How Does your Unconscious Mind Filter and Process Info?

We all have blind spots when it comes to bias. And we all can learn how to become more aware of them.

Blind Spots: An Unconscious Bias Training is a new course required for all employees. The D&I Executive Council and the Department of Human Resources rolled out the interactive series of videos and follow-up questions created by PricewaterhouseCoopers, number three on Diversity Inc’s top 50 companies list.

Over 5,000 County employees have completed the e-learning course in the Learning Management System. The engaging videos in the training introduce us to important concepts about how our unconscious mind filters and processes information. These videos are followed by interactive learning activities for employees to reflect on what they’ve learned. Here are what some of your fellow employees have been saying after completing the course:

quotes from employees that have taken the training

The training is assigned to all employees via our LMS and will take 20 to 30 minutes to complete. You can find it on your LMS Timeline now!

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