Picture Your Best Future Self

Our Employee Wellness Program recently launched an employee wellness challenge called “Renew.” While the registration has closed, you can still benefit from these wellness micro-learnings and activities. Check back often for activities to help you create calm, boost happiness, sharpen focus and increase energy.  

Today’s lesson is on setting goals

Imagine your optimum future and plan how to get there.

Goal setting can feel a little abstract… we vow to improve eating habits or exercise more for better health or strive to work harder for success. But what if you reframe goal setting — driven not by what you want to do better, but by a sharp view of where you want to end up?

Start by vividly creating in your mind, then writing down the best future you can imagine. Envision yourself having reached important milestones and enjoying life at various points ahead. Be sure to include clear specifics and distinct details, for example:

  • Instead of: “I hope to advance at work,” try “I’ve advanced to assistant manager, and I feel fulfilled in carrying out my responsibilities.”

  • Instead of: “I’d like to spend more time with family,” try: “I’ve created a tradition of hosting regular Sunday family dinners, and I’m more connected to them than ever before.”

  • Instead of: “I want to exercise regularly,” try: “I’ve become a walker, and I look forward to being out in the fresh air — I feel great and can’t imagine going without my daily walk.”

A detailed, concrete, positive vision is exciting and motivating, encouraging you to move toward goals with purpose.

For more information on Employee Wellness offerings, visit this InSite page.

Read more lessons from Renew.