Get to Know CSDFEA Vice President Kathleen Mendoza

Kathleen Mendoza sitting on a decorative boat with large sail

The County has 10 great Employee Resource Groups (ERG). They are each led by a respective board who all demonstrate commitment and stewardship of its members to the various sectors of our community.

Get to know the County of San Diego Filipino-American Employees’ Association (CSDFEA) Vice President Kathleen Mendoza, a financial policy and planning officer with the Office of Financial Planning.

Q: How long have you worked for the County and what departments have you worked for?

A: I have been with the County for almost 15 years now and I currently work for the Office of Financial Planning (OFP). I have also worked for the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office, HHSA Fiscal Services, Psychiatric Hospital, and the Department of Public Works.

Q: What do you do in your role/what are your job responsibilities?

A: My main role is to administer the Community Enhancement and the Neighborhood Reinvestment grant programs on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. I also take part in the preparation of the County’s Operational Plan.

Q: What’s your workplace superpower?

A: I was told that I bring positive energy into the workplace. I’m the kind of person who always has a smile on my face, even when it’s super busy/hectic.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of work.

A: On the weekends, I am either out spending quality time with family and friends, or at home spending hours watching movies or TV. I also try to stay active by going to the gym, running outdoors, or hiking with friends.

Q: What are you passionate about?

A: I love to travel and always find myself planning my next destination. I travel to experience different cultures, explore new sights, try new foods, or just to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve received from a mentor?

A: Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, be afraid of not learning from them.

Q: What are some resources that you find useful and recommend to others?

A: One resource that I recommend is the County’s quarterly D&I Digest that provides insightful materials (videos, articles, podcasts) for County employees.

Q: Tell us about your ERG.

A: CSDFEA creates spaces for our members to grow through our professional development initiatives; cultivate the bayanihan (community) spirit through our community service and charitable efforts, annual scholarship, and collaborations with County of San Diego departments, ERGs and community-based organizations; raise awareness about the history and heritage of Filipino-Americans through our Fil-Am events; and engage with members through activities such as our mixers, Live Well hikes, book clubs and film showings. Through the efforts of our team, CSDFEA was recently awarded the Asian Pacific Islander ERG/BRG of the Year Award by the Asian Business Association of San Diego.

Q: Why are ERGs important?

A: ERGs provide resources for its members to grow both personally and professionally, creates spaces to connect with other County employees, strengthens multicultural awareness and supports diversity, inclusion, and equity in the County of San Diego.

Through CSDFEA, I was able to meet and build relationships with other County employees, some who I now consider my friends and mentors, and connect with other Fil-Am organizations within San Diego. CSDFEA gave me this space where I am able to lead and give back to our community, together with our board, our members and fellow ERGs.

Q: What is your ERG looking forward to this year?

A: Being able to do more in-person social events and collaborations with other ERGs and community organizations. Together, we are stronger!

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