Justice for George Floyd and the Work Ahead

Message from Chief Administrative Officer Helen Robbins-Meyer and Office of Equity and Racial Justice Director Andrew Strong:

It’s a profoundly emotional day. And, we hope, a defining moment.

After almost a year, our justice system worked, and the man who murdered George Floyd was found guilty today.

The verdict does not bring back his life or take away the trauma experienced across the nation.

So while we take some comfort in seeing justice for George Floyd, we must recognize there is much work to be done. In our society, in our criminal justice system, and in our County. We must all act together to make enduring, systemic change to end racism and ensure justice.

No matter the outcome of the trial, Floyd’s murder, the wounds it opened, and the reckoning it prompted have affected us in ways we may not know. Please continue to take care of yourselves and know that there are resources for you if you are experiencing emotional distress. Take advantage of the County’s Employee Assistance Program if needed.

Be heartened by today’s verdict that we can move in the right direction. But know it will take our constant energy and attention to keep moving forward. Please stand with us as we reaffirm our commitment to creating an equitable and just County government for all.