Speaking Our Stories (Mental Health Awareness Month Initiative)

Join “Speaking Our Stories” from noon to 1 p.m., May 4. The lunch and learn, which coincides with Mental Health Month, will feature a panel of speakers who will touch on their experiences.

“Our trauma can affect our mental health, and by speaking about these stories, it serves the purpose to heal or to relate with one another as often what we have experienced has been experienced by others.

If we don’t tell our stories, how will anyone learn of the injustices experienced? We can only thrive together, if we understand one another and each other’s struggles. It’s so important for County employees to be trauma informed.”

This lunch and learn is a collaboration between the Middle East Employee Resource Group MEERG and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Allies Employee Resource Group (LBGTQ&A) and the San Diego County Latino Association Employee Resource Group(SDCLA).

Join the virtual event.

See the flyer.