Live Like You’re Retired with RESDC

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Dreaming of retirement? You don’t need to wait to enjoy some of the benefits of retired life. Active County employees can join the Retired Employees of San Diego County (RESDC) to take advantage of the many perks it offers its 6,500+ members.

RESDC Executive Director Mark Nanzer said the nonprofit has evolved over time from a largely social group to an organization that offers benefits, discounts, representation, advocacy and, of course, fun.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, RESDC started offering meetings, programs and parties online. A significant plus associated with these “travel-less” events was many more people could participate, including members who have moved away from San Diego County.

“Our goal is to watch over and protect the interests of County employees and retirees, and ensure they stay connected and informed,” Nanzer said.

Some of the perks of RESDC membership include:

Discounts–A variety of discounts are available to members including for trust and estate planning services, tickets to movie theaters and amusement parks and sweet deals on See’s Candies.

Events and Social Activities–Due to the pandemic and prioritizing what is in the best interest of the health and well-being of members,  in-person events have been suspended for the time being and replaced with virtual membership meetings via Zoom web-conferencing and on demand at the RESDC YouTube channel. When it is safe to hold group events again, RESDC will resume hosting bi-monthly in-person membership meetings featuring professional speakers addressing relevant issues. RESDC will also resume holding its annual Flag Day Luncheon, an autumn Health Fair Picnic, a festive Holiday Luncheon and other group events including Padres baseball games and theatre outings. The organization also has hosted virtual general meetings highlighting relevant retiree issues through professional speakers including representatives from Aging and Independence Services.

Advocacy and Representation–RESDC should not be confused with San Diego County Employees Retirement Association (SDCERA), which administers retirement and associated benefits for eligible employees of the County. The 8th seat on the SDCERA Board of Retirement is elected by all retirees and has a fiduciary duty to represent all SDCERA members. RESDC also works closely with the Board of Supervisors and statewide county retiree associations on behalf of retirees.


Benefits–When you actually retire, RESDC offers group benefits including dental and vision programs, travel insurance, pet insurance and discounted home and vehicle insurance.

Scholarship Program–The organization offers five Merit Scholarships annually. The scholarship program is open to RESDC members’ immediate family who are outstanding high school seniors planning to attend college.

Information: RESDC distributes a newsletter to keep members up to date on actions of the SDCERA Board of Retirement, pertinent legislation, upcoming meetings and activities. The newsletter—The NETWORK—is available in print and online. Plus, the organization is on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Membership is $5 per month or $60 per year. For more information on becoming a member or the benefits that RESDC provides, visit or call 866-688-9229.