Departments to Give Budget Presentations to Board

exterior of CAC

Your department may be among those set to give budget presentations to the Board of Supervisors during special meetings Thursday and Friday.

The presentations are taking place before public hearings on the recommended Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget get underway in June.

The special meetings begin at 9 a.m. on both days at the County Administration Center downtown. The sessions are available live online.

Presentations do not have a set time, but they are scheduled in the order below:   

Thursday, May 19

Public Safety Group (PSG)

·       PSG Introduction

·       San Diego County Fire

·       Probation

·       Public Defender

·       District Attorney

·       Sheriff

Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA)

·       HHSA Introduction

·       Self-Sufficiency Services

·       Child Welfare Services

·       Aging & Independence Services

·       Housing & Community Development Services

·       Homeless Solutions and Equitable Communities

·       Public Health Services

·       Medical Care Services

·       Behavioral Health Services

Friday, May 20

Land Use and Environment Group (LUEG)

·       LUEG Introduction and rest of LUEG departments

·       Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice

·       Planning & Development Services

·       Public Works

·       Parks and Recreation

·       Environmental Health and Quality

·       Library

Finance and General Government Group (FGG)

·       FGG Introduction & remaining FGG departments

·       Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk

·       Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board

·       Office of Economic Development and Government Affairs

·       Office of Equity and Racial Justice

·       Office of Ethics, Compliance and Labor Standards

·       Purchasing & Contracting

·       General Services