Take an Active Break

Our Employee Wellness Program recently launched an employee wellness challenge called “Renew.” While the registration has closed, you can still benefit from these wellness micro-learnings and activities. Check back often for activities to help you create calm, boost happiness, sharpen focus and increase energy.  

Today’s lesson is on active breaks.

Move your body to give your brain an edge.

When you need to refresh and recharge for better focus, shake a leg. Physical activity promotes good circulation and balances neurotransmitters that influence learning, attention, and decision making. Get in the habit of taking active breaks, and you’ll improve your ability to concentrate.

Extended periods of sitting impair circulation and metabolic health, detracting from mental performance. You’ll do your best thinking when you break up sedentary time with movement. Actively stepping away from any task gives your brain a needed rest and change of scenery. A brisk walk works wonders, but it’s not the only option. A few ideas:

  • Take several flights of stairs

  • Do a couple sets of jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, or lunges

  • Stand up and stretch your back, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, hips, and legs

  • Use exercise equipment like a stationary bike, elliptical, or rower

  • Be active outdoors whenever possible

  • Follow along with a fitness video

  • Try some yoga poses

  • Build strength with dumbbells or resistance bands

  • Jog in place or dance for a few minutes.

For more information on Employee Wellness offerings, visit this InSite page.

Read more lessons from Renew.