Cultivate Curiosity

person wearing backpack reaches for book on shelf at library

Our Employee Wellness Program recently launched an employee wellness challenge called “Renew.” While the registration has closed, you can still benefit from these wellness micro-learnings and activities. Check back often for activities to help you create calm, boost happiness, sharpen focus and increase energy.  

Today’s lesson is on cultivating curiosity.

Stoke your drive to learn something new.

People are naturally curious — hardwired to seek out experiences and learn new things, from infants to adults. Paying attention to and amplifying this trait can be beneficial, with positive impacts on relationships, career, and overall well-being. Studies reveal what we feel intuitively: that people who show curiosity by asking questions and genuinely listening are more likable and have closer relationships.

Try these tips to cultivate your own curiosity:

  • Talk to a stranger — challenge yourself to strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know; offer a compliment or inquire about their day and where they’re headed

  • Ask questions — use open-ended ones, especially; find out something new about a colleague, family member, or long-time friend

  • Read widely — indulge your interest in topics you’ve always wondered about; spend a few hours just browsing the library, bookstore, or magazine rack with no predefined goal in mind

  • Diversify your to-dos — jot down activities that pique your interest; they can be anything from looking up an historic event to watercolor painting

  • Scramble your routine — do something new; you can even simply walk a different route or try a new recipe to cajole your curiosity.

For more information on Employee Wellness offerings, visit this InSite page.

Read more lessons from Renew.