Get To Know PISCE Treasurer Isobel Kinsang

Isobel Kinsang and family

The County has 10 great Employee Resource Groups (ERG). They are each led by a respective board who all demonstrate commitment and stewardship of its members to the various sectors of our community.

Get to know Pacific Islander Society of County Employees (PISCE) Treasurer Isobel Kinsang, an office support specialist with Medical Care Services.

Q: How long have you worked for the County and what departments have you worked for?

A:  17 years and six months in total. I worked six months as a temp at California Children Services; then, 17 years permanent with the Health and Human Services Agency.

Q: What do you do in your role/what are your job responsibilities?

A:  I provide a wide variety of complex and technical administrative support to the entire Medical Care Services Division, but mainly to the administrative analyst III, program coordinator, principal analyst, managers and executives. I manage and process payments for Verizon invoices. As a long-time P-Card holder, I have also taken the lead on supply orders and equipment for the department. I also submit payments for subscription renewals, professional licensure and membership renewals for nurses and physicians. In addition, I assist with maintaining inventory control for the department.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was assigned a task to collect staff telework weekly reports and COVID-19 time tracking reports. I am also the H.E.A.R.T. ambassador for MCSD.

Q: What’s your workplace superpower?

A:  My workplace superpower is to provide access to quality, timely and evidence-based care in San Diego County’s communities.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of work.

A: Aside from my career job with the County, I also serve passionately alongside fellow Pacific Islander community leaders in various community outreach events that promote culture-centered advocacy, research and leadership development.

In addition, I am an active member of the leadership board of MOMUSA (Micronesian Outreach Ministries USA). I serve this church organization as a finance advisor and an interim secretary.

When I don’t do work, I enjoy running at the beach during sunset, going on hiking trails at sunrise, taking leisure trips when time permits and pretty much just spending quality time with families and friends.

Q: What are you passionate about?

A: Generally, I am very passionate about helping others.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve received from a mentor?

A: “You are not in this job position by an accident. You are here to make a difference” –M.O.

Q: What are some resources that you find useful and recommend to others?

A: The Pacific Islander Festival is amazing. They provide you with a one-stop FREE annual event where you get to taste and see the traditional cultures and lifestyles we share among the three regions (Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia) in the Pacific basin. San Diego is the home city of the Pacific Islander Festival, the longest-running annual event in San Diego.

Q: Tell us about your ERG.

A: PISCE ERG cultivates multi-cultural competency and awareness of the many island nation cultures that make up Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. We assist with recruitment for County employment within the Pacific Islander community to assist in retaining a diverse workforce. And we support County initiatives and prepare members for advancement and leadership positions within the County.

Q: Why are ERGs important?

A: ERGs are important because they are the fundamental melting pots that connect bridges between groups, departments, people and their ideas here within the County of San Diego. These groups were formed to meet the needs for an inclusive and safe place for employees who share common interests and backgrounds to meet and support one another in a social and professional way. ERGs motivate and empower employees to be the change they are meant to be.

Q: What is your ERG looking forward to this year?

A: A couple of our primary goals this year are to encourage membership recruitment, and to also collaborate with our sister ERGs with different activities to promote career development, community outreach events and school partnerships.

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