CAO Message: Working Our Way Through the COVID Surge

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer:

We’re all dismayed to see the large recent upswing in COVID-19 cases. I know this is affecting all of you at some level. Some of you have caught the virus yourselves, others have sick family members.

The high number of illnesses has impacted us in the workplace. Even if you’ve managed to avoid falling ill, you may have had co-workers who are out, and that means stepping in to help. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everyone rallying to support each other as we continue to serve residents who are also struggling with this surge.

As it has throughout the pandemic, the guidance has kept shifting, and I know it’s a challenge to keep up. The science evolves, our understanding grows, and at the same time, the virus mutates.

The CDC and state health officials recently revised steps people should take if they have COVID-19 or think they were exposed to someone with it. We are following these guidelines for our workforce. Human Resources and Public Health Services have put together information to help you through what actions to take in different circumstances. It can’t cover every situation perfectly. If you have questions, work with your department’s HR representative.

I mentioned we’re stretched thin. Many of you are conscientious and don’t want to let your colleagues down. We need you, but we need you healthy, especially if you report to a site in person. If you’re not feeling well, please stay home. Do it for yourself and for those around you.

And continue to take the additional preventative measures. Wear a mask in indoor public places – wear it tight, wear it right. If you haven’t gotten your booster, get it. 

We’re all feeling exhausted by the pandemic. As the line goes, we’re through with COVID but it’s not through with us. It’s tremendously hard for us to fight through these surges while also addressing the many other priorities before us. I thank you for your continued energy and commitment, and I wish you and your loved ones the best as we work through this difficult time.