CAO Message: New Masking Recommendation
/Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer:
I expect you’ve heard the County is following the CDC in recommending that everyone now wear a face covering in indoor public settings. Everyone – even if you’re fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
Our local case numbers have shot up in recent weeks, and hospitalizations are climbing as well. Research shows the Delta variant of the virus is more easily spread, and that’s expected to drive numbers up even further.
We’re trying to put the brakes on this trend. Masks are effective, and I’ll stress that this is a recommendation, not a mandate in most of our work settings. However, there are some areas where masks were already required due to the nature of work performed and that requirement continues.
You may have also seen this week that the state will require its workers to show proof of vaccination or go through regular testing. Self-attestation of vaccination will not be sufficient. We will be implementing similar requirements for our County workforce before August 9. Details are being worked out so look for more on that soon.
While masks can be a big help, I can’t emphasize enough that getting vaccinated is the real key to getting us fully reopened safely and back to enjoying all the things we love to do in San Diego! We are now in the midst of a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
I appreciate everyone taking the steps needed to protect our community’s health. Stay strong, stay well.