Enjoy the Perks of Retirement Now with RESDC

Why daydream about your retirement, when you can start taking advantage now of the many perks the Retired Employees of San Diego County (RESDC) has to offer its 8,000+ members.

RESDC Executive Director Mark Nanzer said it is an organization dedicated to advocating for retiree interests and providing pertinent information and services for its members and active employees, too!

“Our goal is to watch over and protect the interests of County employees and retirees, and ensure they stay connected and informed,” Nanzer said.

So, if you want to start planning for your retirement today, read up on what RESDC offers members:

Discounts: A variety of discounts are available to members including trust and estate planning services, tickets to movie theaters and amusement parks and for those with a sweet tooth -- See’s Candies!

Events and Social Activities: RESDC hosts a summer Flag Day celebration, an autumn health fair and picnic, and a holiday luncheon each year. The organization also holds general meetings highlighting relevant retiree issues through professional speakers including representatives from San Diego County Employees Retirement Association (SDCERA).

Advocacy and Representation: RESDC is not to be confused with SDCERA, which administers retirement and associated benefits for eligible employees of the County. RESDC also works closely with the Board of Supervisors and statewide county retiree associations on behalf of retirees.

Benefits: Once you retire, RESDC offers group benefits including dental and vision programs, travel insurance, pet insurance, life insurance, legal services and hearing aids. As SDCERA no longer offers dental insurance plans, a membership in RESDC provides an opportunity to review the competitively priced dental HMO and PPO plans offered by RESDC.

Volunteer Opportunities: Because some retirees are more active than ever, RESDC also helps connect members with volunteer opportunities at various nonprofit community-based organizations.

Informed: RESDC distributes a monthly newsletter to keep members up to date on actions of the SDCERA Board of Retirement, pertinent legislation, upcoming meetings and activities. The newsletter—The NETWORK—is available in print and online. Plus, the organization is on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Membership is $5 per month or $60 per year. For more information on becoming a member or the benefits that RESDC provides, visit resdc.net or call 866-688-9229.