Get To Know EWA Board Member Diana Eid-Chammas

Diana Eid-Chammas

The County has 10 great Employee Resource Groups (ERG). They are each led by a respective board who all demonstrate commitment and stewardship of its members to the various sectors of our community.

Get to know Emerging Workforce Association (EWA) Board Member Diana Eid-Chammas, a manager with Auditor & Controller.

Q: How long have you worked for the County and what departments have you worked for?

A: I have worked for the County for over 16 years. I worked for the Auditor and Controller’s Financial Accounting Division for 8 years and then took a promotion with the Auditor and Controller’s Office of Revenue and Recovery.

Q: What do you do in your role/what are your job responsibilities?

A: Currently I am an A&C manager in the Office of Revenue and Recovery overseeing the Fiscal and Operations Divisions. I am lucky to lead a team of 30 talented and dedicated team members. I manage and oversee tasks that include County and court-ordered accounts receivable management services, distribution of collections- including victim restitution, state reporting, and providing excellent customer service to our County departments and the public. This is only made possible by investing time in developing our processes, workforce and relationships – all of which I take pride in and responsibility for in my job.

Q: What’s your workplace superpower?

A: I think my workplace superpower is my tenacity and my ability to motivate others and get results. I am always up for a challenge and will go the extra mile. I lead by example, give credit where credit is due and shine a spotlight on individual and team accomplishments.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of work.

A: Outside of work I am a mother to three incredible children who continue to teach me things about myself and help me see the world through a different lens. I have called San Diego home for over 17 years and cherish my Lebanese roots. I enjoy the music, the food and the tight-knit family festivities. I love San Diego and take every chance I get to go to the beach, take a hike, or just spend time outdoors with my family.

Q: What are you passionate about?

A: Kindness. Whatever you do, be kind. Simple acts of kindness have lasting positive impacts.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve received from a mentor?

A: Don’t underestimate your abilities and accomplishments.

Q: What are some resources that you find useful and recommend to others?

A: Join an ERG! Find a mentor!

Q: Tell us about your ERG.

A: I have been on the EWA board for over 2 years. Throughout this time, EWA has been constantly evolving and growing. Its leadership is dynamic and ambitious and brought on a whole new meaning to the word “emerging.” 🙂 EWA embraces members in different phases of “emerging.” Whether you are a new County employee or veteran employee embarking on a new journey, EWA is a place to connect with others and find support.

Q: Why are ERGs important?

A: Joining EWA has been a great and rewarding experience. I think ERGs are a great way to meet people outside of your “work bubble” and learn more about the County from people who work across different County departments. Although ERGs are a great place to network and “get your name out there,” they are also a great place to share tips, ideas and resources that you can bring back to your department and incorporate in your daily work as well.

Q: What is your ERG looking forward to this year?

A: This year I am excited to support EWA in various activities and County initiative inspired events such as the Fireside Chats, mentorship opportunities, and building awareness and outreach to promote ERGs and their role in shaping the County workforce.

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