Exercise Early for Maximum Rewards

Our Employee Wellness Program recently launched an employee wellness challenge called “Renew.” While the registration has closed, you can still benefit from these wellness micro-learnings and activities. Check back often for activities to help you create calm, boost happiness, sharpen focus and increase energy.  

Today’s lesson is on exercising early.

Start your day with physical activity for a range of benefits.

Exercise at any time of day makes you feel great — it’s far better to fit in your yoga video or trip to the gym at 9 PM than not at all. But when your schedule is flexible, moving your body in the morning gives you bonus perks:

  • Get it done — good intentions can easily be waylaid by work, social obligations, and flagging motivation; if you leave it to the end of the day, exercise is easy to put off until tomorrow — but if you make it your first priority, you’re apt to fit in physical activity more often

  • Set the tone — starting your day with exercise is a positive step that creates momentum for healthy choices throughout the day

  • Sleep better morning workouts provide the biggest benefit to quality sleep.

  • The why is easy, but the how to make morning workouts a habit can be more challenging; use these tips to get up and at ’em:

  • Try a wake-up light — sunrise-simulating alarm clocks can make it easier, especially during winter

  • Set out clothes — make it as convenient as possible to get moving by laying out your exercise clothes

  • Enlist a friend — plans to meet a buddy on the track or at the gym can add fun and make you more likely to show up.

For more information on Employee Wellness offerings, visit this InSite page.

Read more lessons from Renew.