heart disease.

This year Love Your Heart officially starts on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, and runs through Leap Day, Feb. 29.  You can find a list of free screening sites in our County at

Heart disease remains our region’s second leading cause of death. The Love Your Heart initiative started 13 years ago as a way to educate people in San Diego County about it and save lives.

We timed it to correspond with Heart Health Month and have seen it expand to neighboring counties and even to cities in Mexico, who get great participation.

Today, I am asking you to mark it on your calendar and to make the time to visit one of the dozens of free screening sites across the County. It only takes five minutes!

¡Toma acción y protege tu salud haciéndote una prueba de la presión arterial! Cinco minutos pueden salvar tu vida.

Please join me in taking a step toward heart health. TOGETHER WE GOT THIS!

Here are ways you can participate:

Check Your Blood Pressure

County staff are encouraged to get their blood pressure checked during Love Your Heart Week of Action Feb. 14-29 at a location near their home or at one of the County provided sites.

Know Your Numbers

Learn more about what your numbers mean, what is healthy and how you can make small changes to create a healthier lifestyle. Attend one of the virtual lunch and learns for County employees on Feb. 15 or 28 at noon.

Follow-up with your doctor

Remember to follow-up with your doctor to get your blood pressure re-checked if the person taking your blood pressure says your numbers are out of normal range. 

For more information about Love Your Heart, visit:

Thank you and cheers to a healthy heart and life.