Chairwoman Vargas Message: It's Time to Love Your Heart

A message from Chairwoman Nora Vargas:

Good afternoon! ¡Buenas tardes!

As a long-time healthcare advocate, I am proud to champion once again the Love Your Heart (Ama Tú Corazón) initiative. Your health is important, not just for yourself but for your loved ones as well.

The Love Your Heart “week of action” starts tomorrow, and it’s a great reminder to get your blood pressure checked. Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, and many don’t even know it because it’s rare to notice any symptoms.

For black and Latino community members, it is particularly important to get checked. Due to long-time health disparities, they are at higher risk of developing high blood pressure and other complications. High blood pressure is one of the only leading indicators of heart disease, which remains the second leading cause of death in San Diego County.

Take charge and keep your heart healthy by taking a 5-minute check that can save your life. We have dozens of sites county-wide and many of these are at county buildings near where you work.

¡Toma acción y protege tu salud haciéndote una prueba de la presión arterial! Cinco minutos pueden salvar tu vida.

Please join me in taking a step toward heart health. TOGETHER WE GOT THIS!

Here are ways you can participate:

Check Your Blood Pressure

County staff are encouraged to get their blood pressure checked during Love Your Heart Week of Action February 11-19 at a site near their home or at one of the County provided sites.

Know Your Numbers

Learn more about what your numbers mean, what is healthy and how you can make small changes to create a healthier lifestyle.

Participate at an event

Come out to one of our community Love Your Heart fairs:

Saturday, February 11, 2023
Noon – 3 p.m.
San Ysidro Health Chula Vista
678 Third Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910

Saturday, February 25, 2023
Noon – 3 p.m.
Ramona Library
1275 Main St. Ramona, CA, 92065

Follow-up with your doctor

Remember to follow-up with your doctor to get your blood pressure re-checked if your numbers are out of normal range. 

For more information about Love Your Heart, visit:

Thank you and Happy Love Your Heart Week!