Improve Your Zzz

Our Employee Wellness Program recently launched an employee wellness challenge called “Renew.” While the registration has closed, you can still benefit from these wellness micro-learnings and activities. Check back often for activities to help you create calm, boost happiness, sharpen focus and increase energy.  

Today’s lesson is on sleep.

Practice good sleep hygiene for more restful, restorative slumber.

Just as maintaining healthy teeth and gums requires regular oral hygiene, so too does quality sleep require regular maintenance. Sleep often takes a back seat to busy schedules, work and family demands, or holidays and travel. But good sleep is vital to feeling your best; getting 7-9 hours consistently should be a top priority. Research shows sleep benefits learning and memory, the immune system, cardiovascular health, and more. Try these tips to get the rest you need:

  • Set a sleep schedule — go to bed and get up at the same time every day (even on your days off)

  • Make it dark, cool, and quiet — create a sleep-conducive environment by covering light sources or using a sleep mask, setting your thermostat between 60-67 degrees F, and using a sound machine or earplugs

  • Go screen-free — transition away from TV, phones, and tablets at least an hour before bedtime

  • Avoid disruptive food/drink — stay clear of large meals, alcohol, and caffeine close to bedtime

  • Reset when necessary — if you haven’t fallen asleep within 20 minutes, get up and read or do something relaxing before trying again.

For more information on Employee Wellness offerings, visit this InSite page.

Read more lessons from Renew.