New Pronouns Policy


The County has approved a new policy on the use of pronouns. The policy, which fosters an environment of inclusiveness and belonging, supports employees who wish to be addressed by their expressed pronouns and name.

The guidelines in the policy will help you navigate the use of pronouns whether they are “he, him, his,” “she, her, hers” or “they, them, theirs.”

The use of correct pronouns is important because it acknowledges and respects someone’s gender identity.

“It is heartening to see the County implementing this pronoun policy. This action demonstrates our commitment to diversity and inclusion is more than just on paper, it is part of our County culture,” said Ben Parmentier, chair of our LGBTQ&Allies Employee Resource Group. “Using correct personal pronouns shows respect, and fosters an inclusive environment for coworkers and our customers.”

Learn more about the guidelines, voluntary steps you can take and find resources in the policy.

If you have questions, reach out to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Division at 858-505-6620.